/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3478

► Detected: 3,004,891 (+11,629) ► Died: 207,257 (+342) ► Day: 109 (-16:22:06)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,590 strains have been sequenced —


Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Hispanics and blacks account for most deaths in California

Archive of content deleted by China

Evidence of ADE has surfaced, according to Nature article

Infection causing sudden strokes in young adults

Most "asymptomatic" cases actually have glassed lungs

Virus found in cerebrospinal fluid, affects nervous system

EU admits official death tolls are undercounting

China imposes restrictions on research into origins of coronavirus

Beijing scientists: virus probably originated from Wuhan biolab

China underreports number of infections and deaths

▶ 4 new cases and 1 new death in Czechia
▶ 12 new deaths in Romania
▶ 553 new cases and 113 new deaths in Belgium
▶ 214 new cases and 22 new deaths in Indonesia
▶ 4 new cases and 1 new death in Estonia
▶ 172 new cases and 7 new deaths in Afghanistan
▶ 49 new cases and 7 new deaths in Austria
▶ 6 new cases and 1 new death in Slovenia
▶ 497 new cases and 7 new deaths in Bangladesh


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Other urls found in this thread:



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>Trump said to drink bleach
I'm done with trying to correct these people. I don't even like Trump myself but most of the things they accuse him of are either half truths with a twisted narrative or just flat out lies. I didn't vote for him in 2016 but I'll be damn sure to vote for him this year simply to watch them seethe. I hope he wins so they can understand just how much the silent majority truly fucking hates them for what they've done to society. Fuck democrats, fuck globalists, fuck shareblue, fuck socialists, fuck commies, fuck kikes, fuck twitter, fuck urbanites, but most importantly, FUCK JANNIES.

how do you anons deal with the seeming "slowing down" of the virus? Am I just getting used to all of this or are things actually getting better? Life hasn't changed much for me in TN asides from having to NEET it up a little more than usual. When are we gonna start seeing thousands dropping dead per state? Fall? Winter?

inject, faggot. there isn't a single "disinfectant" you can inject yourself with safely. none of that matters anyways since he said he was just being sarcastic

>Dead: 209,762
lol, still only 209,762.
How many days has it been stuck at 209,762? Four days? Five days?

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lets see
>economy ravaged
>meatplants shutting down
>largest unemployment in US history
yea i'm thinking DOW will gain another 2% today

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Has anybody else had an experience where their faith in Corona-chan was restored?
I saw a shitposter that didn't stop shitting up threads back on cripplechan have a massive mental meltdown, doxing himself and explaining that the reason why he did it was because he never had any friends.
It feels ridiculous, like an overdue victory. Couldn't believe my eyes
Please Corona-chan, make the worst shitposters on imageboards have a meltdown and show their true faces

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>he's afraid of dying
>he wants government to take away his rights
>he's been scared and terrorized into submission
>he's willingly participating in mass house arrest
>he'll give up his firearms when FEMA knocks at the door

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Goals of covid19

Cashless societies (only digital money): financial operations can be traced and blocked. Total control in the hands of corporations like MasterCard.

Digital ID and quantum dots vaccines: so the cattle can be marked.

mRNA vaccines: so the cattle can be murdered

comfy thread

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Corona-sama soon blessing the whole world.

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I don't even understand how the stock market is gaining anything at this point. went to the store today and they're charging the same price for 4 pork chops as they were for 12 of them just a few weeks ago.
America will collectively flip its shit if they can't get meat anymore.

>he doean't even lick door knobs for fun

Hi gary.


Never lost my faith so no

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>gym is closed
>it was the only place I could see a woman irl as there are no woman at work
How should I live now?

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Whole world is already blessed. We just wait to see how much

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Fuck nurses

You can easily inject UV light, maybe inject a dick in your ass and neck yourself?

I'm scared

Oh hi. Listen if you need anything call me anytime alright. We are very good friends and I will do everything in my power to help you get better.

look at him and laugh

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Has anyone heard the rumor that USA hospitals get 36 000$ for one covid19 patient ?

>he doesn't just get covid to die free

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Does anyone have the 3 mil big corona boob update yet?

>yea i'm thinking DOW will gain another 2% today

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> bless us

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That's enough money to live off of for a whole year comfortably

>reposting for you, my fanon
the thread is now dead, argis asleep, who knows what comes of /cvg/
>the preppers prepped, the happening happened, and now Trump says drinking bleach is in fashion
we all came and gathered around the world as it burned, 2 more weeks came the cry, as the nothing burgers took turns
>and here we are now, all comfy and cozy, watching Coronachan march like a ring made of posies
from the top of the thread, we all see the numbers, its still less than a flu, yes thats right so fuck you

► Detected: 3,004,891 (+11,629) ► Died: 207,257 (+342) ► Day: 109 (-16:22:06)


Now serving Nothing Burger #3478. Now serving Nothing Burger #3478. Can the individual who has thread 3478 please come to the btfo.

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Time between China going full lier mode and it realy starting in Europe was tough, but I made it through that and will believe in her till the end

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>An alert to GPs and seen by HSJ says that in the “last three weeks, there has been an apparent rise in the number of children of all ages presenting with a multisystem inflammatory state requiring intensive care across London and also in other regions of the UK”.

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>tfw you where the first post in a historic thread

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Nature always finds a way. You must become the woman yourself.

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prease don't worry about the virus!

gentle reminder that corona can infect fish, not just mammals github dot com slash Project-Gutenberg slash nCovMemory-Web
fuck googlecaptcha, fuck jannies, fuck hiroshimoot and fuck you too argiebaker I found my smoking gun

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kek, retards like this actually believe governments wouldn't sacrifice even a hundred thousand people without a drop of sweat to protect stability and their wellbeing

Children are immune, just like whites and niggers, right?

The fact that you have to scroll a shit ton just to see it all tells you just how early we are in this thing. Fuck you Gary (but also thanks for posting good info).

Pro-tip, a good chunk of the deaths in the US didn't die of COVID, hospitals are just beefing up their numbers because they get more fed money if they have more deaths. Like my friend's mother died last week due to a stroke. Hospital still put her as "Died from COVID 19" because magically after her death she tested positive somehow, they've been caught doing that a bunch. At least here in Michigan. I wouldn't be surprised if New York hospitals were doing the same shit. Also flu deaths are down and same with other death rates too from what they're normally at. So my guess is again beefing up numbers to get dat welfare. I don't blame hospitals for doing that shit but still wew.

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>/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3478

why are only meat planet shutting down and not vegetable/grain related plants?

Some theories

>reinfection and ADE, as low antibodies from 1st infection
>it just takes longer to cause severe illness in kids
>reactivation doing ADE
>cross-antibody enhancement from a seasonal coronavirus or influenza

So what does Yas Forums think of it's death goddess being defeated by the top horse of hobbit land?


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$13,000 per patient that tests positive
$39,000 per every patient that gets put on a ventilator.

▶ 34 new cases in Sri Lanka
▶ 5 new deaths in Moldova

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we don't need face masks either

apparently it is about the 'experience' you have at IKEA, it's not just shopping. Had to do some analysis about IKEA during my studies. I still don't get it, but normies apparently love it. Also, the cheap food. Many people just go there to go to the canteen or buy food.

It's a shame, really wanted to see BT escape prison from the riots

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I have been speculating that macrophage infection has caused granuloma disease with this virus. These are little clots of immune system matter that act as little time release capsules causing recurrent and wavy symptoms.
I learned about this by studying cat coronaviruses because human coronaviruses don’t infect macrophages.

When this granuloma disease occurs in cats it’s called FIP. This disease takes 6 months to progress and is 95% lethal. It affects kittens the worst.

This article up top sound a fucking lot like FIP. Watch out for kids getting fluid filling up cavities inside them. Fuck! 95% kidderinos NOOO!!!

Can't die to 5G poisoning, there are no 5G towers near me and if they're obscured, they're not running at 60Hz

>your country is so irrelevant even a virus can't bothered to do it's job there

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With these money I can live here for 5-6 years pretty good

>This disease takes 6 months to progress and is 95% lethal
The world isn't patient enough to see this. Open the gates, let the bodies pile up and let them wonder what went wrong

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Thank you for baking!

Too early to tell, and you never come out and say you've beaten Corona. It's reverse memetics with her.

Up to 14 days incubation is a long time and it just takes one seed.

>When this granuloma disease occurs in cats it’s called FIP. This disease takes 6 months to progress and is 95% lethal. It affects kittens the worst.
> kittens
what about adult cats?


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That's why they're intubating the fuck out of people, and they have no family to advocate for them.

Watch this if you haven't. youtube.com/watch?v=yyj0dMfFqOI

Oh, fug
So.. considering the inevitability that most of us have a variant of corona, we're not going to be celebrating new year 2021....

Kids are getting ischemia in their toes too, i.e., clots.

Cautiously wary right now.

Yesterday almost all of our MSM said things are going back to normal in next 3 weeks and how we might even have decent tourist season. KEK.

Depends on the cat, some manage to carry it for years if not decades but for most it's highly lethal after a certain point in time.

▶ 303 new cases and 12 new deaths in Romania
▶ 826 new cases and 3 new deaths in Belarus

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Is that it?

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> The cases have in common overlapping features of toxic shock syndrome and atypical Kawasaki Disease with blood parameters consistent with severe COVID-19 in children.

>“Abdominal pain and gastrointestinal symptoms have been a common feature as has cardiac inflammation. This has been observed in children with confirmed PCR positive SARS-CoV-2 infection as well as children who are PCR negative. Serological evidence of possible preceding SARS-CoV-2 infection has also been observed.”

>PICS advised “early discussion” of possible cases “with regional paediatric infectious disease and critical care teams”.

> FCoV is a virus of the gastrointestinal tract: most infections are either asymptomatic, or cause diarrhea, especially in kittens, as maternally derived antibody wanes at between 5 and 7 weeks of age. The virus is a mutation of feline enteric coronavirus (FECV).

> An intense inflammatory reaction to FIPV occurs around vessels in the tissues where these infected cells locate, often in the abdomen, kidney, or brain. It is this interaction between the body’s own immune system and the virus that is responsible for the development of FIP. Once a cat develops clinical FIP, the disease is usually progressive and almost always fatal without therapy that has recently become available, but that has yet to be approved to treat FIP in cats by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

>German numbers more similar to China, Iran, Russia and Turkey than any western country

why are the krauts so dishonest?

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Good luck geting people to travel now. Even if everything gets lifted

SARS-CoV-2 causes infectious peritonitis in humans, WE'RE FUCKED

There’s three versions, FECV - feline coronavirus - which mutates to the worse FCoV - which can cause FIPV most notably in kittens but not only.


Half of krauts had BCG jabs.

How can one man be so based?

Dude, it's a nothing burger

I don’t think everyone would develop “FIP like” though. Younger people have crazy amounts of macrophages.

For the rest of us it’s kind of probably a matter of viral loading or mutations.

>people that are infected will die within 6 months
>Three millions will be dead by then
What do you mean "Is that it?"

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Summer break is just around the corner and people have been anticipating since last years summer ended.