The only remnant of a continent spanning empire

>the only remnant of a continent spanning empire
How the fuck did this happen?

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You mean the USA? Well you had to fight were bronze age people who didnt even have horses and even when fighting nothing you still kind of got btfod by the oregon trail. Honestly I have no idea how america became so powerful pre ww1. I tried to read about it but it really wasnt making any sense

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isn't that sauce from the US?

it goes on fish sticks

All you had*

I only recently heard of this place for the first time a couple days ago with the mongol empire being the segue. Really strange how massive civilizations can just be omitted from history. Who dictated them as irrelevant?

They are nomad asians who got fucked by the russians and then turks.

They got sandwitched hard.

Degeneracy always win out. Just look at the Tocharians.

we became powerful because France sold the US half the continent without realizing the size. Eurocucks don't understand distance, like the US doesn't understand time. The US was also in trouble leading into ww1 due to just having a civil war, but it wasn't fought on our soil so we won in terms of manufacturing ability post war. Europe's history also holds it back. In the US we're not as attached to tradition so adapting to change can be easier.

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The tartars and mongols were not asians. They were white.

its french, created for fish and chips which is also french

Dude, I doubt you actually meet the crimean tartar in Ukraine or Russia.

at least its delicious

It's French.


oh I think there will be a lot more let than mayonnaise and tarter sauce.

I don't know enough about Tartars to say one way or the other, but no, Mongols were not white. They had some white genetic traits mixed in like red hair and the ability to process dairy well, but they were not white, user.

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Mongols are the archetypical asian and the strongest type of asian.

I know about that but still, land doesn't mean anything. Russia is huge and can barely stay afloat. I know it makes a difference but even by ww1 you were still way ahead of us by a huge margin

why must you be like this

>I don't know enough about Tartars to say one way or the other, but no, Mongols were not white
In most of central Europe and eastern european languages "tatar" and "turk" are words used to describe someone who is especially retarded. If you argue with someone and they say something especially stupid you say " are you a turk/tatar" . The fact that this thing is present in so many languages including German makes me think they were not the smartest people so I guess they were not white

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there was no "tartary" civilization, it was basically a placeholder term for the entirety of central and northeastern asia when no one in Europe knew fuck all about the region aside from the fact that it was there and there were people

So all that Tartar control toothpaste worked

The only true condiment for use with fried fish.
Debate me.

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Some sources say genghis khan had red hair. Central Asia wasn't always the turkish shithole it is now. It was an ancient white homeland once. The old steppe hordes of the mongol conquest and the later successor states very much were mixed in racial composition.

Sauce tartare is French you mushbrain retards

>Fish and chips

So is every other sauce in the world as instead of learning to fight you garlic anuses just made sauces instead

That's actually pretty good evidence, honestly. Maybe his horde was made of non-whites. Ruling castes of whites over shitskinned hordes have appeared many times in history.

Both are great.

oh. I thought we were talking about the British.


Americans pls..