WTF is wrong with Trump lately. Hes made a lot of terrible decisions lately he never would have made in the past

WTF is wrong with Trump lately. Hes made a lot of terrible decisions lately he never would have made in the past.

1. Agreeing to the lockdowns in the 1st place.
They have ruined his economy and his base is losing faith.

2. Letting Fauci essentially usurp his emergency powers and to talk to the media freely.

3. Denouncing Kemp for pursuing a quick reopening.

4. Not pushing through Hydroxycloroquine and not purging its critics within the health bureaucracy.

5. Not being willing to stand up to the "experts" at all.

6. Nothing wrong with what he said about disinfectant but to reverse later and say it was sarcasm looks bad and not just like the typical lugenpresse bullshit.

Has he gone senile... wtf is wrong with him lately.

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Trump is insane. True chaotic neutral. Which means he's still the lesser evil.

He was perfectly sane in the past, he occasionally made bad personnel decisions but he seems fucking AFRAID of Fauci... why?

timing is wrong. He started out for a sprint not realizing cv was intended as a marathon. If he went all out right now - the swamp would have a few months to bog him down into their bs which would leave him with a negative public opinion dynamic closer to the election time. Much better to back off temporarily to resurge with full power at the most expedient time.

The leader of the most prominent group in the US peddling potentially lethal industrial bleach as a “miracle cure” for coronavirus wrote to Donald Trump at the White House this week.

In his letter, Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

Grenon styles himself as “archbishop” of Genesis II – a Florida-based outfit that claims to be a church but which in fact is the largest producer and distributor of chlorine dioxide bleach as a “miracle cure” in the US. He brands the chemical as MMS, “miracle mineral solution”, and claims fraudulently that it can cure 99% of all illnesses including cancer, malaria, HIV/Aids as well as autism.

Since the start of the pandemic, Genesis II has been marketing MMS as a cure to coronavirus. It advises users, including children, to mix three to six drops of bleach in water and drink it.

In his weekly televised radio show, posted online on Sunday, Grenon read out the letter he wrote to Trump. He said it began: “Dear Mr President, I am praying you read this letter and intervene.”

Nobody cares if a few extra NAM boomers die (because they didn't demand hydroxycloroquine) they care if he allows these stupid governors to continue to damage the economy longer.

Deep state. I keep trying to tell people.

Because he literally gets every single one of his talking points and ideas from Fox News and people like Grenon
He's too far gone at this point

relax shill he cant go against experts or the shut down. Kemp stepped out of line. The sarcasm response just ment he was trolling them with the injection study information

Trump is still gonna win all he needs is a few swing states to turn red

Stress mixed with stupidity

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Yes I know Fauci is a career bureaucrat and a leftist...

Why does Trump seem genuinely so scared of him or under his sway... I don't fucking get it. I have to imagine that Trump's entire camarilla sees Fauci for exactly what he is there must be 10000 emails to the white house every day denouncing him as a commie rat (I know I've written 3)... Rand Paul and his father knows he a rat.

Why is Trump essentially allowing him to be the acting President? Is this some grand plan to redpill idiots on socialism by making them live under it... I see no rational explanation.

he literally got the injection story from a bleach tycoon who claims his bleach can cure cancer.
When he's got the top healthcare people in the country by his side
He asks if injecting bleach might be something they haven't thought about

Why not??? The experts have been literally wrong on everything. Emergency powers are a good way to have them all shot the way Trump's base wants.

He didn't mention bleech shill he talked about developing a disinfectant objection paired with UV light... nothing wrong with what he said.

Reversing it and saying it was sarcasm is what looks bad.

They've been wrong because it's a brand new virus and China and the WHO have lied about everything so they had to adapt as they go.

Grandpa needs to take a nap, he and his biggly brain don't look too good.

uɐʇɐS liɐH

god I wish that were me

Trump had great plans but the real president, Kushner, said no.

If you shut down the economy and are wrong you should be executed. I'm not a fan of communism but a capital crime of "wrecking" ala Stalin should exist for these "experts".

All public health types who did not oppose lockdowns should be given a brief show trial and then immediately shot.

Kushner has always been there and Trump was great until now, Kushner probably isn't the problem here I'm sure Kushner and all of Trump's advisors see Fauci for exactly what he is because its so obvious... Trump is afraid of him or foolishly trust him for some reason. Something is very wrong.

they literally sell chlorine dioxide mouthwash in the us now; update your spam pls

This is true

My theory is that he's so damn worried of giving any credence to the dictator claims, and despite his position and all evidence to the contrary, keeps hoping that the people will push for the changes en masse so he can say, "Well I'm just doing what the people want!" It's like even with all the media bullshit and twitter bullshit he goes through daily, his bubble that he lives in is preventing him from really seeing just how fucked up everything is and how he's the only person in a position to do anything about it.


Its as good a theory as I've heard...

Trump is a retard

He was never sane

Lately yes... He was great before.

>he seems fucking AFRAID of Fauci..

Fauci is blackmailing Trump. Fauci has video taped of Trump and Jeffrey Epstein together committing certain acts against nature

the problem is he has to appeal to retards like you

His decisions as President before he agreed to the shutdowns were all perfectly sane. Now he seems like a timid senile old man...

You think these lockdowns were a good idea or something?

If such a thing existed it would have been used before now.