why are the left willfully ignorant?
Why are the left willfully ignorant?
Post video of that taco nigger cunt getting gutted. Fuck beaners.
why didnt they keep her as a slave
or maybe they did but got sick of it
is she an el salvadorean nun?
fuck nice. We should do this to all beaners.
imagine being a lefty
>please let these upstanding gentlemen and scholars into your nation!
they aren't ignorant they just aren't compassionate or cooperative. everything is for their power grabbing ends only. like the kids her who think their extreme forms of government would outlast their lifetimes and not be an unmitigated disaster. fairy tale believes that think everything will be wonderful if everyone just gave them all the power. spoiled brats basically.
They're anti-White, all other stated arguments are just for show to that end.
It's pathetic how this video was banned on all gore sites because MUH RAPEFUGEES.
I fucking hate how authorities treat these subhumans like poor little angels, fucking traitors. Every lawyer passing laws and politician deserve death.
Is she ok?
I wonder what she did to deserve that hmmm.
Cartels make lots of money from the drug trade they don’t need random girls as sex slaves they can just buy as much pussy as they want, plus girls dig guys that kill people and shit “bad boys”
"Politicians are like wineskins, they all need ropes around their necks"
KEK. what a weak faggot
cant even properly cut the neck of a little girl
and this guy was playing around with his knife as if he was some master butcher or smth
literal soiboi execution with shit quality
t. spic.
I want to make you look me in the eyes before i blow you face in you Chicano fuck. Fuck you and fuck your people. God your culture is disgusting.
Kek spics can't even do the killing right.
If the video was banned from all gore sites, it must be pretty bad. What is it? I'm too scared to watch
It's not willful. They are truly mentally weak. Dysgenics and softness have made them faggots. Willfulness implies that they have the ability to think differently or know better. They dont.
same reason religious people believe in a magic man.
Ok but why did it happen
I’m just speaking facts don’t get too upset now :)
This has nothing to do with politics you absolute spastic
Naive Scandinavian women thought it would be a good idea to go hiking in Morocco and go beheaded.
Just watch it, you pussy
better start growing some thick skin and watch it
Just a decapitation by knife. It's a shitskin's way of killing. All for the big show, but the death itself is fairly humane. Lights go out quick, boy.
>I'm too scared to watch
Even when I was young, i had morbid curiosity and enough hate for women ( and men ) to watch beheading. Are you a woman?
I'm not going to lie user, this kind of stuff scares the shit out of me. Its hard to see people who will not only do that to another human being, but seem to enjoy it. Demons truly walk among us. I worked with 2 illegals in an outdoors kind of job while I was waiting to get something with my current job (software dev), and they would watch cartel execution videos together on break as entertainment while we were all sitting in the truck. Why...
White people should conquer militarly and clear all those Central America shitholes
>nothing to do with politics
what cute world are you from?
I can see a successful career as doctor
>nothing to do with politics
You are a retard central America is basically a conglomerate of ancap countries
Story here? The girl on the floor is literally pleading for her life with her hands, like she thinks she can still survive. It's not the type of desperate struggle but more of a "please, why, stop" and seems so fucking sad. Gore usually does nothing to me but this looks like an innocent chick brutally raped and beheaded by shitskins. I need to know the full story.
Fairly impressive. Took it off clean in under 7 seconds.
>fairly humane
Dude they used a knife that didn't cut properly it must have been painful as hell
>flag checks out
>likes watching gore videos
Not all of us are mentally deranged, dumb spic
I'll never understand these videos.
you post video evidence of video manipulation, it just calls everything into question including your own posted video since that too could be manipulated.
Thats the only vid where they humiliate one of the women before killing them. Theres another vid out of ther eof them beheading this STACKED bitch but sadly they dont rape and strip her first.
no demons
just man
you must always remember what and where humans came from to get where we are now
and remember the ones that are still doing it have so much further to go
all man did this
the question is
do you want to go back to doing this?
This is pretty much all that needs to be said. They don't care about anything other than wanting you dead and replaced. With each passing week I think that a majority of leftists are no longer just "misguided". I think they're legitimately bad people.
That poor girl. That's exactly why we needed a compassionate border policy to help get these people away from that.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
at least this machete was sharp...
Oversocialization and feelings of inferiority.