All hope is lost, believe me or don’t I don’t care
>be 8/10, can only land fat chicks or 18-20 that have fucked 13 guys
>meet nice girl on app
>she throws her south at me
>we start dating
> she admits she’s fucked 13 guys and is infertile
Should I kill myself anons?
All hope is lost for Dating
Sure, you probably look like a boy instead of a man and are too skinny or too fat to attract anyone.
>Should I kill myself anons?
No way. Take a break. Find something else to focus on for a while.
Okay but I should I kill myself, I Keep getting attached to women and then breaking up over purity spiraling. The west is dead my lif me sucks it’s all shit
Can confirm.
Now I'm fucking a rich Jews side jewess because they are into it
There’s no hope I will never start a family tinder will turn every man into a in elk
....Those numerals confirm this is not a larp.
this is the most beta thing i've ever read
>should I kill myself
What ethnicity are you
>Should I kill myself anons?
White wasp, it’s all so tiresome just broke up with my gf for her being an infertile whore, god I pray for the courage to kill myself
Dude. Chill the fuck out.
i hate nigs
>i failed so that means its never gunna happen ever
>gill self
apart of growing up is stop thinking emotionally and start thinking rationally. how do you look at something and immediately come to the conclusion that it always will or never will happen despite there being no proof? simple, its psychological neoteny, and is a byproduct of modern society and education.
thats how children think son. children
find a women worth sticking u dick in and create a family and have a sense of purpose you nigger
Learn spanish.
Go to south america.
I have no jobs prospects, most of my family is dead or elderly, I have no friends anymore, women are degenerate whores, I love my job trimming plants but that’s about it
Just buck up. You don't want to hear that, but it's what it boils down to. Find a 7 with a single digit body count and settle. We do not live in perfect times, and we are not perfect men, so we don't get perfect women.
How many chicks have you fucked?
Do you ask her about how many guys she fucked or she told you in a casual way?
Why do you want to bring children to this slaughterhouse?
What do you expect from a girl you met via app?
start looking out for some from before they become corrupted. nudge them away from degeneracy and towards wholesomeness
could this be done?
following all laws and moral principles, of course
There aren’t a single 5 with a single digit count let alone 7s you delusional boomer
A cute girl at work approached me yesterday and asked me if I was single. I said no, even though I had broken up with my gf the day before.. why did I do this bros?
7 including he. She admitted she was infertile and then I asked that
I'll be your friend user.
>he uses dating apps
ngmi fren
That Nembutal is sounding pretty good
>Find a 7 with single digit body count
Implying that an 8 can even attract a 7, and that she isn't a psycho whore
Then euthanize me
honestly man your not going to find your soul mate on tinder
If that's what you want.
Burn some sulfur in your room, then take a nap. No pain.
My last gf was 17 and a high school sweetheart, fucked 15 dudes in between ages 16 and 17 shits fucked god someone kill me
If you still have an ounce of dignity and she's a nice girl, try to forget all the shit you've read here. And for the love of God, don't kill yourself man. At least you've dated and fucked girls. That's a lot more than the vast majority of this board have never achieved. Chances are that your relationship would sink in a matter of weeks or months, but there is always a remote possibility of success. And forget about children. As painful as it sounds, children are doomed in this world, there's no inocence left. You can always have one in the future and expose the little shit to the virtues of pol anyway.
What type of sulfur?
>just be a cuck and dishonor yourself
>also don’t have children goy
Yeah I’d rather peace out on my own terms
Ok then, best wishes
You aren’t 8/10. Stop listening to your mum.
Women aren't worth it, the jews won that battle and denying it is delusional at this point. I don't get why people obsess over starting a family on this pozzed global weimar shithole anymore. Focus on improving yourself and disregard the zogcunt.
>Endlessly improve yourself and entertain yourself with hobbies just to eventually die
Why shouldn’t I kill myself again
You're not an 8/10. Surprise
>I don't get why people obsess over starting a family on this pozzed global weimar shithole anymore
Don't try to inject some common sense in OP's mind. He's talking about honor. He's probably a samurai and deep down he wants to seppuku himself.