What the fuck is with all this anti-science / anti-space shit recently?

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Retarded faggots falling for half truths like "flat Earth" We are being lied to about Earth. It's not fucking 2-dimensional though. It's a fucking pre-op to co-op any movement for map literate people.
>Question something
>Find other people that question something
>Get retarded with CIA pre-op

creeping christian boomerism

what do you believe we're being lied to regarding the earth

Yas Forums has been a dumping ground for /x/ for a while now. All of these faggots belong on /x/.

>Don't talk about the arctic
>Ignore the obvious pyramid mounds in the US
>Ignore the 7-9ft redheaded people that used to exist, who we used to have corpses of. That the smithsonian "lost"
>Don't ask about EM portals, or frequency control of matter
Lost of shit.

space travel is utterly worthless if civilians cant buy a ticket and go, IF i want pictures i would watch a fucking movie

What the fuck is with all this pro-science / pro-space shit recently?

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>Literally endless REO's in space
>Endless solar power
>Endless room

Padding, so that space autists don't flip their shit when they see what happened to the economy.

Space futurism is escapism for defeated faggots and NEETs.
Conquer the fucking EARTH first, retard, only then start talking about the stars.

what has space got to do with solar i have a $5000 solar kit in my backyard and it works fine


Shut the fuck up brainlet. Do you honestly think we can instantly somehow make it economically viable for the common person to access space?

The answer is no. What you need are high cost low volume ventures that eventually scale with volume. You're the equivalent of the guy in 1989 who shouted "durrrrrr mobile phones are like $5000 so they're worthless if most civilians cant buy one"

Sweet dude, you should go check it out. Oh wait, you will literally never see it in your life.

It's just another aspect of leftism.
>why spend money on technology when it could be spent on feeding niggers?

Everyone except americans know apollo 11 was fake and gay.
But jews need to keep the gentiles distracted with sci fi

theyve had 50 years and absoultly no civilian space travel nasa needs funding completely cut and someone else do it, seems like theyre sitting on their fat asses doing nothing all day

Marxists have hated space travel forever.

Look at this pic, it was widely published in papers around the time they announced the Apollo program. Do you think it's even real? This is a "famous" civil rights era photograph, you can look it up. And what I see is a woman in black face with a negro child whose dress has been yanked for no apparent reason over her shoulder to give the impression of being disheveled.

"Fuck the value my children will see. I only give two shits about myself and my own retirement."
Literally kill yourselves you drains on the human(white) race.

sorry forgot my pic lol

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>the value of space travel is regular people going into space

what does it mean to me if i cant see it firsthand? why should it mean anything to me? fact is people want to see space first hand soon or theyre going to stop paying

friendly reminder; there is a pro-space thread for fun discussion posted every saturday evening (8pm+ UKtime) called /etm/.
im the OP and one of the reasons I started /etm/ a few years ago was to combat all the anti-space bullshit on Yas Forums

come and check us out next saturday, like I said there is always fun discussion.

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>I"m gonna stop paying
No, you aren't goy.

NASA means deceive in hebrew

>what has space got to do with solar when i have panels in my backyard

Jesus christ come on dude use your brain. Solar Arrays on earth are limited by the size of the earth. Solar arrays in space can be titanic in scale, far beyond the earth, thus allowing them to power a far larger population

>50 years
>nothing has happened

Wrong. The launch cost 50 years ago was $1 billion per launch. the cost now is somewhere around $50 million which is nearly a 20x decrease

I'm always in /etm/ user.
Thanks for mentioning it.

Flat earth retards being BTFO by every other platform and have nowhere else to bring there dumbfuck beliefs, kind of like how the rest of Yas Forums's beliefs were formed.

You're a defeated faggot looking to run away from a winnable battle just because you're afraid of nigs and kikes. Fucking pathetic. Look to your HOME, you fucking coward, instead of to fantastical frontiers that you can slink off to as a pussified traitor to your mother planet.


im diagnosed autistic i never paid or worked for anything in my life the government pays me

Unironically its people that want to be enslaved to the sphere of the Earth in a hellscape for all eternity, bringing everyone down with them into a sea of despair and ignorance.

What they don't understand is this is purely a projection of their own daily reality, and they are nothing more than crabs trying to pull the rest of us back down into the bucket with them.

it seems extremely obvious the earth cannot be conquered because of the nature of humans

Headed for another dark age user...

>Expanding the places white people exist is shrinking, decreasing, and running away
Kill yourself retard
I'm sorry you are too stupid to contribute to the white race.


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Were the Europeans who settled in the early America cowards who """""ran away""""" or were they conquerors of a new land?

Kill yourself pathetic boomershit faggot.

>it seems extremely obvious the earth cannot be conquered because of the nature of humans
Ever fucking tried?
And I don't mean kikepuppet controlled opposition paving the way for a destroyed white identity and stronger ZOG than ever before, I mean waking the masses of brainwashed NPCs the fuck up and actually doing something. You think if we run away to space it will be any less pozzed than the shithole our mother planet is actively devolving into?

>Were people who worked to conquer their mother planet the same as faggot NEETs looking up at the sky and wanting muh spaceships and alien gfs

The absolute state of mental gymnast coward embarrassments to Mother Earth.

computer generated and dumped controlop for NPCs