Wtf did he mean by this

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wtf, isreal

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Fuck him. I just found out I am not qualified for $1200 dollars. Fuck him and his dildo-horse richness he rode in on. I'm voting democrat solid in November. I hope that fucking Donald loses.

>say something dumb
>people make fun of you for it
>say you were being sarcastic
>supporters go along with your excuse
>realize you now have a blank check to be as dumb as you want, so long as you say you were being sarcastic the next day

Man this is super duper embarrassing for us. I remember back in 2015 when Trump was so memey and the memes were just flowing like water from a faucet or milk from a milk glass or coke from a coke can or beer from a tap or wine from a wine bottle but it's all dried up now, no more memes and no more fun. It's over.

That's why I am proud to say that I am voting for Joe Biden. I have talked to many Republicans and it seems that's what we're all doing. Joe is a cool cat and I am cool too. So that's what I am going to do.

And hey, doesn't hurt that he's actually pretty sharp. Man, I *never* thought I would vote for a Democrat, but here we are.

Wow, actually feels really good to get this off my chest.

its an idiom we use in our circles, trump didnt realize that you plebs arent aware of this

>Noooooooo wheres my gibs Donald?!?
NEETs dont get extra gibsmedats

Don't worry his golf courses are about to get a huge bailout.

wow great persuasion skills there mate

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>republican meme flag
>ironically posting about voting for biden

boomer propaganda is the reason trump and the entire right wing is never going to win an election again. the same way you niggers dont understand microbiology you dont understand american demographics, sociology, and political science. enjoy 8 years of biden.

Thanks, yeah. Didn't take a lot of convincing lol.

I voted for Trump and was one of his earliest supporters but now I realize how wrong I was and feel literally embarrassed about voting for him.

I just feel like I've grown a lot over the last couple years and that, like, I'm a more serious person? So I'm voting for a serious politician this time and that's Joe Biden.

Man, I never thought I'd say that. What a timeline!

dumb ass..

You should maybe move of your parents house and get a fucking job and pay taxes you nigger..

>Im getting 2400, 12 mine and 12 for the wife..



I guess we were wrong about him. Oh well what's next?

trumps right. hes kinda retarded but also more awesome than others.

why dont you qualify? i dont either, i should. but the site also said they had issues. im still waiting for my tax return that i desperately need right now since my hip and knee got destroyed.... if you can walk at least be happy cunt.

>trump supporters larping as shills larping as trump supporters


>guyyyysss come onnnnnnn I was just being retarded again hahahahahahahaha come onnnnnnn

That the lüggenpresse is at it again

Im getting them neet bux atm
Max unemployment in my state was $823 then congress passed the cares act which added another $600 on top of that.

Wagies out there spending their youth making another man successful while im in here collecting $1400 a week to play video games and go to the gym.

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you are a fucking fag but the first part is true. Why cant he Yossef STFU on medical things and make the Demonrats go full retarded like in the old days...

>hurr durr Trump is sofa king we todd did
>let's spend valuable man hours wriding about how we todd did he is
>hurr durr he doesn't know what a pulitzer is or how to spell "nobel"
>(5000 articles and millions of dollars wasted later)
And. They. Keep. Falling. For. It.

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idk maybe if you post this thread another 19 times ill figure it out

pipergate, retards.

t. seething poorfag

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he's low key teaching the goyim how to use green language, god bless that man

Looks a call to dig on a person with the last name Noble, who might be affiliated with the media. Three years ago, this board would have had this solved by now. Shame how far this place has fallen.

That Jews vote for Jews.

You have been fully, I mean fully investigated by certain 'govt billionaires' just like Epstein who know the entirety of the Occult. They even married in and had kids with you to get ALL the info on blood libel magick (star interaction just so you know I'm fo real lol). Don't look into just how many govt assets worldwide have infiltrated you, it'll scare you.

Is this real? WTF

The larpers larping as shills though are better at it than the actual paid shills is the thing....

These are Pulitzer Prize winners. They were awarded for covering Russian collusion and they unironically should return their medals.
Repeating lies in print told to them by glowniggers isn't journalism of any quality.
Mossad memes are gay.

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They help everyone see the crazy and that all of history is walking to the same place and the monies put into shilling actually only ever help us. Just like lefties invading causes them to be redpilled.

He's trying to gaslight people into thinking he didn't misspell Nobel and make up an award

That he's a fucking retard.


so much of this lately, they must be in panic mode