Ricky Gervais nails it

Zoomers take note. Life built upon social media likes is no life at all.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-27 Ricky Gervais says social media breeds 'uber narcissism'.png (544x252, 28.38K)

>unfunny comedian says obvious things

when was he when the same shit was being done in school with grades by commies last 50 years

the absolute state of Yas Forums
another fucking slidethread about some faggot celebrity

It blows my mind that he gets attention for stating the obvious.

fuck off you stupid wetback
It's not about the celebrity. It's about the message. Do you have anything to criticize about the message or nah?

>guy has a big audience
>states a message that should be obvious
>a lot of people read it and put their lives into perspective
I don't see the problem, Mexican.


American education in action.

Shit sherlock, first name no.

>Comedian explains the world

Says someone who works for claps...

Even if he's 100% right, who gives a shit what that nigger says?

Carl Pilkington is smarter than Gervais.

>he's a comedian
>that means he can't be right about anything

>grading is bad
That's the commie position, the anti-commie position is that grading is good.

Children should be segregated by grading, and children with bad grades should be encouraged to leave education at 16.

>give me one reason why anyone should listen to what he is saying in that pic

Mindblowing insight, OP. Surely none of us had reached that conclusion.

I would imagine that zoomer affiliation of their personalities with their social media persona would either make them too confident in their ability to curate their actual personality, make them clones, or produce psychopathic tendencies through the constant changing of an online persona...

Like how Yas Forums trains you to identify with your honest ideas and opinions as much as it teaches you to discern troll humor from irony; however it has the opposite effect from facebook in terms of edification of personality in a sense.

Who gets to judge the curriculum quality?

Ricky is actually a surprisingly good comedian for someone who got into the game pretty late.

He's an obnoxious loud cringelord, but he can tell some jokes.

Dummy, he works for claps/laughs/attention... His critique is unintentionally quite ironic.

you don't speak for everyone

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>t. Wetback missing the point


>Celebrity Who embraces the same shit he criticizes says something

All attention whores need to be gassed as well as their sycophants looking to put them in a good light.

I've talked to normies about social media and it seems like if you took a vote on it, most people would be in favor of banning most social media.
Obviously that's not going to happen anytime soon since the powers that be want us addicted to all this bullshit. It just surprised me a little that regular people mostly agree with us on at least this one thing.

>zoomer affiliation of their personalities with their social media persona
Good way of putting it.
"You are not your social media persona"

That doesn't negate him "hitting the nail on the head" with his critique though, does it?

they always do

>It just surprised me a little that regular people mostly agree with us on at least this one thing.
The opposite has been true in my experiences, sadly. People occasionally encourage me to get a facebook account.

ironically gervais is the biggest social media whore of them all, complete sellout and all of his new stuff is garbage

>Fearne Cotton podcast
his advice was falling on deaf ears because anyone listening to fearne cotton is a total moron and destined to spend their lives being a cunt.

He shiited on those celebs at the globes

And several generations before that were fooled into believing making money means their lives are worthwhile

(You) 's on Yas Forums is the same cope