Trump Supporter Hate Thread

Seriously what is wrong with you brainlets. You get criticized for your politics and you go into a frenzy calling people "Shlomo" or "fuk u nigger lel" without any actual arguments back. Is that all your politics are? "owning da libz?" If that's the case sorry to say this but there are no libs here therefore there is no owning. Why not shit on, criticize or call out more than just the left wingers like capitalist corporations and their wicked propaganda and filth but then you just call it "wokeness" and not real capitalism. And when someone does criticize capitalism and its broken system you call them a "dirty commie scum". But then you fail to realize that your "dirty commies" helped you win your ww2 and did nothing else to you (inb4 muh vietnam war). That's your corrupt capitalist jewish government's fault for sending you and your relatives into that war, not the communists. they were doing their own thing after ww2. its just that you continue to consume you jewish media and belief the lies and garbage they tell you without calling them out on their "wokeness" you just continue to consoom. (AND NO I am not a Bolshevik or communist)

Attached: you cannot own the libs on 4chan because there are no liberals migapede zion don r donald.jpg (562x500, 59.4K)

It makes more sense when you remember that burgerland has the most jews in the world by a large margin. You're not speaking to Americums, but jews and neo-jews.

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maybe not just jews. just confused goyim sheeple corrupted by the lies of democracy.

Attached: yang gang trump supporters left right march of tyranny miga yangoloid.jpg (1600x1229, 1003.15K)

Yes, that would be the neo-jews. America has a lot of them too

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don't forget
you're here forever


Attached: why pol works.png (590x324, 59.27K)

look whos talking migapede

Attached: why pol is a national socialist board migapedes ptg btfo.jpg (2048x1438, 682.77K)

Take this trash post to Redd it

>screencap from 2018
i'll say it again
don't forget
you're here forever


Attached: pol on libertarianism.png (1231x441, 25.03K)

how? then i'll just see more of your kind.

Attached: back to r the_donald plebbitor reddit scum.jpg (717x880, 88.49K)

trump supporters are not libertarians. They're conservalards hell bent on defending capitalism and billionaire pedophiles.

Attached: republicans and democrats conservatives and liberals npc.jpg (1536x1656, 478.97K)

migapedes need intensive bleach therapy i hear they're doing amazing things

this. lmao

Attached: trump excuse map migapede zion don.jpg (1000x760, 342.36K)

If anything in this thread makes you angry or upset - remember they’re just shills and that’s their job. Especially the try hard tranny with the Nazi meme flag

he was just kidding

lol drink bleach faggot

t. ass-mad euro faggot

nobody said they were. if you really need this spelled out, I'm shitting on you for being a filthy, easily triggered newfag.

Attached: 1435555.png (897x255, 71.6K)

not angry just confronting you on your right wing bullshit and hypocrisy. also again with the same exact insults "le discord tranny"

Attached: migapede shill logic.jpg (1024x763, 145.11K)

I see he lost his friends

Holy shit that screenshot is old

Fuck you nigger

Guess again retard. I'm a mutt just like you too. Only difference i've been blackpilled on national socialism and not on that 2d democracy. I only wear the national socialist flag to show my support over the beliefs of its system over america.

Attached: the faces of amerimutt.jpg (3200x2000, 1.9M)

bro, you're so obviously angry. here. take this. it might do you some good.

Attached: in case of redpill overdose.jpg (1133x1766, 1.96M)

I think the whole drinking/injecting bleach thing hurt his numbers guys.

best argument of the century folks. you could easily win the presidential election with those kinds of speeches my fellow mutt.

Attached: from migapede to national socialist.jpg (346x1024, 40.19K)

so this is fake?

Attached: anyone who is for aipac is the enemy of the people.jpg (3160x2882, 1.71M)

OP is a kike

Attached: DB5B6E82-AF37-4D8F-AA96-677989E1FE98.jpg (540x370, 40.28K)

and trump's cabinet and allies are kikes. what's your point?

Attached: zion don and his jewish cabinet of billionaire kike elites.jpg (1104x9958, 3.04M)

I'm saying it's ok to be angry and many have gone through what you are going through. just read furthermore, the phrase
>keep your friends close and your enemies closer
in reference to pic related, might shed some light on your misdirected hatred.

Attached: roy motherfucking cohn.jpg (2194x1296, 1.02M)

What are you on about, migafag?
Also bump

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he's trying to say "muh based j00z"

Attached: epstein is linked with the clintons and zion don trump there is no 4d chess only judaism and crapitalism.png (694x652, 424.84K)

This place made me realize that republicans are basic brain washed commies. Fuck trump.

memeflag shill
>there are no libs on the chans
then why are you posting faggot

Attached: 1564920091806.jpg (471x388, 23.51K)

because there's more than just left and right.

Attached: democrats republicans jews control both march votes dont count.jpg (600x461, 66.15K)

if you don't have the attention span to read that much, then typing out this insult is more worth my time than explaining it to you, stupid goldfish.

It's actually the opposite if you bothered to take a look. however, i think we both know you're not here to actually debate and exchange ideas.

Attached: hitler 1.jpg (3923x3702, 2.75M)


Attached: capitalism and communism are the bestest of allies and on the same coin.png (576x566, 357.8K)

They're a total cancer on the board. They add nothing. They aren't here to learn anything. They're here to tell you what to think and gaslight you on anything that paints Trump in a negative light.
Also this

We have the best Jews, really, of all the Jews ours are the best. We can trust the Jews, the are really honest and not subversive liars. Jews dont produce Anti-White media, they support the West and our interests. We love our Jews. Our Jews are really great.

I am so God damn fed up by these plebbitors, holy shit. They venture no attempt to be user, entities without identities, rather, they base all aspects of their systems of belief and personalities on the words of others, and their alignments to specific people and sites. They make no attempt at civil discussion; they call you a faggot while phoneposting on the fucking toilet, instead, offering not a glimmer of insight amidst dozens of useless troll posts. They are fucking despicable, oh how I wish i could just outshine them through effort alone! Perhaps user even could, if not for their number.

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Hilarious how Canadian, Australian and Kiwi flags have become some of the most ardent defenders of MIGA faggotry

All countries dominated by Indian immigration

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The other thing they do that I can't stand is that they act as a conduit for outside propaganda. The bring it here, uncritically, as long as it feeds their delusions about Trump. You end up arguing with a parrot, someone who's just repeating something that a "right-wing Jew" wrote on some shitty alt-kike blog or "alternative" news outlet. The only thing it leaves them with is calling you a nigger, a shill, a Jew (this is the most ironic) or whatever.

Pathetic, for what reason do you believe I'll discussion must necessarily revolve about some arbitrary curated ""ideologies""?

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This, good observation

ptg is completely humorless discord tranny circlejerking

i'm pretty sure when they call you shlomo, tranny, or nigger without any other forms of actual argument they by definition have forfeited the discussion

>Why not shit on, criticize or call out more than just the left wingers like capitalist corporations
>its a private company they can do whatever they want lol

pretty much. zognald just cashed in from his father's success and relied on tricking and lying to people to get where he's at. he's the absolute definition of an Eternal Boomer.

Attached: the eternal boomer.jpg (1024x567, 122.39K)

The real Trump supporters are all gone. What you have now are literally paid shills working for Kushner. Many of them are just Hindus in India posting anime girls in MAGA hats in /ptg/ for a few dollars a day so they can feed their sick mother. There is no genuine grassroots support for Trump here. It's all AstroTurfed.

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Attached: before pol vs after pol capitalism communism work together to destroy wealth tradition and nationalism and national socialism.jpg (800x482, 33.03K)

Fuck off back to T_D

it would help if you could form coherent arguments instead of whining like a bitch (see your op for example) or relying on images that, themselves, rely on errors of association to prove an ostensible point you are positing.

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yeah sort of like the yang gang/tulsi crap that happened a year ago.

Attached: yang gang eliminated.jpg (1059x962, 358.87K)

>All countries dominated by Indian immigration
Bingo, I was wondering why MIGA fags sounded like ESLs.

Go Lysol yourself you street shitter

thanks for proving my point retard.

Attached: Chohappydance yo gabba gabba dance chink.gif (200x150, 1.27M)

Based OP

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