When did you all first realize COVID-19 was a government lie / false flag?
Death rate no worse than the common flu.
When did you all first realize COVID-19 was a government lie / false flag?
Death rate no worse than the common flu.
when they first backed out of the stock market
Around the time Italy started implementing the Chink fascist and tyrannical measures. At that point I knew the CFR was low and that the symptoms were of a regular flu so I thought "oh fuck, the elites have decided to enslave us finally"
>55k deaths in one month in the U.S. alone starting from minimal infected
>32% of cases with an outcome have been fatal
Lmao faggot nice larp
When I realized they weren't reporting recoveries. Go to the John Hopkins map and just look at each individual county, and notice the many 1s and 0s that are reported for deaths.
most symptomatic survivors have permanent lung damage
cope harder faggot
January had me spooked, the reports out of China suggested a bioweapon, as their response seemed draconian even for chink standards. But the manner in which it was blown off by our media, and society had me suspect. If there was a serious bioweapon leak, US intelligence wouldn't risk the catastrophe (not so sure about that now) and would have closed borders back when news first broke. But they didn't. It was all orchestrated to coincide with the stock market tanking, state/federal government officials making these masochistic mask orders, and the payoff of a $1200 check to every American. We're being grifted.
Was covid a shock test?
Is this prep?
Is an actual happening coming soon?
All this shit scares me. It really dose
If they had to prep the public for something, that something is going to be serious shit.
You're obviously not much of a reader. Stanford/USC antibody study already proved the death rate is no worse than the common flu. Millions of people have already had it.
Millions of people have already had it, based on reputable anitibody studies. Most people dying from it are old and already dieing of other diseases.
1. Got to buy vitamins & stay at home
2. Yea, maybe it's better to get infected to become immune while everyone's at home
3. Hospitals are empty, only 80+ aged people die.
4. Fuck China. They keep lying about their numbers.
5. We're doing doing fine with the numbers. at least.
6. We're not doing fine. People get exorbitant tickets for not adhering to social distancing. Dissenting views get silenced and shamed.
7. Fuck Nurses and their TikToks.
8. Only major sites were Wuhan, Italy and NYC. This is weird. Video of Russian General destroys the last shred of faith in global politics.
9. Are they abusing our dislike of bugmen?
10. Quarantine extended. Stop asking questions.
do you realize that if the specificity of the test is 90% like they say it is (prob worse) and you have an actual prevalence of 1% over 90% of the positives will be false positives
>Death rate no worse than the common flu.
On the first wave, at least.
If the question of whether or not it can come back through & reinfect you again is ultimately answered "yes", with the permanent damage it does to survivors, that rate will start getting ever significantly higher every time it goes around again in some variation strain. And you can't keep shutting shit down like this months at a time every time it does, that how the ultimate Great Chimpening starts.
And it won't just be the niggers.
When all of Europe started taking drastic measures because of Italy - but Italy hadn't even reached the level of deaths from other respiratory diseases during last years.
Just like the common flu, people can catch it again because there are very minor mutations just like a flu. The death rate doesn't change. We don't shut down the country for the flu.
The only thing I can figure, really (if it's not actually all some psyops to implement some shit they could figure out no other way to besides a global happening like this), is that it's well known on the government/"elite" level that it actually is a bioengineered weapon accidentally released before "controls" were successfully implemented into its design, and they don't actually KNOW what the fuck all will happen with it now.
If it was really engineered, especially as some frankenvirus using bits of shit like AIDS, who fucking knows. It might be able to start cross breeding with other shit already existing & evolve into something much closer to Captain Trips.
number hurt me burger brain too much. you communist. she will never win.
Bro its just to flu. Go find a job and work. Why are you being a lazy welfare queen? Stop sitting on your ass and quit posting on Yas Forums. Get a job you fucking bun its just the flu!
when they said not to wear the mask
Corona-chan is just a single strand of RNA, but this one has parts of bat and parts of pangolin, which makes it more than fishy:
>CoV2 is an obvious chimera (though not nesessarily a lab-made one), which is based on the ancestral bat strain RaTG13, in which the receptor binding motif (RBM) in its spike protein is replaced by the RBM from a pangolin strain, and in addition, a small but very special stretch of 4 amino acids is inserted, which creates a furin cleavage site that, as virologists have previously established, significantly expands the “repertoire” of the virus in terms of whose cells it can penetrate.
Sound "natually occuring" to anyone?
When the (((media))) started to sound exactly like a /cvg/ and Billie began to push his 2020 digital vaccine program related to his patent of mining crypto from chipped goycattle with the number 2020 6-6-6
...I knew this is NWO takeover and poltards were enabling it unknowingly
You ever notice how if there is ever a happening, there is always a gaggle of retards calling it a hoax?
When public officials sold stock ahead of time, but didn't bother quarantining until it became popular.
Can't because (((they))) closed everything
Immediately. I'm not the smartest guy around but I have a keen sense for when someone is being a gay faggot.
Iran is digging mass graves. I don’t think they’re really big on being a part of the “deep state conspiracy” thing.
Typical fucking Chinese.
>One from corumn A, one from corumn B...
>and in addition, a small but very special stretch of 4 amino acids is inserted
This is the kind of shit that always fucking made bioengineering at this level a thing that needed STRICT fucking controls & multigenerational (in human lifetimes) quarantine from release. WE SIMPLY DO NOT KNOW ENOUGH about what all happens when we fuck around with the fucking source code like this & it has to interact with all the game's other scripts at once.
What the fuck happens if this shit starts being able to interact with the bioengineered shit (((monsanto))) shekelgrubbingly got released? If it has bits of bat & pangolin in it & can fuck with humans like this, why couldn't it start fucking with plant life? We just don't know and are fucking full of hubris.
as soon as i fucking heard the jewstrream media fear-mongering it, so, immediately
Yeah man! The billionaire capitalist jews closed the economy down!!
Death rate in inflated. People in NY are dying because of mistreatment, getting lung damage due to high pressure ventilators.
>dies from cancer
>bb..bbut he had coronavirus
another death caused by coronavirus... what a shame
I'm honestly no longer sold on the idea that the Chinese started it.
>Story about that wuhan lab doctor being filmed on CCTV dropping a block of ice near the wet market
>Nobody respects the communist, dog-eating bugmen, they're a really easy target
>Only 3 major sites: Wuhan, Italy and NYC.
>Latest video of that american nurse makes NYC a weird case on top of it. We already know ventilators kill people since they don't oxygenate the blood and just pressurize the sick lungs, yet Trump and co. keep bragging about producing them.
>Did Sweden know it wasn't a site? Is that why these cucks suddenly had the balls to go against the grain? Fwiw, Sweden's former state epidemiologist was Nathalie Rothchild.
>gold being bought up en masse for years now, even jewelry through TV ads
>massive, seemingly unprecedented wave of CEO resignation in the months leading up to it
>as well as the "typical" stock cash outs
>"happening prep" entering the public egregore for the past couple years, moreso than anytime since the nuke scares of the 60's
Unless you're some Qfaggot who's trying to say (yet again) Trump is playing anti-ashkenazim 666d chess; this shit is not as outside the realm of possibility as you paint it, if one is objectively looking at the whole picture.
>no worse than flu
>one of the leading causes of death world-wide daily
and this is just using older numbers, that number is greater by now
Every war is a war by the Rulers on the plebs - disguised by a 'narrative'.
Every war begins with a Phoney War in order to set the pieces up and aclimatize everybody.
Fair point, but keep in mind that the number included anyone who died WITH the virus, and that people are waiting out life-threatening elective surgeries for weeks now. Any doctor will tell you that when these patients finally do come to the hospital, they were driven there by massive pain, which usually indicates a severe worsening of their situation. If these people die in the hospital then, you know exactly what the death certificate will show.
Citing the WHO automatically disqualifies the validity.
The schizophrenic nature of guidelines kept changing.
Demonstrably false.
By the way. Those new insta-hospitals like the Nightingale in the UK have had no patients. They are now going to be used to empty out all old peoples' homes/ Care Centres. So it looks like they are going to be used as Death/Extermination Camps.
If we go out unprotected there's a 99.97% we WILL SURVIVE. why are these fucks even given.