White ppl be like

Behold! The white male specimen in all his glory!

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ah yes, the white man.
the person that has a job and buys things to stimulate the economy and doesn't steal like niggers do.

They will never grow up.

>Stimulate the economy
Oh yes, keep stimulating the economy, focus on your little toys, white man; don't start a family.

>nooooooooo stop enjoying things ;_;

>Funko Pop

These things are so ugly and stupid looking, I will never understand why they are so popular.

Wheres the nintendo switch?

what's the appeal of those things?I can understand someone wanting to buy a statue of a character they like but those things make the character into a generic soulless blob.

Attached: tefHF19.png (477x718, 580K)

Shut up nerd

Kylo Ren sounds like Guy Blow Men. Coincidence?


This. All Funkos look like near-identical lumps of shit.

Attached: Funko virgin.jpg (1166x1920, 131.49K)

Is it better if the ex wife uses his money on shoes?

I mean, you as a man are fertile untill you die. You have time-

>focus on your little toys, white man; don't start a family
that jump.
how do you think in such a fucked manner?
>he buys shit so that means he can't start a family
why are australians so broke?

You act as if the two are mutually exclusive.

You can start a family and still have disposable income to spend on your hobbies.

Stop getting triggered by how other people are spending their money.

>Behold! The white male specimen in all his glory!

Attached: 10240245.jpg (300x300, 47.57K)

that kinky hair tho? that ain't white unless your in muttland, it's some kike hybrid

I’ve slapped losers who make that face


>Peak white male

This. They all look the same. what's the point?

Still a faggot

>mean, you as a man are fertile untill you die.
Not with my 5g wifi cell phone in my front pocket. But that's okay because it lets me stream Netlfix and Marvel movies on my handheld!

when you take a man that used to conquering all his glory, he start conquering using economic means....but these are liberals, thats why the conquering shit
you know what i conquered with money? i bought a fast cash loan store. guess where? in a ghetto! i give loan to people who are dark skinned and i charge them 300%, and if they cant i sell it to shark loans so they can beat them up....i enjoy it so much...one of my hobbies is to go around the hood and see how my little hobby done to them..

i dont know what race you are.
if you are white, know that i am doing much better for white justice than you ever done.
if you are black, know that i am drinking your blooda blood.
but since you are chink just know that there are asian poors and they are not immune to my work

With your dick?

Boys who were raised by their single mothers without a strong masculine role model in their lives.

They are stunted growth man children. Coddled by their moms never grew out of their adolescent phase.