Get a job if you want one so badly

Why don't all these people complaining about not working just a job as an essential worker?

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Why work when centerlink money is more than my usual 9 to 5 pay?

Maybe there are not enough jobs to go around?

Because by definition nonessential jobs make up a majority of all jobs, and even if the economic activity of an unhampered economy could be simulated, you still couldn't expand the "essential" sector anywhere near a fraction of the size necessary to employ the vocal protestors let alone the rest of the laidoff workforce. You fucking retard.

there certainly are in the US. They're desperate for essential workers here. I just don't see many magapedes signing up for them, which is weird since you'd think they'd be keen to pull themselves up by their bootstraps

>They're desperate for essential workers here.
Yeah that's why they're trying to hire people at part time hours to prevent giving benefits, and at a well below prevailing wage for the position and area. All to skim those sweet sweet femabux during this "emergency."
Sure sounds desperate retard.

Unemployment pays more.

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Because that's like cocaine culture, minus the drug use.

Nigger, please. Most places, such as mine, are hurting for workers.
This isn't supposed to be permanent.

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>This isn't supposed to be permanent.
Exactly, so if the situation is so incredibly dire why not make a bid for labor that indicates that you believe it's dire. The fact that they're willing to lowball tells me it's not a concern and it's just a scheme to skim emergency funds to enrich the management.

Gotta make the shareholders happy in some way.

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Just learn to essential work, bro.

Why does the amount you're getting matter if you just want to work?

So its cultured then?

>being this much of a disingenuous literalist
You know damn well what their beef is you sophist.

Umm Like why don't homeless people just buy houses?

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Do you honestly believe anyone wants to work just for the sake of working?
Are you trolling or just a mental invalid?

No, there are no jobs.

One never knows when the charity will evaporate.

What? You don't got rent due in a few days?

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isn't that literally their argument? that it's their "pupose in life" and start screeching about socialism and laziness when anyone mentions any form of ubi, if work is so important to them why don't they just volunteer? or why don't they work shitty jobs then?
because otherwise you have to rephrase the motto and it should be something along the lines of "I want to work, in a comfy job, that pays a lot of money" but I guess that doesn't sound that morally right anymore now does it

I agree. Too much free time leads to criminality.

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then they go to prison, what shit logic is this, law enforcement exists for a reason, not to mention that a lot less people would commit crimes if they had money, they commit crimes to make money, the section of people who commit crimes because they have legit mental problems is tiny, with the ubi 90% of the prisons and the homeless shelters would empty out

>They're desperate for essential workers here
Post links to indeed

>essential worker
How much does a dancing nurse make on Tic Toc these days?

No there are not.
No one is currently hiring. Prove me wrong.

They want the freedom to sell their labor on the market for a price they deem fair and that they can find a buyer for. Right now entire categories of labor have been banned because they are deemed "nonessential." They have material needs and cannot legally use the skills and hardware they possess to meet those needs due to state interference. It's not that complicated.

>Leftists: we support the working class!
>also Leftists: ewww working people organizing without the permission of state media, nazis!!!

fucking kek

Globalists charge that brown invaders only take jobs that citizens don’t want to do. If that’s the case, then please fire all of the white collar anchor babies who took my career opportunities.

Courts are closed... Prisons are full

You work at Wal-Mart?
So hire niggers first, pay minimum and no benefits.

if anything it should be an eye opener that their "labour" isn't worth shit and it's just a facade to keep the sheeple happy with some scraps that get thrown around for them, does google or amazon make any less money now? NOPE, their profits just skyrocketed with this, but will any of that ever trickle down? hell no, they're looking at these idiots crying to go back to their hamster wheels and laughing their asses off
this should just show that giant corporate entities hold most of the money on the market and if they were properly taxed everyone could be afforded an ubi very easily, then if they want to work they can volunteer or whatever
this "I wanna sell my labour" just became absolutely meaningless, even the government declares that your labour isn't essential, it's a hamsterwheel to keep you occupied
oh boy guess it's time to finally murder the people I don't like and go on a raping spree, no police am I right? dumbass

oh and of course let's not forget that the fed can just print a 100 trillion dollars if it wants to, the best thing about this crisis is that it exposes how everything is just a lazily crafted facade to keep the sheeple occupied in their daily ratrace and don't look at the bigger picture

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