This has become a serious problem within the last few weeks, with more and more communistic and socialism praising threads being created.
You can counter this by creating Holodomor and Great Leap Forward threads with rock solid sources, as for /lit/ I don't know.
Help your Yas Forums brethren anons, we cannot allow Yas Forums to become another bastion of leftist degeneracy.
/lit/ and /his/ being colonized by reddit and leftypol
Other urls found in this thread:
Even more evidence of colonization efforts.
You can help anons, support your fellow boards on here for a brighter tomorrow!
/lit/ and /his/ have always been more lefty than the rest of the boards and it never fussed me, though if fucking r*dditors are invading then we have a fucking issue.
/lit/ users literally created leftypol fucking newfag
Indeed user, we need all the volunteers in order to create general anti communistic threads as possible. Any willing volunteers head over and begin making holodomor, great leap forward, khmer rouge, and general communistic genocide threads.
/lit/ is also the board with most females. Hardly a cohenincidence.
That does not matter currently, colonization by r*dditors is a awful fate for any website.
Leddit shills
>lets take over low quality boards with small thread turnover!
lol thats pretty darn pathetic, gonna pop over and see whats goin down
These are the tactics by the shills I have observed
>creating really dumb conspiracy threads
Makes right wing look bad.
>Creating anti "kulak" threads
Downplaying communistic genocides.
Be aware that these are mainly during american hours. Godspeed anons.
Read, save and disseminate pic related. Do your duty.
i'm sure there are some who will resist, we must aid them anons
why does he have a borat scarf?
Reminds me of this classic:
if they were leftists bringing smart discourse here
that'd be nice
if they're just another wave of centrists ringing the climate and skewed justice bell
then it's just more shit
kek I post on /lit/ regularly and can confirm. But like most thing leftists do its very forced and cringe. Like they basically try to derail every thread into some bizarre Marxit critique which everyone just bullies them about. Usually they just make some kind of commie thread and hide inside of it and try not to get bullied too hard.
Where can I find leftypol?
If they want to come to Yas Forums and accidentally redpill themselves, I'm all for it. Most Yas Forums users probably have to deal with leftist propaganda on a daily basis, what makes them think this will change any minds?
Oh no not leftists what ever will we do now the entire shitshow is crashing down around us.
>Last few weeks
Go check /news/ while you're at it.
Sounds like cool word
copious amounts of bleach
>they were already faggay homos from the start
they don't like us anyways and they love the kikes and the 6 gorillion
try and make a revisionist story and watch it get nakhba'd
Imagine being a delusional trannie sucking banker cock and doing their bidding larping that you are saving the world when you are only saving yourself.
Absolutely disgusting.
The faggots are all over Yas Forumseven. The scourge is real. IT NEEDS TO END BROS
Leftists will ultimately kill themselves by voting away their rights to guns.
Just post history about commie niggers being whipped by european mercenaries and watch them lose their minds.
>he doesn't like socialism
Isn't it time to get back in your cagie, wagie?
Done my part.
Fuck /lit/, they’re basically another Yas Forums they just read books instead of playing videogames
Donald Trump is a fucking moron.
Hahaha these people honestly think like they're in some sort of strategic videogame
>a question is the same thing as a statement
/his/ mods banned me twice for making pro-white posts. They're a bunch of kikes and trannies I reckon.
Oh it's you again
His intellect isn't quite on the level of Hitler or Julius Evola, but he's still better than any democrat candidate.
Urbanite shitlibs acting like they know shit about agricultural classes always pisses me off.
>rich farmer man own TWO (2) wagons?! must kill!
Wow hello fagnigger you could go back to redvdit yes please? Take this upvote with you and kindly return the favor by never coming here again ok thanks
Also ignore threads without a title because they're all slide threads.
>They're a bunch of kikes and trannies I reckon.
It seems they're everywhere
There have been more and more shitty slide threads here too.
Get in
I suck at linking -_-
Those are NOT his exact words you fucking inbred. Inject.
So this is war