Is he losing it?

He's making less and less sense and is cancelling more and more public appearances. Wtf is going on?

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who cares? he has proven to be useless like all the previous leaders, the system is rigged

>He's making less and less sense
you're just too stupid to understand it.
america has servants, not leaders.
quit being a nigger.

>cancelling more and more public appearances


pick one

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Joe Biden is a rapist and pedo kid sniffer

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I hope he goes full hitler

do you feel in charge?

>l-look over there

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yes that's the point of this thread nigger. good job

he'll resign within three months

He's never had "it", he was always a deranged buffoon.

>you're just too stupid to understand it.
Kek, "he's acting like an infantile illiterate buffoon but actually he's just 2smart4you"
Sure thing bud

WTF? I am a Joepedo now!

Why do braindeather leftists always accuse of not making sense and not speaking English when it's correct nice english?
Are they fake shit starting btfo NPCs?

He's scared of being confronted about inject disinfectant. And of getting blessed by corona-sama

Go home Bernout.

4d chess

yeah what is with the kid smelling.

Foreigners taking sides in American politics. Why????

We don't worry about your politics because we don't even care. You guys have bigger problems with all of those muslims you let in.

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He rage quit after making an ass out of himself the other day.

holy cope batman

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>public appearances
Gatherings are forbidden by social distancing rules, idiot.

The daily briefings are pointless. Why do you think he shouldn't cancel them?

It's just the flu, bro.

Trump wants the country to get back to work, while he hides behind his army of cleaning staff disinfecting the White House.

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That's because Trump smells like shit not because of corona.

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Trump has spent his entire life as a successful self-promoter with narcissistic attributes. This has been something that could be overlooked by many during normal Presidential duties as his policies were generally on target.
During a once-in-our-lifetimes catastrophic health and economic event, these attributes aren’t working. And he is beginning to realize this or more likely is confused and does not understand why his shtick, that has worked so successfully for him for so many decades, suddenly stopped working.

>constant treasonous attacks by media causing nationwide health crises

>no matter what he says the media will lie about it

>stop talking to media

if he was smart he would start rounding up and gassing journalists