Aus/pol/ - Fresh Afternoon News

>Health minister now unsure if source code for COVID contact tracing app is safe to release

>Australia has been warned by the Chinese ambassador that it could face an economic hit if it does not back down from a push into the nation’s handling of the coronavirus.

>Victoria considers axing housing stamp duty tax due to pandemic

>Australians may need to practise social distancing PERMANENTLY after coronavirus restrictions are lifted, chief medical officer warns

>The Federal Government has been ordered to pay more than $200,000 in legal fees for a Biloela family fighting their deportation to Sri Lanka.

This thread is a Cultural No Glow Zone

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Pee pee poo poo

>always remember

Also reminder that chinks shouldn't have lisences but white kids have to wait 3 years for a full one

shill glowie thread

fuck off agent shitcunt

only cityfags hate cops

What's for dinner lads?

Cenno said they'd pay me today.
Its 5:30 still no NEETbux..
Whats the go ?

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Well I woke on Monday morning,
Wonderin' if Tuesday be as bad
Well I woke on Monday morning,
Wonderin' if Tuesday be as bad
Yeah I laid down thinking 'bout last night
And all the bad whiskey I had

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did you report yesterday like all good bois?

What we all smoking tonight lads?

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>Shills calling non-glows glows because I keep beating them to the bake
You're slower than a sloth on heroin, VicPol. Wake the fuck up.

Why do you guys outsource your place naming to Willy Wonka?

>white kids have to wait 3 years for a full one
not to mention if they get caught doing any speed over the limit they get BTFO and lose their licence for 3 months minimum, and cop a massive fine. Yet chinese cereal box licence has full demerit points

fuck off cunt, your the shill glowie here, shitting on all other threads so you can make yours over and over again, feeding off the attention and satisfation that you control the threads. fuck you agent shit cunt, fuck this glowie thread

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Fuck off weedie

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Can some user give me a rundown on events, I have been gone a few days and every post is about some truck cunt and vic pol
Did Vicpol do something similar to the boomer glowniggers including (you)s in screenshots?
Whats the go with this truck guy was the user who posted about it first a larp or not?

Was I supposed to? No messages or "tasks" on the mygov app

FUCK CHINKNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Fried veggies and tofu with some horseraddish and a dash of kikkoman

they also get their indian/chinese/african "electrical licences" and all other trade licences transferred over too.
I know an electrical company who has a chinaman who cant even speak any english, literally knows nothing about electrical, cant do anything but sweep up, and even fucks that up. Yet the company hired him because he now has an australian electrical licence after swapping over his chinese one, and they use him to "supervise" apprentices, because they must be supervised by licenced tradesmen. Its a fucking joke.

Countdown to QANDA A

youre not getting paid then

You think I’m reading all that cunt

Praise Pusey

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I mix cafe creme with rothmans, it goes alright. I use the combo as spin too.

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pol over the last few years makes me wonder how any criminal organisation ever succeeds.
pretty sure the police just check pol every now and then
but since everyone knows they check, everyone gets paranoid and starts calling everyone else glowies
Now imagine how paranoid you would be if you were actually doing something illegal

Lmfao enjoy not getting your neetbuxx

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I just reported before at 4 , whens neetbux coming?

You're not getting paid NEET newfag

Getting my $1300 in the morning :-)

user I.....

fuck off mutt cunt, this isnt a thread for your kind you nigger jew hybrid bean fuck

Kek very based. I had a friend in school that could drink a whole bottle of vodka in one go, he is somehow still alive today and not an alcoholic

Pic related

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t. constantin souvlakisopolis

Been on it before faggot and didn't have to report before getting back paid.

You were meant to swipe left to accept breeding with a governmental provided roastie so as to be harnessed like tax cattle to paying for all this shit.

keep changing your ID you pathetic shit skin fuck