Simple reminder

Stalin defeated Hitler.

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Hitler defeated Hitler.


who gives a fuck everyone lost in the end


No he didn’t, winter defeated hitler

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Reminder that the USSR did White Nationalism right while the Reich didn't.

>winter defeated hitler
Such an underwench.

Last I checked Stalin and co got butchered like animals. Something like 30 million dead. Took daddy U.S.A to almost go into bankruptcy to save the eastern front. Say thanks.

Daily reminder that Stalin was dumb enough to trust Hitler

yeah and then jews poisoned stalin

Yep was right. Lmao at that death count. The allies' performance was palpable.

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Stalin did not defeat Hitler.
Hitler defeated himself.

>what is Operation Edelweiss
>communism bad
Absolute brainlet mutt.

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The US didn't do shit, they only invaded to stop the USSR from taking over the whole continent, which would have happened. Only indoctrinated idiots like you will deny this.

Bei gitlera... Probably garbled, don't fully know cyrillic... Picture context.. Guessing... Die hitlera... Normalizing.... Die Hitler.. Overnormalizing... "The Hitler".

This Nazi defeated the (((USSR!))) haha

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Yes US did something: they funded Nazism.

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>USSR did White Nationalism

Apart from the whole creating a shitskin army to defeat the European-Russians & then enslaving them in (((communist))) system...

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The gears of war are money and arms, blood is just the grease. The US's part in that pointless conflict was to raise trillions in bonds and industrial goods and supply the UK and Soviet Empire.

...with capitalism tanks and planes.

How does it feel to be the footsoldier of capitalism?

Hitler was Capitalist, not socialist

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Simple reminder it was based tito who got Stalin killed not muuh jews conspiracy

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faggot if it wasnt for the 8th airforce you'd be speaking german right now, but at least you'd have decent roads.

Because we all know russians are all imun to winter and all russians had some magical equipment imun to winter too am i right fat fuck

Go back rooster animal

The Jew defeated both.

>Simple reminder
fuck you kike , get back in the oven

Yas Forums is a HITLER board

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Tell me more about central banking under Hitler.
The rootless international clique, the ones you call capitalists are the ones who didn't declared war on the USSR when they invaded Poland and gave them shitloads of tanks, trucks, planes and everything you can dream of.

Burgers defeated gommunism
And sonic

Well aryanism IS kind is cosmopolitanism

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Lend-Lease. "Now they say that the allies never helped us, but it can't be denied that the Americans gave us so many goods without which we wouldn't have been able to form our reserves and continue the war," Soviet General Georgy Zhukov said after the end of the War. "We didn't have explosives, gunpowder.

Joseph Stalin, during the Tehran Conference during 1943, acknowledged publicly the importance of American efforts during a dinner at the conference: "Without American machines the United Nations could never have won the war."[42][43]

In a confidential interview with the wartime correspondent Konstantin Simonov, the Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov is quoted as saying:

Today [1963] some say the Allies didn't really help us ... But listen, one cannot deny that the Americans shipped over to us material without which we could not have equipped our armies held in reserve or been able to continue the war.[44]

stalin and their top general saw it different but what would they know i am sure some internet warrior rooster knows much better.

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Very similar to current UE

Well that's what the commies wanted - SEGA thread

Absolute jew to be posting this type of horse shit with German flag. Gtfo faggot

>>SAG3 in every field

And US defeated USSR. Even without muh guns.