Not All Niggers

The only thing the jew fears is all the races putting aside their differences and fighting him.

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Exactly I keep saying this. They’re just the tools of the Jew been exploited by them just as much as whites have. I know they sometimes chimp out and they’re behaviour isn’t ideal but they’d be a powerful ally to have.

no fuck niggers and fuck jews

Get rid of the current heretic pope and get this negro in the vatican.

never thought id ever wish for a black pope

Like this guy then, he could potentially wake people up as they take his word as gospel.

For a group of people that understands mass manipulation better than most /pol seems to love being divided and conquered.

What kind of "black flava" will this nigger bring to the dying husk of catholicism?

Never vote for a non-White who "supports" Whites.

Jews know how to push your buttons and trick you with the hope of a non-White support Whites.

Non-White support is a myth.

Haha, it's cute that you think that Yas Forums has a general understanding of anything

I don't give a shit about who the next Pope will be, they're going to end up a talking head for the EU anyway.

The only way I'd fully support a Pope is if they they suddenly grow a soul and decide to clean out the Vatican and lay all of their secrets bare to the world, maybe actually use their vast wealth to help the working class instead of sitting on it like a bunch of Jews.

Cardinal Sarah is the only hope for the universal church.

Nah. Pretty much all educated blacks loathe niggers far more than you ever could hope to.


What if the RCC doesn’t have any secrets?

Wtf based nigger!?

they have untold amounts of wealth and power, I really don't think it's possible that the Vatican's closet isn't stuffed to the brim with skeletons.

Black people are generally way more based than white people.

The RCC has wealth sure that’s not even a secret. The RCC doesn’t have much secular power. And skeletons really?

Wtf I love niggers now

The Alt-Right Pope. Based!

>And skeletons really?
"skeletons in someone's closet" a common metaphor for dirty secrets you toothpaste nigger

The dope pope of hope
tells immigration nope
Boy gropers try to cope
but they will all get the rope.

yes and no. They're both more based, and more stupid. I work with an African kid. We start talking about the world. He clings to "white supremacy." I explain that money is power, whites increasingly don't have money, most whites have no power over him. Explain that Jews own all the banks; he already knew it, was like "yeah, you're right, I know." After about ten more minutes of conversation, kid was full-on aligned with the idea that the races need to band together to answer the Jewish Question.

They're way more open to redpills, but you gotta talk em through it.

>decide to clean out the Vatican and lay all of their secrets bare to the world
There probably aren't any big secrets. The Vatican isn't the CIA or NASA or weird Illuminati.
>maybe actually use their vast wealth to help the working class
The Vatican preserves culture and tradition. It doesn't make sense to sell all the stuff they offer to the world.
1. They generate more money by tourists
2. They have a duty to make historic stuff available.
> instead of sitting on it like a bunch of Jews.
The Catholic Church is the biggest charity on planet earth.

> Vatican
> not any secrets

>The Vatican isn't the CIA or NASA or weird Illuminati.
get off Yas Forums you fucking retard

He might well say that.

But Europe is going into multicultural mode...and Jews will be at the forefront.

George Lincoln Rockwell and the Black Panthers.

>The Catholic Church is the biggest charity on planet earth.
Yes, with other people's money.

Silence, heretic.

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What's even more important - everytime you see 'christcucks' thread on Yas Forums remember that the protestants are and always have been dogs of the Jews.

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>not all niggers
WRONG all niggers are tras that has to be removed
a black man however just happens to have a different colored skin

who godamn cares. fuck you
>durr control me please
your stupid i dont want to listen to it why in the fuck are you online dont you go to those "churches" to be around your own zealot kind?

Yeah that metaphor is really common slit eye.

it is though..

ye lets sell our historical art to chinks and muzzie and amerishit mutts bro

Yeah and most African Americans fully believe that the jew was financing the slave trade. All this nigger this honky that bullshit is playing into the jewish strategy of divide and conquer. But in the end it doesn’t matter what skin colour we gave for we are all fucking goyim.

First they wanted to be more radical than the catholics even adopting names like Aaron, now they just want to bandwagon Israel.

Attached: jheretics.webm (574x382, 1.24M)

Maybe in the parts of the world were they can’t speak proper English. I was tutored in the fine low dental care ways of British English and I never heard of this fucking retard analogy.

I never said 'sell art and historical artifacts' you fucking retard, they literally have their own fucking bank.

I work with a based christian nigger who understands that whites are getting fucked over. they do exist.

Okay, schizos

>other people's money
That doesn't really make sense. It is Catholics, who give most of the money and Catholics are part of the Church. They aren't "other people", they are "their people".

He should know, he’s part of the problem!

so they should just give up all money until nothing is left and what then? they still need money to renovate and keep that city going, they also pay for everychurch across the fucking world while being biggest charrity in the same time. maybe some priests there blow money for vanities but thats piss in a ocean

Is there hope for SA after all?

Will he call the brothas home ro mother africa?

Our Jews are honest and humane and not subversive liars. We have the best Jews. Really good ones, the best Jews are ours. The best Jews, right here. We love our Jews and trust them. Best Jews anywhere.

ESLs need to stfu about English. Skeletons in one’s closet is an extremely common phrase. Just stop embarrassing yourself.

You posted this in another thread. Fuck I hate canadians

That lady in the beginning waving her arms just really fucking pisses me off for some reason.

I feel like this is some kind of trap

Fuck of nigger

wow this is totally not like when trump said all that shit in 2016 before being a complete kike

Stop being stupid, this pope is a psyop to make you accept a black pope.
First step : a nazbol nigger pope is elected, you applaud.
A black pope become a normal thing.
Second step : a liberal nigger pope is elected.
You're fucked.