The State of England

I feel bad for England completely cucked like Sweden. How can we stop this cucking?

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As bong it’s over mate. There’s no hope. We’ve always been one of the most liberal countries in Europe. The oldest ((banking)) association in the world and ((legal)) one as well. Roschild are nobility made Lords by Victoria.

You basically have to live in towns or villages, for some reason this is non-white repellent.

Why would we want it to stop? Just speed it along, let bongistan be a warning to all of us?

bongs kinda asked for it when they sold their soul to the jews now they are a minority in their own capital and speak arabic but atleast they arent speakin german

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end the IMF and central banks.
direct democracy for native brits only

or we can just poison and destroy everything which is my preference.
We can add toxic biological agents to add to the water supplies.
Stochastically target popular food products and add strychnine or cyanide.
Target the supply chains specifically medical supplies.

>or we can just poison and destroy everything which is my preference.
How tf is that supposed to help anything at all?

>How tf is that supposed to help anything at all?
The people in power have destroyed my people, culture and identity.
Destroying the remains of what this pile of shit known as the anglo-sphere is the least amount of pay back necessary for what they have done.
Terrorism breeds fear and uncertainty, which leads to lack of trust in the establishment, which leads to a revolution.

So you'll strike back at the elite by poisoning the people the elite wanted dead anyways?

It is the jaded, rootless, cultureless, futureless nihilist lashing out.

>fuck white people
they don't hide it anymore

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hey ASIO put me in the screenshot

> jaded, futureless
> cultureless, rootless and nihilist
I do not agree with these

In England you are either sophisticated as fuck or you are literally the bottom of the trashcan. No middle ground.

Who gives a shit what you are agreeing with? I told you what you are.

We need Jacob Rees Mogg in power

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>hey ASIO put me in the screenshot
care-o-meter [-/----------------]

If I was seriously planning anything do you think people would come to the chans.
This is just a place to express an opinion and enjoy the psyop memes that try to convince us that we have any self determination.

I don’t know, but something has to give. It can’t be like this

>we we we we we
shut up, newfag, like you have any idea

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>shut up, newfag
I am an old fag user.

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Well am not going to remain silent while you mischaracterise me.

mmmhmmmm more 10/10's in bongland

brits love to fight.they fight for no reason.why they don`t fight with islamists?

>why they don`t fight with islamists
Divide and conquer.
They are here for a reason, they were shipped in for a reason.
Mosques are built with tax money for a reason.

We should just destroy the system and restore the natural order of things.
It is nothing like what the Greeks left us, its intellectually dishonest to claim that the anglosphere is a democracy or that it gives and representation to the people.

The women here are pathetic. We need white sharia.

let me explain this to your simple mind
>people go out drinking/clubbing at weekends
>people do this to have sex
>ugly English girls at the end of the night eating kebabs
>not getting plowed because no one wanted to plow them

hurr durr look how disgusting all bong wimmin are i know because i seen cherry picked images on the chinz

Don't expect for the mass golem to wake up because expecting golems to wake up is stupid, overtake the ones in charge - so the government - and then start making changes.
The sheep will follow either way, it's in their programming to support the economy.
How else do you expect to fix the problem?

>bongs kinda asked for it when they sold their soul to the jews
This is fact.

This is cope.

Direct democracy is the only way.

You can't, stop kink shaming.

what your problem swede?