What happens in South Dakota? Politically speaking.
What happens in South Dakota? Politically speaking
Nothing. Go away.
When someone says to go away that means it's a nice place to live
excellent response
Do you and North Dakota get along?
Looks pretty comfy for an American city. Usually your cities are ugly and have stupid skyscrapers everywhere.
forgot pic
It's rural, but in the worst way possible. Just tons of farmland.
Rural places with forest are much more fun. You can go hiking, fishing, exploring, etc.
backpedaling on having not attempted genocide of people who had been living there for 10,000 years
>muh prairie niggers!
Bro.. this is from South Dakota
No single group of people lived there for 10,000 years. Also, the people who were there when it was conquered where previously pushed out of the Northwest Territory during the French and Indian War by Indians.
we're full
That's only part of south dakota. Outside of the black hills area, its boring as fuck.
In February 1890, the United States government broke a Lakota treaty by breaking up the Great Sioux Reservation, an area that formerly encompassed the majority of the state. It reduced it and divided it into five smaller reservations. The government was accommodating white homesteaders from the eastern United States; in addition, it intended to "break up tribal relationships" and "conform Indians to the white man's ways, peaceably if they will, or forcibly if they must". On the reduced reservations, the government allocated family units on 320-acre (1.3 km2) plots for individual households.
Although the Lakota were historically a nomadic people living in tipis, and their Plains Native American culture was based strongly upon buffalo and horse culture, they were expected to farm and raise livestock. With the goal of assimilation, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, they were forced to send their children to boarding schools; the schools taught English and Christianity, as well as American cultural practices. Generally, they forbade inclusion of Native American traditional culture and language. The children were beaten if they tried to do anything related to their native culture.
The farming plan failed to take into account the difficulty that Lakota farmers would have in trying to cultivate crops in the semi-arid region of South Dakota.
By the end of the 1890 growing season, a time of intense heat and low rainfall, it was clear that the land was unable to produce substantial agricultural yields. As the bison had been virtually eradicated a few years earlier, the Lakota were at risk of starvation. The people turned to the Ghost Dance ritual, which frightened the supervising agents of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Agent James McLaughlin asked for more troops. He claimed that spiritual leader Sitting Bull was the real leader of the movement.
A former agent, Valentine McGillycuddy, saw nothing extraordinary in the dances and ridiculed the panic that seemed to have overcome the agencies, saying: "The coming of the troops has frightened the Indians. If the Seventh-Day Adventists prepare the ascension robes for the Second Coming of the Savior, the United States Army is not put in motion to prevent them. Why should not the Indians have the same privilege? If the troops remain, trouble is sure to come."
Thousands of additional U.S. Army troops were deployed to the reservation. On December 15, 1890, Sitting Bull was arrested for failing to stop his people from practicing the Ghost Dance. During his arrest, one of Sitting Bull's men, Catch the Bear, fired at Lieutenant "Bull Head", striking his right side. He instantly wheeled and shot Sitting Bull, hitting him in the left side, and both men subsequently died.
Go back to Kraut or Potato-nigger land, or whatever other Euro shithole you came from.
Fuck off. We already let to many chinks and pajeet in.
Also we’re very independent in terms of the political sphere
The feds owe the red niggers like 1 billion dollars now because they won a court case about that treaty.
In minnesota we sometimes hear them fighting, but whenever we seem them at public events they always act like they're happy together.
Shut the fuck up, we don't want people knowing we exist.
we know and we comin' for you nigga
Feather niggers should have been completely wiped out. At least your cousins built great cities that rivaled Venice, you did fucking nothing like niggers.
SD and ND are extremely Scandinavia’s and Germanic. But key differences is Swede cuck are in ND just like in MN. So they stupid taxes on everything and tried to imitate The Big 5 state’s.
So fuck ND
oh FUCK you have to go back
drunk injuns and rapeseed farms
Well I'm jewish..........and I have 900,000 niggers to get rid of? South Dakota..... nice........hhhmmmmmmmmmmm
Found the faggot ND. Enjoy all those misc. taxes and 1000s of “temporary” Mexican workers. Keep on giving them 650 a week unemployment and paying Big City mortgages.
You’re state is just full of shitty gas plants and wind farms.
Also, I'd fucking cry if the eternal californian/jew yorker, pennsylvania trash, or florida man invaded the Dakotas.
t. Colorado
>000s of “temporary” Mexican workers
Like your parents. I'm not in ND and not from there but please, go back to El Salvador