Why has it become so important to be friendly at work? Overly social work cultures hold back progress. I'm not at work to be your friend. I'm here to conquer the industry. I will always choose progress over feelings. Collaboration is different than pointless social interaction. Collaboration isn't everyone getting into a room and democratically pushing the envelope. Collaboration is economies of scale applied to individual productivity. Someone can do something faster than you, but you can do something faster than them, and so by working together, you can get both done in less time. You don't collaborate with morons who not only have nothing to offer, but often create more work. The concept of collaboration has been perverted to enable social parasites to accumulate power and tighten their grip. You will be singled out as not being a team player if you refuse to "collaborate", even if your work is superior in almost every regard. The superiority of your work, like a nerve being triggered, makes them reflexively undermine you because they fear their incompetency being exposed. They scream, "you must collaborate!", which really means, "you must bend the knee!" Why can't they see that their political games and inflated egos make them not worth the hassle? Why can't they see that they don't enable economies of scale because they have so little to offer?

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Because you have to be likeable you retard to make connections. Goodluck.

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Anyone who can only get his post in life through connections is a parasite.

Holy shit is that real?

Wait wait, what the fuck is going on? Is this cat on drugs?

Based and Mr. Burnspilled.

Win at all costs.

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Well thats the way it is. Adapt or suffer.

because inherently 99% of jobs are shit and pointless, could be done by anyone and the measure of success or ability of an employee is negligible compared to said task simply being completed in any form or matter.
You could be fucking amazing at your job and very efficient, but if someone does it at half price and half efficiency they would still get the job.
What does this mean?
Means you as a person are pointless, and this dread cut throat reality is what makes people try to be friendly and easy in the work place. Arrogance is dumb and most of you are all in the same boat of wage slaving away so one random faggot can work 10 hour shifts and hoard wealth.

Dancing Cat? How he do that?


With all the incompetence in the world you think this is the only way things can be. Your post in life must depend on supporting this view. Or perhaps your sanity. Dare I say, NPC?

>through connections
You have to provide a service to other people to have work.

There's a difference between providing a service and nepotism retard.

Some work hasn't become commodified. Some work still requires creativity.

to be honest with you, I'd rather to hire someone who was good at their job and I could potentially go for a beer with after work rather then someone extremely good at their job who is some sort of social retard that has a bad atmosphere about him. this isn't me feeling 'threatened' that the guy will get a promotion over me. it's the fact that you spend 1/3 of your time at work so to make it more bearable I want people I get on with there. what's hard to understand about this? you'll never get anywhere on skill alone or else if you're working for yourself.

This guy gets it

The problem is that it is very hard, almost impossible, to win alone. Then when you want to win with others, they try to force you to play along with their high school re-enactment. A lot of people have not grown up beyond high school.

Ok social sperg.

I don't think this comment had the effect you desired. I now firmly assert that you sir are the retard.

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Sadly, he's right.

yeah I overshot it with 99% but still the vast majority of tasks required in most jobs, are menial easy things that anyone could do.
Even in “creative” spheres there are formulas and guidelines one could follow in a lot of cases.

>Why has it become so important to be friendly at work?
Because you spend 40 hrs a week with these people every week for hundreds of weeks of your life

>so to make it more bearable
You're a loser who doesn't care about winning. You want to "get through your day". You will never be a threat in your industry because of your mindset. You're may be a somebody in your company, by social engineering, but you're a nobody in the industry and world.

>I'm here to conquer the industry.
They'll move you from the dishroom to the french fry station any day now, user.

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>Because you spend 40 hrs a week with these people every week for hundreds of weeks of your life
If I'm going to do something, I want to perfect it. What the fuck is the point of going to work and doing the same shit over and over if you can't taste glory? Nobody should endure work, they should thirst for victory.


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We spend a lot of our tine at work. It’s more tolerable when the people you’re with don’t make you feel uncomfortable.

Consider being like able a part of your job. I get the sense you might be blaming everyone else due to your own unlikeability.

You need to be more than a machine who puts out results. Otherwise why not just pay someone in India 1/4 the price to do the same work remotely.

>he only works 40 hours

i feel the same way as OP and i have kike level diction, venacular, and on ready vocabulary. also i'm not a monotoned honk.

It's making my life as an engineer miserable. My boss is a female. Almost all her henchmen are all female.

>Even in “creative” spheres there are formulas and guidelines one could follow in a lot of cases.
Right, so if you're doing something 40 hours a week, do you want to be a follower of guidelines, or the one who makes them? Wouldn't you want to master your craft such that you can make the rules? And if you did, wouldn't that open up a lot more options in what you are capable of doing, compared to the average "creative" worker? Where does this leave you?

You’re never going to be as influential as you seem to want to be if people don’t like working with you.

You’ve gotta work on that or you’re going to hit a self imposed glass ceiling. It’ll be nobody else’s fault but your own.

40 hours is more than enough. Why do you think working longer than that is noble or desirable?

You can do your best work and still be okay to conversate with

And putting connections over merit is why we are getting killed by a cold. Adapt or suffer.

What if I told you that people don't like working with me because of their own insecurity and tricks they play?

So you are afraid of actually having to lead.

You. I like you. Where are you from?

Somehow you get the impression that I'm incapable of socializing. You're mistaken. I only refuse to be superficial with conniving backstabbers, who are always the majority. You overly social people always think of yourselves so well, when really you'd do everything to protect your own power. You are the parasite.

It's probably because you act like Gordon Gekko in a place and time where it isn't remotely necessary.

I've worked with people like you before and every single time, they're sub par. They think they're not but they're usually lacking in a key work area. If they get pulled up on it it's because they're better than everyone else. In reality everyone else is better than you.

I’d say it sounds like you’re taking the easy way it out.

It’s far easier to blame other people than take a hard look in the mirror and say that you might need to change, just a little bit.

I don’t know you but the insecurity but does sound a bit like you might be projecting.

robots will do the work of the future, humans will be paid to control their workrobot for 8 hours a day, even though the workrobot requires little supervision humans can't resist the lure of work over free time.

>In reality everyone else is better than you.
You acknowledge that not everyone is equal, yet you find it improbable that the superior might be in my position? If you've never been in my position, then you've likely never been exceedingly superior. Where you see narcissism, I paint a picture of human nature. Your refusal to acknowledge that there are people better than you illustrates my point of how people cannot see beyond their own fog - what little they can piece together in their minds given what they know.

OP is this you?

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Depends what your definition of 'loser' is. You're down playing how important networking is. As an American you surely know this? how many times have people got promotions from their fathers, friends, a member of a frat or a member of the (((tribe))). Being liked is very important. I don't know what your industry is but if you'll have to manage people, your employees liking you is very important. if like you and respect you they'll go out of the way to hit deadlines, to do overtime on late notice etc. I've had dickhead managers in the passed and I'd witness people borderline sabotage they own work to fuck over the manager.

>It’s far easier to blame other people than take a hard look in the mirror and say that you might need to change, just a little bit.
When you can read people like a book, and see all their backstabbing ways, maybe you'll come around. Or maybe you won't because you're tucked under someone's thumb real good.

As in which state? California.

You're precisely the problem. No one should be there to make friends and the discomfort you feel is you knowing that you're a no talent who doesn't really do anything.

Fuck off with your netflix trash anime. If I can do foir people's jobs, I deserve to lead. Period. Real funny that the second a problem you can't talk your way out of comes along the world's shitty focus on social skills becomes extremely apparent.
Next pamdemic/disaster will be worse, and all talk no walk faggots like you deserve it.

>Being liked is very important
Only in a world run by Jewish homosexuals. Anyone with sense wants results.

I'm from west of indy. I can imagine the socialite faggotry you have to deal with, all the children here are acting like it's covid christmas vacation and letting everything go to shit.