Nice i bought some puts on some food related shit
>some puts on food related shit
So you have a RH with 100 bucks buying OTM puts on "food related shit?"
Yes, enjoy eating your money when the food riots begin.
Americans won't stand for a cheeseburger famine
Maybe they should hired people who understand hygiene instead of bringing in beaners and Somalis to keep wages down.
>go to my local ranch
>buy a steer
>load it up
>shoot it home
>butcher it
oh god I almost starved to death, whew!
There wont be a lack of food. There just might not be food available for fast food and restaurants when they reopen.
So yes. There will be rioting in the US when the lockdown is ended.
kek, and retards will end up eating bugs because they are too much of pussy faggots to go vegan
nooo how the burgerinos gonna survive vithout big big macs and 3 pounds of fries? not my burgerinos
Instead of going vegan, I'll just eat vegans.
They're like animals anyway, herbivore.
>closing food processing plants
why the fuck would you do that, those places are sanitized anyway
here we have it. folks. the REAL reason for this "pandemic". this is a stress test for the people and system that is america. unfortunately the elites picked a common flu to scapegoat and it's becoming clearer as lethality is around 0.01 and dropping quick! LIBERATE AMERICA
Ill kill animals at random, even with no intention of eating them, before I go vegan.
kek based
No demand for their product. Enormous amounts of food are wasted when the economy is ran normally.
When they reopen? The fast food places here didn’t close at all, just drive thru only.
Fast food hasn't even closed
>hurr durrr
nope, youll be eating cricket bars because not eating animals scares the shit out of you cause youve bought retard propaganda
I picked the perfect time to start fasting
literally nigger behavior
maybe they are right saying the irish are white niggers
Mmm nut and grain fed 100% organic vegan.
Lower demand for food production has resulted in food processing plants closing. When demand returns to normal there will be a lag time those plants reopen.
I still dont think anywhere will actually lack food though
Shut down food production places selectively and you can offset covid deaths by denying Americans the fat fuck food they desire.
Blame yourself. I wouldnt care if it wasnt for tranny vegans.
just made me some goat stew, got the meat from my local towelhead market
Checked & steer-cannonpilled
Goat is based, especially if it’s Jamaican jerk goat.
very pretty kitty
This virus is anti-modernist as fuck, it's showing that any kind of stress on the supply lines can kill the modern industrial processing system while farmers and people who supply themselves straight from the producer won't be impacted.
Rural retards win again.
The cheap labor was worth it
>food riots
I'm convinced nobody will be allowed to see non-whites in a bad light, riots should have already started and here we are. Too much money being funneled in/out.
>be me
>get out for a cigarette
>bunny hops casually in front of me
>deer eyeballs me at 50 yards
>nearest lake is 200 yards away
>living in peace and harmony with my future food.
>Bullshit headline
>No link
Its shill 101 fake news
>tranny vegans
nigger what
trannys are like what .0002% of the population and of that like 1% vegan, why would you act like a nigger just to spite like 7000 people that youll probably never encounter even on the internet?
I doubt you could butcher it even with a youtube video
Quiet yourself, tranny.
deers are natures prostitutes
If this administration wasn't as useless as tits on a bull it would have the national guard getting trained in these plants. Daily tests for the men working in the plants. The food supply chain is absurdly important which means nothing will be done and people will starve due to incompetence. MAGA!
Life has improved and I'm living in a city. My pay went up, work hours went down and I have an excuse to sit indoors all the time.
I grew up in alaska hunting moose lol
not a tranny you faggot nigger
So you let trannies dictate your life, nigger?
That’s sheep/goats, make sure to wear rubber boots so you can slip their back legs inside and they can’t get away.
Why is there a surplus of meat? Has burgermunching come to a halt? I don't understand what happens in america anymore
imagine fucking up the world economy over a cold
Of course they were right.
I hope a hundred Million Mutts starve to death.
If you do something like this don't tell anyone. If food gets actually hard to get government will give rewards for people who "hoarded" food and have more than they need.
I'm eating meat right now. Seethe more.
>lives in UK
>never butchered an animal
Aoc says its fine and we should stay home. If we run out of food, we can just go eat at her house.
Meh, I live in the scrub now with feral horses, I'll go shoot one and quarter it and drag it to my garage to clean and pack
I can almost guarantee you that this is intentional. They want you to think the pandemic is worse than it is and that society is falling apart... which it very well may well be; however, much of it could be avoided.
That's an evil thought to have
>Run everything on fucking kanban style JIT supply systems
>A single truck driver catches a cold or a single meat packer has to close
You fucking asked for it.
Welp if we can supply ourselves that means the first cut off will be all the countries we trade with. Don't you faggots understand this, we have been globalized and rely on other countries for food and many rely on the US for meat. This is why they have been preparing you to eat bugs
I cut apart a rat in college. You skin,which is easy, cut out the digestive tract at neck and anus, again easy, and then just use a guide to find out which parts are tender and which parts you boil.
Of course I dont mean for eating rats. Mammals are all more or less the same tho.
Same. But i didn't let the choice be made by the mentally ill who only exist on the internet.
That'd be pathetic.
Most Americans are too tired from working all day to even think when they get home.
I think you are very confused. You nigger.
Jannies, what are you waiting for?
Do your job.
Delete this garbage right now.
I'm not going to tell you again.
>you dont like eating feces
>look at me im eating feces
preparing you to eat bugs? as if most of the world doesn't already do it and has been for all of human history?
Yes that's the seethe I am talking about. Keep it up.
Yes it's bullshit we work ten hour days, five days a week, sucks ass user
And that's a good thing.
yes, let's keep everything shut down until everyone dies, then there wouldn't be a virus problem!
>shut down your country
>fight to keep it shut down
>”wait why is there no more food”
How retarded is America?
Not White people or American niggers