Lutheran vs Catholic (which one should I join)

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I am researching Lutheran and Catholic.
I like the Lutheran Church and I am drawn to it, but I speak to lots of groypers and such who tend to be Catholic and I like it too.
But I can't get over the Illuminati and Satanic pedo aspect of it desu
So what does pol say about Lutheran vs Catholic.

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None both are trash .

Niether. Just read the KJV bible and have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe

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>but I speak to lots of groypers and such who tend to be Catholic and I like it too.


Catholic church is the only church.

cope christcuck

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>cope christcuck

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Are you a godless animal who only cares about money? If your answer is yes go proddy.

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is what most people on Yas Forums probably look for in a church. Anti-LGBTBBQ and don't try and go out of their way to be diverse.

Look into Traditional Catholicism (that which rejects Vatican 2). You'll quickly see that the perverted Marxists in charge right now aren't real Catholics.

Just consider that if you go Catholic, you will probably end up finding yourself defending pedophiles in a couple or few years.

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This is probably best.

But any Church will do until you have grown up enough spiritually to decide for your own based on scriptures. I went a few times to Catholic church and when they started to pray for a Mother Mary statue calling her Mother of God I just didn't pray with them.

We're all brothers in Christ.

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Are you another gay faggot who discovered his proud UNKEKED NORSE HERITAGE after playing $kyrim?

that is what I am currently more or less doing. And I prefer the KJV too, based on my research it is the most accurate translation, but I also think the Catholics took a lot of books out too

i deff dont support israel or jews for that matter

no, I read the Bible and realized it was the story of foreign peoples called the hebrews

the fact that he is such a catholic makes me want to be Lutheran or anything else

It probably doesn’t matter. Christianity has been given the usual d&c treatment to weaken its collective power. Most older strains of Christianity will have been thoroughly infiltrated to dilute its power, and many of the newer strains of Christianity will have been founded by the elite to function as d&c puppet congregations causing Christians to turn on one another. There is probably the same degree of truth in all of them. Stick with the teachings of the bible and go to the church that suits your needs

Yeah right fucking liar

then you havent read the bible.
Is the book a Job (written thousands of years before any other book) about Hebrews? Or the Pentateuch?
You dont even know the basic things about the bible.

Popery is unbiblical. The truth is that justification is by the grace of God through faith alone on the basis of Scripture alone.

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Thank you.

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Have you looked into the church of hot lead?

The old testament you stupid fuck?

It's not about the Hebrews but anyway
Why aren't you posting in a pagan thread then? Why spend your one and only given life by Hollywood Odin, posting in a thread for Christcucks am I right?

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Secret Lutheran pre-1950s or secret Catholic pre-VII

Here's a quiz for you:
1) Is Christ God?
2) Is the Blessed Virgin Christ's mother?

Read the KJV 3 times then read the Nag Hammadi library and then join the church you think is best


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>read the Nag Hammadi library

Go Lutheran, but make sure it's not ELCA or ELCIC, look of an LCMS or LCC congregation. Also check out the Book of Concord for what the good synods follow

t.Denomination #938934

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>*judaizes the Bible*

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>I like the Lutheran Church and I am drawn to it
That means you're part of the problem and subconsciously communist.

>But I can't get over the Illuminati and Satanic pedo aspect of it desu
Then why become Protestant, which is worse in both?

No, no, this is just bad trolling.

>Look into Traditional Catholicism (that which rejects Vatican 2). You'll quickly see that the perverted Marxists in charge right now aren't real Catholics.
Fun fact: Vatican 2 isn't dogma, you#re free to ignore it.

Woops, did I just destroy your narrative? Sorry.

Wtf I've been seeing these posts a lot lately. Fucking Jews hating on Jesus

Yas Forums is hardcore leftist for ages now. Did you miss the huge thread on black superiority yesterday?

>LCC congregation
what is that one? Never heard of it.

But yes, i know the LCMS is the conservative one.
And the ELCA is like the Episcopal church very liberal and the ELCA also made its church an official sanctuary church for illegal aliens (what idiots)

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Neither. Go with Islam.

>Neither. Go with Islam.

>Go Lutheran
Are you retarded?

Why is everyone here so ready to join a group, you and your faggoty little group can congregate elsewhere. This place is for individualists without ideology

Fuck off then, Mr. Libertardian.

>Mr Dowson's sister-in-law is registered as the official director of KTI's company in the UK, but it is Mr Dowson who from the get-go played the role of front man - appearing in videos promoting the group, making speeches and attending fundraising events.
>He has been banned from one European country - Hungary - for being a national security threat.
wtf hungary?

groups are a disease

There's nothing such a Lutheran Church.
There are 40.000 sects reading the Bible as they want therefore implying that there are 40.000 different truth or more correctly 40.000 revelations or more correctly 40.000 different gods.
So no Church but 40.000 heretics sects.
Good day bro.

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John Calvin knew you were coming. Welcome.

Avoid Lutherans if you aren’t into globohomo faggotry. I considered them, but their current social policies are disturbing.

So Mary that created the world? So if Mary didn't give birth to God, He wouldn't have created the world and Mary?

Jesus is according to me God's one begotten Son (John 3:16). The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost are one. So, yes He is God.

Coptics are older and the Orthodox more legitimate.