If say a woman hits a man is it okay or legal for a man to hit or punch her back?

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Women don't hit for damage, they hit to humiliate.

So take it easy on the kidney jabs and left hooks.

Is it just to punch back? Yes.

Is it wise to? No, unless you want to go to prison for murder. Women's bones are fragile, a normal masculine male can cave the skull in of the average female with a single real punch. Women don't know how weak they are. Men don't know how strong they are.

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>they all look like they've hit the wall
imagine the pungency of the smell

Society thinks women hitting men is funny, and that they deserved it if it happens. My wife thought it was a good idea to hit me with a baseball bat while I was sleeping, right in the ribs. Hurt like a motherfucker. I got up out of bed after getting hit multiple times, grabbed the bat and tossed it down the hall, then proceeded to cave her eye socket in. No regrets.

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They want to protest against male gaze by raising the skirt. Good tactic. Next jews will protest the Holocaust by marching into the ovens.

This guy gets it.

>grabbed the bat and tossed it down the hall,
>then proceeded to cave her eye socket in

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I seriously encourage every man in this thread to punch a woman full force at least once. Seriously. The relief washes over your entire body like a wave. Just drive 2 or 3 hours away with fake plates, jump out of your car (leave it running and punch a woman in the head). You won't regret it. Then drive straight home. You won't get caught, trust me. Until you've really knocked a girl around, you will never experience true satisfaction.

My personal method is duct taping a phone book around a rolling pin, and beating the ever loving shit out of my Gf when she gets out of line. Doesn't leave bruises if you keep to the body.

My other favorite is hog tying her and shoving her into the closet, and moving my bow flex in front of the door. After 48 hours of being trapped in a dark closet she'll literally do anything I tell her to. I made her unload our freezer ice tray using only her mouth last time.

just humiliate them back then
in japanese

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Yes but you will have to make sure youre not around a bunch of whiteknighting faggots who will try and jump you while you do it

Also you can always toe kick them in their cunts, it's more satisfying than seeing a dude getting nut checked. Try it some time, trust me you will laugh

fuck that faggot shit, break their collar bones so they won't ever try shit with any man ever again

Women hit you specifically so that you will hit them back and they can cry to the cops.


I will be "caving in a socket" with a "rolling pin" for sure.

>Not a single non-white woman in the image

That cop is you.

It's almost like you turn around and put on a cop hat right after and say what seems to be the problem miss?

Lets be honest what did you do to deserve it

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Punched her once, full force, felt good.

Delayed Amazon shipping being my "fault".

Your hands should be fast enough to block bitch swings.

If not, do more.

>boomer detected, who uses phonebooks in this day and age?
Go die of old age somwhere else

Yes. Eye for an eye.

*asks her if she wants to fuck*

If a woman hits you in public with witnesses, preferably video footage, hit them back once in self defense with a hard slap (if you want to be extra safe, let them hit you 2-3 more times. NEVER put up your hands to block or move. Tank the hits). If it's in private, like your home. Don't. Cops will always take her side when she inevitably says you hit her. Regardless of whether you did or not. I've witnessed it happen to my brother. His ex went psycho and slapped and kicked him. He tanked the hits. She got angrier. He kept tanking the hits. She called the cops and said he pulled her hair and was verbally abusive. He got a restraining order against him and lost his son in the ensuing custody battle.

ALWAYS make sure you have a witness these days. Preferably a video recording since they can't be biased. I knocked a girl out in high school and fractured her orbital socket. She got a 21 day suspension and I had to deal with the admin office ladies calling the cops. I got no suspension or anything

If they're raising their skirts, I'm closing my eyes.

Are you black?

out of earshot in restaurant;
man hits woman, storms out, public thinks why did that asshole man do that
woman hits man, storms out, public thinks what did that asshole man do to her

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the law system is sexist and if you laugh its true.

stumps the bitch everytime.
btw if she hits you you just walk away and hit on another woman

hoes mad.jpg

>Delayed Amazon shipping being my "fault".

you are divorced now, right?

seriously i'm so afraid of marriage that i was living with one girl for 7years and never married her, then the split up was ultra easy, no paperwork, no lawyers, she just took all her shit and left.

No. She did this 6 years ago and promptly shut the fuck up about retarded shit. Once she realized a tantrum will be met with corporal punishment she stopped trying to push buttons. Problem is she's done this to numerous other men in the past and was praised for her actions. We have kids and she's a good bitch at home when I'm at work. Modern women need to be reprogrammed. Takes a lot of work. It's like training a puppy, you either do good and invest the time it takes to see appropriate behaviors, or you're a nigger and let the dog raise itself and become a pit-bull statistic. The choice is entirely yours.

Wouldn’t it be sexist and homophobic to of them to protest against the male gaze?

Make Women Great Again
No voting
No free speech
Workplace is the home

>is it okay
>is it legal
i have no idea, heavily depends of the country you are in I guess


Are they living in South Park?

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>woman is beating man with the pointed part of her high heel shoe in the middle of a street
>man is blocking the hits, not fighting back because he knows he can’t, falls to the ground
>man is visibly injured and bleeding
>3 random guys passing by join in on beating the shit out of the dude, afterward asking the woman if she is hurt and if everything is alright

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for some reason i totally believe you and want to let you know this post made me laugh and it’s 5:30 am.

But Judge, she was literally asking for it! It was sexual roleplay! Don't sentence me you old goat.

I mean, i get it. If I had a vagina, I'd hate myself too.

Is this an actual protester? She literally instructs the reader to rape her like she’s into it

Spending all this corona time with my wife makes me want to do this. She just asks me stupid fucking questions all day. So I've been hiding in my computer room. Women are so fucking stupid and irritating

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