Things are going pretty good for them at the moment. They can scream people out all they want on twitter, they can put as many gays, and blacks, and muslims or whatever they want on tv. Most of the things they don't like get censored out of main stream media. All in all things are as left leaning as they've ever been. Apart from a few things like Trump they must feel pretty good about the way the world is. I know it's a meme to say that they're never happy but they must appreciate some of this stuff right?
Is there anyone here on the left, do you feel good about the way the world is today?
Are The Left Happy?
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Commies will say they're "liberals" and not left wing, but you have to believe in free speech and actual liberty to be a liberal.
>They can scream people out all they want on twitter, they can put as many gays, and blacks, and muslims or whatever they want on tv. Most of the things they don't like get censored out of main stream media.
lol. Treating everyone fairly and acknowledging they exist is not a leftist thing.
Unions are in the worst state they've been in years, prior to covid despite economicists calls for market stimulation the government was fiscally conservative but high on regulation and constantly bailed out shitty ineficiant businesses
If your a neoliberalist who thinks left wing just means diversity and identity politics, great I'm sure your happy, but anyone who actually cares about the economy/greater good left or right is on suicide watch
Former leftist here. No, they are not happy. The left doesn't realize that they are they are the dominant force. No matter how good they have it, they believe they are oppressed and that Fox News and Christian Conservatives are out to get them. Their whole worldview is about struggle and oppression. They can never be happy. For the goalposts alway move and some percieved injustice must be corrected. It's delusional. Conservatism on the other hand, is built on a foundation of gratitude.
"More importantly, leftism is a totalitarian force because of the leftists’ drive for power. The leftist seeks to satisfy his need for power through identification with a social movement and he tries to go through the power process by helping to pursue and attain the goals of the movement (see paragraph 83). But no matter how far the movement has gone in attaining its goals the leftist is never satisfied, because his activism is a surrogate activity (see paragraph 41). That is, the leftist’s real motive is not to attain the ostensible goals of leftism; in reality he is motivated by the sense of power he gets from struggling for and then reaching a social goal. [35] Consequently the leftist is never satisfied with the goals he has already attained; his need for the power process leads him always to pursue some new goal. The leftist wants equal opportunities for minorities. When that is attained he insists on statistical equality of achievement by minorities. And as long as anyone harbors in some corner of his mind a negative attitude toward some minority, the leftist has to re-educated him. And ethnic minorities are not enough; no one can be allowed to have a negative attitude toward homosexuals, disabled people, fat people, old people, ugly people, and on and on and on. It’s not enough that the public should be informed about the hazards of smoking; a warning has to be stamped on every package of cigarettes. Then cigarette advertising has to be restricted if not banned. The activists will never be satisfied until tobacco is outlawed, and after that it will be alcohol, then junk food, etc. Activists have fought gross child abuse, which is reasonable. But now they want to stop all spanking. When they have done that they will want to ban something else they consider unwholesome, then another thing and then another. They will never be satisfied until they have complete control over all child rearing practices. And then they will move on to another cause."
220. Suppose you asked leftists to make a list of ALL the things that were wrong with society, and then suppose you instituted EVERY social change that they demanded. It is safe to say that within a couple of years the majority of leftists would find something new to complain about, some new social “evil” to correct because, once again, the leftist is motivated less by distress at society’s ills than by the need to satisfy his drive for power by imposing his solutions on society."
Industrial Society and its Future by Ted Kaczynski
I hate chinks, and yellow fever fags are scum, just as bad as your typical coal burner.
If they were capable of being happy, they'd be actual liberals - instead of the totalitarian fascists that they actually are. The bright side is that their perpetual misery makes them that much easier to identify - and ignore.
Baffles me libshits still think the system is "against them".
Mega corporations in line with the tranny agenda
Capitalists & politicians in line with mass migration for lower wages and higher rent
Billionaire online platforms full censorship against their hated right wing speech against the 1st amendment
Authorities raiding far righters like ISIS terrorists
Bankers funding antifa
The media full blown on liberal garbage and covering shitskins crimes
But the saddest thing is that these morons don't realize there's nothing for them in this system. Not a fucking penny.
Morons don't realize being a good goy doesn't pay.
>Things are going pretty good for them at the moment.
Yeah the surge in nationalism throughout the western world is gerat for them.....
And the EU experiment is going down in flames
You're right. And there's no such thing as left "liberals" any more. They call themselves "social liberals" which is bs. The entire left has been taken over with Marxist thought. Look up critical / conflict theory. Its the basis of everything the left believes.
>Treating everyone fairly and acknowledging they exist is not a leftist thing.
I don't know if that's really what's happening
>anyone who actually cares about the economy/greater good left or right is on suicide watch
That's a good point
>who thinks left wing just means diversity and identity politics
I guess, I just see lots of people on the left who talk about this sort of thing a lot. A better question would be how much does the left actually care about identity politics?
I do not believe the left and identity poltics can be seperated. That's like trying to tear evangelicals from the Republican party. Every single left wing politician must bow to SJWs if they want to get elected. If they dont, they get kicked out for failing the ideological purity test and called a bigot
Who cares if they exist? You fag
I would consider myself an economically left wing person, I believe in government stimulation of the economy more than not and public funding of education and healthcare yet I'm socially conservative and opposed to large scale migration
Many of those "left wingers" who constantly talk social politics do not give a shit about the economy it's not even on their radar. The same applies to right wingers. Identity politics is an exaggerated blight funnelled by think tanks and corporate media, politics has become incredibly dumbed down and people loop around minor social infractions instead of the bigger picture.
>Commies will say they're "liberals" and not left wing
people here on pol don't understand what the left really is and confuses everything with the left and centrism
This is one of the things I hate the most about leftists. I empathize with the fact they have suffer tremendously in this sick, modern society like most of us do. I think almost all of us would admit that we don't prefer things to be this way and would change them if we could.
However, unlike leftists, we find our own ways to "cope" with living in this system that doesn't involve making others suffer as much as we do. We find our own surrogate activities that are based only around our own personal pursuit of growth, happiness or just a quick rush of dopamine.
Some of us watch anime or play video games. Others learn instruments or do martial arts. Some will read philosophical and historical books to further their understanding of the world. And most of us research this "system" that we're living under so that we can understand how it came to be and how we might someday try to change it through our own personal actions, even if that's just a pipe dream.
The leftist, however, is not content with keeping his misery to himself and trying to find his own surrogate happiness and contentment. The only way he can feel anything is by trying to impose his will on those who frankly just want to be left alone. The sad thing is that the leftist actually thinks that he's fighting against the system that has made him an empty shell of a human being, but instead he's just a toll for those same psychopaths, serving their interests.
All the leftist is doing is bothering people who are in the same situation they are but at least have the decency to keep their own misery to themselves. They can only feel something when they force their will onto other human beings rather than finding their own personal power through their own creative process.
I hate them for this.
As Noam Chomsky said the freer the nation the more propaganda it requires.
America prioritises the individuals rights, which can be good when the majority of men can afford to live independently of the government which was the original intention. In practice shitty corporations and banks turn a profit on things that are bad for the majority. In America there is more freedom, freedom to smoke shit, drink shit, eat dogshit provided by crummy lowest denominator chains all without taxation resulting in obesity and a healthcare system with little obligation to keep people alive, unless they pay through the nose. Wars bad for the majority of Americans are constantly fought, illegal immigrants are let in and taken advantage of, businesses are offshored all to the detriment of most Americans, Americans vote against their own representation in unions because they are told to by centralised media.
Better yet most people on this board and in this world will not talk about science or economics when they talk politics, they'll make threads about what celebrities said or social degenarcy not realising economic profit is driving this.
you're badly affected by TDS
what do you want, cuckold? more trannies in the stuporbowl? stay on topic bitch
No, and they never will be content. They care far more about validation, that is all it is to them. Unabomber was fucking right about them. Even if you solved all the problems in our world, they will still find something to complain about.
Yeah, I agree with most of that. I think big corporations that hurt people aren't going out to specifically hurt people there's just no way to make big moves with out ruining things for people. I like to think that it's still possible to do your own thing and make your own space in the world and knowing about how politics and corporations operate is the first step towards that.
Yeah honestly dude I know "left wingers" are the vocal group right now, I truly believe the right subcategory for them is neoliberals, but I digress.
I highly suggest you read books that question the role of the state and the ways economics should respond to do right by the majority, two brilliant starters are Martin Sheen's Economics debunked and Dr Ron Pauls Liberty under siege.
Especially read about systems you disagree with, learn about the beatniks and postmodernism, even in bullshit there is a flake of truth and that's why so many half interested people regurgitate social narratives, its easier than finding a solution to the real broader problems that seem impossible.
Everybody loves Uncle Ted
I don't think they are happy
Lefties in the West are for most part left-wing liberals who are minions for capitalism, but think they are muh marxist socialists
And therefore they are dull in a spiritual and ideological sense
They will allways scream for more, even if they get everything done their capitalistic masters ask for
The reason is that they are really stupid and ignorant people, if you talk with left-wing people you will soon find out that they don't know anything about politics, they don't know anything about any kind of ideology or the parties which they claim to represent, they are just cattle, which does what they are told because it's hip or cool or mainstream
and if they are truly happy, then they just are because of their vast stupideness, which lets them be happy, because they cannot see for themselves what shitshow they are truly in
The left has controlled the media since before the 60's.
A lot of people like to think media was "wholesome" back in the 50's, and it WAS kept in check by a very powerful FCC, but degeneracy has always been poured into the eyes and ears of the public by the media.
They promoted smoking and drinking as "tough guy" attributes, with cowboy serials, and they gradually introduced it into a staple of what the successful businessman would do, every day.
Eventually, they promoted more hardcore degeneracy, culminating in the race-mixing, homo-infested, white-man-derisive bullshit they puke up all over your tv set, today.
I got rid of the television portion of my cable bill, long ago.
Why would anyone PAY their money to kid rapists/torturers/murderers, for the "privilege" of being routinely disgusted and offended,every day?
People are literally addicted to having the idiot-box on, 24/7, and even though the filth that is pouring out of it is destructive to any decent society, they still gotta pay for that fix.
And in the background, you'll hear some asshole laughing at your stupidity, while he rapes a child with the help of your hard-earned shekels.
>However, unlike leftists, we find our own ways to "cope" with living in this system that doesn't involve making others suffer as much as we do. We find our own surrogate activities that are based only around our own personal pursuit of growth, happiness or just a quick rush of dopamine.
>All the leftist is doing is bothering people who are in the same situation they are but at least have the decency to keep their own misery to themselves. They can only feel something when they force their will onto other human beings rather than finding their own personal power through their own creative process.
Godspeed, user!
You are not valid