Why are they not absorbed into Germany again? If Japan and South Korea are UK and France of Asia...

Why are they not absorbed into Germany again? If Japan and South Korea are UK and France of Asia, Singapore and Hong Kong are Luxembourg and Monaco of Asia, so This pathetic country is Taiwan of Europe. Nobody cares and can't find it on the map.

Attached: Flag-of-The-Netherlands3.png (502x335, 789)

Then why do you care?

No these people are precious

Attached: 42FC39BF-15B5-440D-BFB3-9D0470DBA5B5.jpg (512x401, 32.32K)

this shitalian schizo started again..

opinion discarded.

Remember to use 'sage'.

Show your flag

Attached: загружено.png (241x209, 325)

Question for my fellow dutchies, have you noticed as well that every place outside NL is such a shit hole? Moved to Norway for a year expecting same standards but holy shit they are yeeeaaaars behind us.

Outside of Belgium and lux, which places are of the same standards as NL?

taiwan is the scotland of asia

Yeah... When shtf it becomes painfully clear how shit other countries (IT, SP, FR) are

what's that flag?

economic backwater
not a real country and butthurt
much stronger nuclear armed neighbour
wins nothing in sport
women have hairy vaginas
2 noteworthy cities
horrid feminists in charge
unhealthy food
fish-based economy

its true

We really are the most advanced country of the western world aren't we?

We only have Sweden ahead of us.

What a retarded take. The Netherlands have 1000+ years of independent history, was a major international player in trade, colonization, exploration and settlement of both the Americas and the East, has its own language, and is an economic powerhouse with significant stakes and world-leading businesses in shipping, agriculture, oil and banking. You wont even show your pathetic flag, so one must assume that you're a kvetching D&C kike or some sort of mystery meat swarthoid insect

Maybe Flanders but come on the absolute state of the infrastructure and the infection of sandniggers in Belgium makes it a shithole compared to us.

In what ways is Norway years behind NL? We have fewer muzzies and shitskins (except Oslo, which isn't really Norway), higher salaries, more biodiversity and interesting Nature, less crime, a stronger military.. What am i missing?

Women do not have hairy vaginas.
Boomer spotted

The whole country is a globalist experiment in population control. Annexation would mess it up. They live in very dense housing and leave most of their land for export agriculture such as sending live pigs to Italy so fancy grocers can have ‘real’ Italian sausage. Will people breed less if their housing is tiny? Will Moroccans? This is the post WWII centuries long experiment they are conducting

In most countries i have to buy bottled water in a store. What kind of a jewish trick is that?

hagelslag. I'd rather live in norway tbqh, no EU cuckness, nature, good wages.

we don't have the capacity for even more brown people

>own sovereign currency
>can have weapons
>Actually used the money from oil/gas for a long-term fund instead of spending it all for election promises.

The Anglos
They wanted The Netherlands to act as a counter balance to the French and Germans.
It makes more sense when you keep in mind that Belgium used to be part of The Netherlands.
The Netherlands also side with the winning group in the last two wars here so it got to decide that it could keep existing.
If Netherlands is the best the world can offer than we're really fucked as a species.

>Belgium used to be part of The Netherlands.
And luxembourg, before the dutch royal decided to throw it away.

When you think about, the entire Netherlands has been on a steady decline thanks to the Dutch royals installed after 1805.

Scottish here, cam confirm.

do we even have royals at this point?
Maxima said that the Dutch don't exist
and she's the queen of the Dutch
so if there are no Dutch that means that we don't really have any royals anymore.

This is so true. I did not think we were that much ahead of the curve relative to the rest of the world but the difference really is night and day once you start traveling.

Everything. It's not easy to really point at one thing because it's a million different things that make life a million times more efficient here.

>1000+ years of independent history,
Since when?
They only became independent around 500 years ago

But aren't Brits your natural allies? Isn't The Netherlands the source of the Germanic tribes that brought proto-English language to Britian? I'm pretty sure the low countries area was former Roman territory alongside Britain, which differentiates it from other Germanic lands.

What other Taiwan city am I supposed to know?

Watching TV's mandatory King's day propaganda session, apparently we have them and they are loved because people don't realize they can have the same festive holiday without them, just call it Orange Day and be done with it. The current King doesn't even descend from the original royals anyway, you can put a chipmunk in his place.

No I meant before constitution reform and taking away most power. Flanders suceded by the increased taxes by Dutch royals, Luxembourg was lost because they wanted to marry for love and lost the Duchy.

Ironcally the Netherlands would have been more united without the royals.

>no BNers

What I mean is that the Anglos are responsible for us existing.
They're also partly responsible for bombing some of our lovely cities in the WWII.
>Watching TV's mandatory King's day propaganda session,
I completely forgot that today was King's day.
Then again I would sell out the royalties for a potato chip.
I fully understand why Mussert wanted them dead.

>Not being an absolutist
Not a true Dutchman

A lot of anti-monarchist cucks in this thread. Let me guess, you like (((democracy)))?

a proper monarchy
none of this cucked constitutional shit and none of this "the Dutchman doesn't exist" shit.

Don't really know about Luxemburg, but we are really just a poor man's version of you with some french guys added it for fun.