No, I will not believe in your jewish savior

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Why do jews attack Christianity in all their movies, tv shows, cartoons, stand up comedy, news shows... its really is strange.

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Christfags, like this, have this annoying and conceited fantasy that their retarded religion evokes jealousy in the Jew bogey. Christfags believe that Jews will covertly enter into discussions just to disagree with the Christians that they supposedly envy.

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Christianity is not oppressed by Jews, at all.

Wow, I always thought norse gods were a real thing from ancient times, but it turns out some jew invented them! Thanks for setting the record straight Estonia bro!


There is no god.

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it shouldn't be hard to guess why the jews are doing this

You don't have to believe it you just have to obey faggot


>it shouldn't be hard to guess why the jews are doing this
tell me, I don't know why.

>Jesus was born a Jew
>Who literally called out his own kind for being satan worshipping, self-absorbed, money-obsessed sinners
>Who then said God had abandoned the Jew in favour of the Gentile
>Who literally got so angry at Jewish usurers in the temple that he sat down and fashioned his own whip with which to beat them out the temple with
>Who was betrayed and killed by Jews
>Who Jews still believe is a false prophet


There is a word for the disparagement judism,islam,woman,non-whites,every weird sexual disorder, but not one for whites and christians.

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Gee I don't know!

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>used to be an atheist, now am pagan, considering transitioning.

>There is a word for the disparagement judism,islam,woman,non-whites,every weird sexual disorder, but not one for whites and christians.
I honestly don't understand this sentence at all.

>he doesn't know
don't tell him

The GOP is overtly Christian

But there isnt one for Christians and Whites which prove that no one ever attacks them or dislikes them irrationally

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>created by Jews
>from Judaism
>in the Levant where all the heebs are
>Abraham a Jew

yeah it's Jewish, guy, sorry you can't accept it

It's jewish but you jews hate it. Really makes you think

>still worship a jewish god, Yahweh
>still follow jewish rules for life
>still uphold, slaver over and fellate jews
yep, it's kiked.

I'm not Jewish and I don't particularly hate it, I just hate Christfags on Yas Forums and their obnoxious posts.

Of course not, rabbi :)

The gop is mostly white and working class and they not represent their interest at all

D&C, not as urgent as other issues. I hate Christianity but the people who actually practice it are on our side.

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These kind of threads just prove Christianity is correct about the world

In what way is it correct about the world?

If you don't support Isreal, you're going to hell.

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