You don't have to be a blue haired cat herding activist to understand that littering is a disgusting and disrespectful habit. Don't behave like a negro, always look for a bin, don't pollute the planet
Don't litter
That giraffe is enjoying every second of it.
When I was a garbageman I used to litter all the time. The rule is, as long as you pick up more than you throw out, it's fine.
I am almost physically incapable of littering. Even spitting gum into the bushes makes me feel like an absolute degenerate.
Found the NIGGER.
fucking this probably has toothache
>Dont litter
You know what I hate the most? When you go in the woods and there are fucking government signs littered everywhere.
fuck off retard, all waste is returned to the earth, if you dont like how the earth receives these gifts then fucking use something else
Most Asian cultures think nothing of littering at all, and their countries are filthy trash-heaps as a result.
I picked up 15-20 tons of trash with my hands 5 days a week for 6 years. Please tell me how much trash you have picked up over any 6 year span.
I hate to do it but it has to be said
Built for bbc
and they should use products and packaging that they are comfortable returning to the soil
the solution isnt to bag everything up and put it somewhere out of sight, the solution is to fucking live in symbiosis with the earth to push it in the desirable directions
chinks being brainless insects is no litmus
Whatever you fag, everything breaks down eventually so who even cares? The Earth can deal with garbage just fine quit being a hippy fag
God what a libtard faggot. I love littering. Me my wife and kids go to burger king and eat in my jacked up chevy, after we roll coal and do burn outs. After we reached 55 or 60 ill say ready, 1-2-3 burger bomb and we all throw our wrappers out at the same time covering the car behind us, then i punch it and leave em in a cloud of smoke. I luv it bru
you missed the point retard
and carbon is great for strengthening global plant life and by extension animal and human life, produce as much as you can
If I'm in a park I agree with you 100%, if I'm in a city the city is just a big piece of litter on the planet and I'll throw my trash wherever I damn well please. Seriously though go look at google earth satellite, cities look like big gray scars on the earth, it's uncanny how it looks like scar tissue.
If you aren't an environmentalist you aren't white
I missed nothing. I enjoy littering and im teaching my family to litter everywhere. I also love illegal dumping. I dump tires, barrels of used paint thats bad, chemicals, and i get paid really well to do it to. I roll tires right of the boat lunch into the river at nite. Its funny watching them hop into the river
kys faget
you did miss the point you retard, i said people should only use things they are comfortable returning to the earth, if you are comfortable returning that shit to the earth then that is good, that is the impact you will have and it is the mark of your blood upon the soil. you did miss the point because youre a retarded faggot who desperately wants to attack "libtards" and you saw i said "earth" and jumped at the opportunity making the retarded assumption that i am some hippy queer
I’m sorry user I could not resist that what the first nigger dick joke I have made here in 8 years I had to do it.
Nationalism is not an ideology, it is a discipline and a drive to do better.
Are you proud acting like a nigger?
i already dont litter, never understood low IQ people that do it
Giraffes are some of the most degenerate animals i've ever seen.
>be me
>go to zoo
>see giraffes
>female giraffe starts squirting piss
>male giraffe runs up and starts eating her out with its disgusting long-as-fuck blue tongue and drinking the piss
We have much bigger problems to worry about than littering. It's just being used as a way to shame white men from blowing off steam.
He's a larping faggot trying to get a rise out of you
You gay bro?
Get into gardening this year asap!
I want a BasedWojac meme with bottles "giraffe piss".
giraffes are the white people of the animal kingdom
>BasedWojac, le con, il a dit BasedWojac.