You have 10 seconds to justify private ownership of land

You have 10 seconds to justify private ownership of land.

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because i'm a man.


There has been no sophisticated high society in history that did not have some form of private ownership of land in history. So it stands to reason that private ownership of land is important in the creation and maintaining of sophisticated large societies.

you have 5 seconds to justify public ownership of land

Because property taxes.

Mass starvation everywhere that collective property ownership has been the norm.

It’s the only true form of human freedom.

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You have 10 seconds to beat it before I add you to the list of NSF casualties.

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It's natural.

You have 9 to get off mine

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Humans are animals. Territory animals.
Sure, usually, the land belonged to your tribe but you had a right on it. It's not the same than allowing any stranger to invade it.
If another tribe comes and claims the land as its own, then a fight for dominance will begin and the loser will have to flee, no hard feelings.

No matter how and why, I have lands and if someone try to steal them, I'll kill them or die trying. Do whatever you want.

You can't

no, YOU have 0.6 milliseconds to justify 100% state owned property.

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Well you are right OP Israel is an illigal state and the land should be given back to the people of palestine


Rest of the thread is failing horribly.

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I want to own land.
As this crisis shows, every boomer needs to be self sufficient to a large degree and be able to isolate for years, while also enjoying nature.
And bad pandemics are not even the biggest reason.
You want quiet, space, healthy food, and not relying on chemicals and factory farms.

You can't, the state must be abolished.
Which is why private property must be abolished.
There is no private property without a state to enforce it.

Lockdown is literally hell for boomers who live in small apartments.
It's just too fucking sad to watch. And it will go on for 2 years???


Why would you invest your time money and energy in something that doesn't belong to you?

You can't. Private ownership of land divides the volk. Only collective ownership by racially pure and united nation can ensure safety from outside interference.

>no one should own land or property
t. Person who is renting property

If all property is public, you only have one landlord in the entire country, and it's the government.

>And it will go on for 2 years???
And what if vaccines don't work against this virus?

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The secret Yas Forums server link is discord gg 2hc3gS6
We will interview James Mason this week. Get in.

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You have 10 seconds to justify walking on someone else's land and putting a house down on it and calling the displaced people terrorists and killing them to prove that you have no responsibility in the situation and if they get angry and retaliate that just shows that they are the ones at fault

it’s the most unnatural premise in all of nature. animals are mostly territorial and mark boundaries and establish dominance over a particular space in nature. this is true all the way to the micro-biological level of ecosystems. organisms of all sizes and varieties face the threat of injury or death when trespassing into the space of another. stupid jew parasite wouldn’t understand.

>and if they get angry
Yeah no, that's not what motivates Islamic terrorism.
Unfortunately it's a mindless death cult. They would be joyfully killing infidels "to quickly go to paradise" no mater what.

you have less than 3 to get in the oven.

They are jews like disproportionate amount of landlords are. Done.

>no private property without a state to enforce it
fuck you’re actually retarded. this has to be a slide thread. nice bait now fuck off

No I don't, get fucked you swine


> its okay to steal land
flag checks out

Speak to my property manager, kike.

The only reason I do anything is so that I can have kids and leave them with more than I ever had. The people with this attitude are the ones that keep things moving. Taking away private property makes me work not for my children, but for the whole country (more than it is already with property taxes). I might give charity, but I don't really care about providing for everyone in the country. It's not natural to. I only care about producing for my family and their future.

so israel goes back to the Palestinians is what your saying?