Muh biology argument

>be a woman
>fight for voting rights
>get voting rights
>fight for reproductive rights and receive these after a long battle
>fight for the right to be seen as equal, resulting in you surpassing men in all fields you get into
>getting equal opportunities leads to you proving you are more capable than men

As a girl, I would like to ask you. Why does this turn of events make men seethe so much?

>"b-but muh BIOLOGY! You are naturally I-inferior!!!"

How about men stay at home now and we take care of the income now that we are the ones excelling in education while men can barely graduate from HS?

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Ok tranny


Because you are not fulfilling your societal obligation to have 2.1+ babies you stupid slut.

Once upon a time taking photos of yourself in the mirror was seen as exceptionally idiotic and lowbrow. Social media was a mistake.

Reminder that she was BLACKED

>Anti-discrimination laws, affirmative action, diversity hiring, Human Resources, feminist public schools, feminist courts
Enjoy the spoils of war, but don't pretend they're just desserts.

Based, OP btfo.


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Shut up.

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>How about men stay at home now and we take care of the income now that we are the ones excelling in education while men can barely graduate from HS?

I'd love to be able to do that. Except women are the ones that don't actually want that.

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which field did they surpass men in?

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Because you have the mind of a child and are a weak pathetic slut.

Because it never happens this way. This is why the nations with the most gender equality favoring laws, like the Scandinavian countries, see some of the widest gender gaps.

because all your achievements are based on the fact that you are a young pretty woman

a society with strong men means the women breed in there tribe
a society with weak men means women breed with whoever they want
this means by law of elemination
men who control women pass on their genes
men who let women run free get cucked
by it's very nature the men you require to be be free won't pass on their genetics meaning your freedom will be short lived

Based sister!

>as a girl
You know what to do or GTFO

>be a woman

oh shit, a white woman fucked a black guy.

shes ruuuuuuuinnnnnnedddddd.

is that the response you wanted?

Who is this slut you guys keep posting?

I'm not sexist and not a poltard. Old btard from the day.
Its not women excelling, it's the handouts and smugness.
Imagine a man expected to run 10 miles, no help.
A woman is now expected to run 10 miles, but gets a car ride through the first two miles.
Then at the end she goes "see I can do anything a man can, dumb boys".
They seethe so much because, from their perspective, it obviously isn't true.

I personally don't give a shit. But I won't pretend to not get it.

Boy shut up, come back when your frontal lobe matures.

Just look at the education system, sweetie, every other field is soon to follow suit
It's just a fact that in an equal setting, we are more capable

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Implying that you fought and achieved something. You are just a puppet of jews, like christians.


wow, education! i guess women should be teachers? oh, wait...

Yes, having sex with the mentally challenged is usually looked down upon. Especially if they’re extremely violent.

once you go black we don't want you back. you have that black microchimerism in you now and I don't want Tyrone's traits in my white children. yes, you are garbage now.

What an especially low quality bait. I'm disappointed Sven.

>after a long battle
No. You asked impolitely and got what you wanted. There was no battle. You are not a soldier. You did not fight, you threw a tantrum and it unfortunately worked.

But you will never be a real woman
They are all laughing at your pathetic attempt to become one
Even the ones that are encouraging you, they laugh at you at your back. The most you will ever get from them is the petty
So, was it worth it?
Was it really worth it?
Does spamming this place keep you from suicide?
Is it working?
For how long?
Until you start developing male pattern baldness?
Will you dilate when your mock of vagina becomes all sunk in wrinkled skin? Or will you let it finally heal?
Please tell me

Tits or GTFO

this board has gone to shit

>As a girl
oh boy here we go again

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Take any achievement women made at least in sports, and take away both mens and womens gender, and paste the raw numbers. Women's world record wouldn't even reach the top 200's list in anything, or at least anything notable.

Okay cya tomorrow lifting the shift off the steel truck. Oh wait you can’t dumb cunt.

I still thinking women are worse at difficult things like higher mathematics etc. .

But yeah, women do better in school/uni.


Females were houseslaves for thousands of years, now they run a bunch of shit. Men are chopping their dicks off trying to wrap their head around all the sudden change around them.

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Hey Kike...smatter? Losing ground on the anti white shit... losing ground on Iran... then some complete buffoon puts Billly "paralyzes and kills Indias kids" Gates on the tv 2 much... lose more ground...allow people to see the dogburning gooks for what they are...lose more ground. Sad and uh so ya tell us again how eating kids makes you smarter maybe THAT will get the goyim... you're fucking gay af and your shits all retarded.

Her face signals lust for BBC

>dumb cunt

Didn’t know I lift it with my MIND lol

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>works as whore
>dresses like whore

>works as teacher or literally any other non-sexualized form of occupation
>dresses like whore

look at me, aahhhhhh, i am seething

>How about men stay at home now and we take care of the income
Sure if you will give me money and will ride my cock daily

I know you are. Because women get their coins while doing nothing.

Do you think most women will say if they got blacked or not? Youd never know.

Men still produce two thirds of the economy/wealth and virtually all infrastructure, that makes your live easy. The question is how long men are going to play that current game, before getting increasingly angry at entitled and useles women with questionable degrees.

Bitch please. The capitalists only gave you rights because there can be more work and more taxes.

My husband works 20h a week from home and takes care of our 3 year old son. I work 40 hours a week and make more money in a corporate world.
First 1.5years I took care of our son, because the bonding with the mother in those years is crucial for the child's development, but after that, father is all that matter to boys and girls.

>STEM has to lower the bar for wahmen to make the cut
> wahmen are excelling

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do men twerk in the middle of hospitals?

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men cant into society because you bitches are fucking jews

This is an OBVIOUS incel bait thread. They even used a picture of one of the cuck's favorite coal burners. Will you idiot incels quit taking the bait.

Did you know that most incel threads on Yas Forums are made by psy-op shills?
Why do shills make incel threads?
The incel threads serve 3 main objectives:
1. They bump legitimate political conversations out of the catalog.
2. Divide and conquer: No political movement can succeed if it has no female support. Incel threads help drive away females from right wing spaces.
3. It makes the board and the politics it represents look like its for losers. No political movement can succeed if it is made up of mostly losers. Quality people won't join a movement if it is mostly made up of losers. Thats why the shills want to make the mainstream media stereotype seem true that most Yas Forums users are bitter losers in their mom's basement.

Unfortunately there are also a lot of actual incels here. Especially since the left took over Yas Forums and filled it with gay and tranny threads. But we will save that for another time. And these idiot incels usually respond to the shill threads. They are attracted to them like flies to shit.

Finally, incel threads are not politics and they should be moved to MAKE Yas Forums GREAT AGAIN!!!
Move incel threads back to Yas Forums
Move schizo boomer threads back to /x/
Move the shills back to plebbit


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this. not to mention debt.

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This is why the nazis raided you retard.

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Prissy loudmouthed bitches all be quiet once they get DICKED.
Then it's only fuck me daddy, fuck me. Bitches love being overpowered and CHOKED.
You can SEETHE all you want, roastie whore. You are INFERIOR and you HATE STRONG MEN because we destroy your illusions that your retarded childlike brain came up with but LOVE US for making you feel like a woman.

Slide thread.

Your no woman.
You're a wine aunt a childless idiot and you failed your most important job one that only you can do. Unfortunately.

Last reply to this shitty slide thread. Also you probably look like pic related (if you even are a wamen, probably a fat jew)

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Men built what is here now. If we gave the reigns to you the entire economy would collapse. You only succeed as much as men allow you to

>As a girl
First of all tits with timestamp or fuck off

>*getting affirmative action leads to you looking more capable than men

I'm going to avoid this pitfall by not dating, marrying or having children with a western slut.

jesus all the “superheros” look like simps

>Get equality

Please do post this in every incel thread. Thank you.

>Society and global economic structure collapsing
>Education quality plummeting in the west
>Men realize the system is a materialistic scam
>Men drop out of modern society
>Women brag about inheriting hell
>Actually think men are still competing


Dude its a fucking parasite d/c shill

This man vs woman thing is pure kike and so is this trash thread.

>It's just a fact that in an equal setting, we are more capable

You do know, that this equal setting is created by state force (Police --> men), via a wealth distribution (men produce way more than women) from men to women?

>be a woman
tits or gtfo. why is this no longer enforced?

>fight for voting rights
>get voting rights
our first mistake was allowing this which led to...

>fight for reproductive rights and receive these after a long battle
which means
>you can murder our unborn children now without our say

>fight for the right to be seen as equal, resulting in you surpassing men in all fields you get into
my fucking sides

>getting equal opportunities leads to you proving you are more capable than men
ok since you're doubling down with this nonsense, how about some actual proof

the rest of your post falls apart here as you are just layering nonsense on top of nonsense as women typically do

>we take care of the income now that we are the ones excelling in education
my sides may never return. ty tranny op

Seeing a white woman with a black guy gives me the same type of repulsion bestiality does

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how empowering. I wanna see you fight for womens rights in the middle east. lets see how that goes.

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You forgot:

>Y chromosome going extinct