Should governments just build commieblocks for the homeless?
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Short answer: No
Long answer: Nooo
Longer Answer:
he said the homeless not bulgarian gypsies, bulgarian gypsies are even dumber than ours, romanian gypsies taking the gold medal with an average IQ of 65
What do you think would happen to these newly established commy blocks once those homeless people moved in?
regular homeless? they'd try to get back on their feet
gypsies? would tear out all the cable, sell it, and move back into their cardboard houses
I've seen both happen, gypos got an entirely new village on the outskirts of belgrade, comfy houses, electricity, water, everything, destroyed it in a month and I'm pretty sure noone lives there now
It was called the projects and it turned into a hellhole.
No, build labor camps instead.
I'd prefer erasing them, they serve no purpose.
Round up all of the homeless and put them into these kinds of walled off prisons where it's battle royale for food and resources with cameras everywhere as live broadcast entertainment.
Most homeless are skitso or druggo and would shit on the qfloors.
When will you fuckers realize that the homeless problem does not magically fix itself as soon as the homeless have a roof over their head?
The term "homeless" is purely a catch-all term to lump a wide variety of issues: mental illness, drug addiction, lazyness and sometimes pure disregard of modern society.
A house alone will not take care of any of these issues. The best you can do is make it so unbearably hard to be homeless (beatings if you're caught sleeping on the street, spikes, random hose-downs, etc) that they have no other choice but to get their life together.
No, they should build death camps for the wogs, then there'd be plenty of spare housing for the homeless.
Maybe churches could, but without people who actually care to see the homeless improve themselves it ends up just being a quarantine of the dredges of society.
Being homeless is difficult if nobody is willing to help. You need an address, phone number, and shower to get even a foot off the ground floor these days.
on a deserted Island or convert abandoned military base/barracks in middle of nowhere, airdrop supplies.
let them Lord of the Flies
I've seen enough stories from people who help the homeless to know there needs to be a way of separating those who can be helped, from those who are just the lost and the damned.
They're like Africans
There's a bunch of deserted malls In America now, they should turn them into homeless housing. They're all on huge lots with plenty of pavement seperating them from everyone else. All they have to do is have armed gaurds at the doors and kill any homeless that think they deserve to go outside and feel natural sunlight with the real humans
It will be like the anime movie "violence jack: evil town" but with more rape
In some ways even worse. Africans can at least have the most primitive semblance of a society. Gypsies literally cannot function without a host.
Yes, but first they have to kick out the migrants.
not a good idea. just google "lunik 9" I lived there for 4 years. no fun
Honestly, the best thing for the homeless would be a review, and depending on the results, they're either rehabilitated into society, or sent to an island to fend for themselves. I don't care how cruel it sounds, it can't be overstated enough that many homeless people are fundamentally flawed, and their way of life is hardwired into them. There is no moral reason to keep them around, not unless they can somehow get better.
No because we have many immigrants to house and they will always get the priority.
At the end, you will tax the working men more, the poor won't be helped and you will have entire towns where cops can't go but people live off welfare.
Only if you want to ruin the commie blocks some of the homeless can be fixed. But most would be better put into a asylum and can't be fixed.
Only if the homeless are white
The best thing is to give them a job, even one they will not like and to force them to keep it. With a safe income, healthy social relations and a stable life, their other problems will be solvable.
Looks exactly like what they're building in the Denver suburbs, except they're private and (before the virus) they were charging big money.
>mental illness, drug addiction, lazyness and sometimes pure disregard of modern society
This, with drug addiction probably number 1, especially if you include alcoholism. The sane, don't-give-a-fuck homeless are pretty rare and tend to be old men.
No, they should let the lazy fuckers starve and sleep on the streets until they give up heroin and get a job
>pruit iggoe
Its already been done, didn’t work
Are they superior to US style trailer parks?
So, we take the less social people, the one violent and impulsive, the ones who can't get a job even if they wanted to, the ones who see "society" as an enemy to fight and we give them all a shitty apartment in cuckcages towers. Of course they can leave, but if they do, they will have to pay it themselves, and gibs create dependency.
What could possibly go wrong?
build it far away from normal people
preferably on some island, get those fucks away from me. build them an open prison to waste away in idc
Yes, they are a lot more diverse. Barely any white left, and it's payed by the working men.
And here they're council estates and also shitholes
The only people who want massive government housing projects for the homeless are people who have never in their fucking lives had to deal with them, full stop.
The pipes would be torn out of the walls, the floorboards would be used for barrel fires, the whole building would be filled with mold because they would overflow toilets and just walk away, and anything and everything you furnished it with would be either destroyed or sold within a month.
Also nice meme flag you stupid fuck.
That's what happened in all of the 3 housing projects the EU had for Gypsies.
The nearby villages had to be evacuated, this is like a post apocalyptic movie now.
All the others projects are full of people happily living on welfare.
Forgot link, but either way, burgers and niggers never rememberer their own history
>you will have entire towns where cops can't go
that is mostly to do with the cowardice of the french. once upon a time french men, when they were actual men, invaded and colonised entire sections of africa. but the modern french soiboi doesn't dare to walk down his own streets.