Number of Catholics in Korea has increased by 48000

There are now a total of 5.91 million Catholics in Korea.

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>r/hapas running around crying

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You have to be sedevacantist to be Catholic

'cause catholic imagery looks really cool and stylish.

they watch romeo + juliet once, and they want to join.

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the number of among 19 or younger is DECREASING, per the article. it's increasing among older folks.

>You have to be sedevacantist to be Catholic
You also have to worship a fake Jew god like a retard.

>Implying that doesn't hold true for every religion.

But has the number of Eastern Catholic or Tridentine Mass parishes risen? That's what matters, Novus Ordites are invader kissing cuckolds.

wow, almost 6 gorillion self-hating gooks praising a foreign jewish psyop religion.
fucking epic

Do they know what the pope is saying?
The catho don't even want people to believe in God, they just want more Africans in Europe.

>fetch me my long sword hope

Disgusting, a jew religiion should not be in East Asia.

>Professionally known as an EGF (epidermal growth factor) facial, the treatment uses stem cells from the foreskins of circumcised Korean boys.


Hi OP.

How are the Catholic numbers elsewhere? Why not check out Brazil? Or Honduras if you want a good read, since there are now more protestants than Catholics there now :)

Disgusting, communism should not EVEN exist.

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praise god.

very based Would like one as a wife, desu.

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Do their taste buds not work?

I'm catholic too but nothing disgusts me more than yellow fever cucks


Why are you so obsessed with race?

Next wave of cringe weeboos will be korean fever fags.

I'm catholic and I agree with this sentiment

ZOG-controlled south part of Korean peninsula you mean?

I'm a Calvinist and think this comment is extremely based.

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>>Implying that doesn't hold true for every religion.
Well dumbass, it doesn't hold true for every religion. Are you so stupid that you can't name a religion without a singular god?

Gross mexi-chinks.

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I'm catholic and you're a racist faggot. God accepts ALL races equally, actually get off the internet and mabye try actually reading the bible for once you stupid idiot.

Asians have centuries of Buddhism, shamanism, animism and unsystematic superstitions to weed out first. I hope they'll get to the Truth of Christianity eventually but that will take a long, long time.

How is a country losing its culture "based"?

Well, theres the one where varg worships a guy who would swallow semen out of hanged bodies. Or british paganism where you literally watch another man fuck your wife. Totally based

The amount of Korean niggers will be on the ruse soon. Save them niggers christcucks, you got this!

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>I'm catholic and you're a racist faggot.
lol you christcucks are one of the primary reasons why white countries are flooded with shitskins

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True, because Jesus is Korean

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your pope kisses nigger feet. he surely knows his right subordinate place

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That's too bad. Pedovore pipelining should be stopped rather than increased.
They should get based and redpilled.

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You are asking a literal mutt. Most south americans don't have ethnic or cultural identity.

Checks out. It was a dastardly ploy by christians to attack their own religion. I'm just glad that atheists fought the good fight of trying to keep the country white rather than siding with pseudo-intellectual jews in the media.

It's what christians call the "switcheroo". It's in the Bible to mercilessly attack their own religion and force it into a corner. They always claim to want the opposite and work against themselves but you figured it out. Great work, user.

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>number of catholics increased
So paganism is on the rise

Only silly bigots say the N word. If only you knew the dark history behind it and how many innocent black folks were beaten down and murdered whilst that word was being yelled in their face. People like you won't be joining me in heaven that's for damn sure bud.


he's a ginger, even worse


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>Well, theres the one where varg worships a guy who would swallow semen out of hanged bodies. Or british paganism where you literally watch another man fuck your wife.
You are a liar and a coward. You can't prove that.

thats because they are all fixated on attracting italian men. They like italians because they are western, from a country steeped in history and they arent massively taller than them

I tried to become Catholic, then the churches shut down because of corona virus. Did the Chinese cost me eternal salvation?