I always loved his movies and think he's hilarious. But, he is a very Jewy, Jewish, Jewing Jew. Should I consider him to be a bad man?
Is Mel Brooks an enemy of Western Civ?
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Jews are a subversive competitor ethnic group; this doesn't necessarily have any relation to their personal morality, but it does dictate that they are not really our friends
His movies are puerile, pandering trash. Childish, and blue. Absolute garbage.
>Should I consider him to be a bad man?
The man who gave us this classic line? Of course not.
Honestly Mel Brooks is one funny yid.
Perfectly stated.
The Sheriff is Near.
the problem is not that all jews are bad, but that there will be always jews who will try to harm whatever nation they're bleeding dry at the moment.
You have to maintain a sense of humor as the Bolsheviks take over. So laughing at Mel Brooks is OK.
A better one is ‘...or the nigger gets it!”
There are jews out there obviously worse.
Johann strauß is also a harmless jew.
Richard Pryor wrote all of the black stuff.
Wow, I thought I'd heard it all frequenting Yas Forums. Please be a troll thread.
He's one of the unfunniest pieces of shit on the planet, regardless of whether he's a Jew or not. His humor is basically the shit elementary schoolers find funny. It's just someone screaming an obvious joke in your face, falling down or wearing a "funny" costume. How the hell he's considered a comedic genius is beyond me.
Yeah, this.
“Mongo only pawn... in game of life.” Love Mel!
he critisizes jewish supremasists also.
The original Producers and Spaceballs are both unironically hilarious. You're just a srs fag
Imagine waking up on a Monday morning and your first order of business is to bitch about Mel Brooks.
Kill yourself.
History of the world is a classic!!!
Mel Brooks Good, OP Faggot.
imagine sleeping at night and thinking you have any business being on Yas Forums
been up since midnight faggot
He composed the anthem of Yas Forums, basically.
Only man to use faggot as a verb and a noun at the same time, I have to thank him for that
Comedy ages badly. I caught about 30 minutes of spaceballs at a bar right before the virus blew up and it was all just boomer cringe comedy. The last time I saw it I must have been a young teenager and my brain wasn't fully developed.
He's cancelled now.
And all of you fucks git back in the oven, you'll always be fuckin' kikes and never on of us Whites.
Don't fall victim to one of the classic blunders.
Spaceballs was never good. I remember watching it when I was 13 and thinking it wasn’t very funny except for like two lines. Blazing Saddles and The Producers are films that actually get funnier as you get older. Young Frankenstein is one of his best too. Anything of his into the 80s I disregard
two faggots guaranteed to fall over each others feet scrambling to get the center seats at the latest capeshit premiere
Mel Brooks is perhaps the funniest Jew who ever lived. I don't want to analyze him any further than that.
Bruh Mel Brroks is absolute boomer cringe. It's the video equivalent of 'say something' -'something'. At least Marvel movies are entertaining and have cool battle sequences.
Not this?
The fuck are you talking about? Someone likes old Mel Brooks and they’re a capeshitter?
I've noticed he shills for bbc in blazing saddles.
He's funny, yes, but he is also a total degenerate.
Spaceballs gets a nod just for taking a piss on Star Wars at the peak of its popularity.