/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3476

► Detected: 2,995,757 (+2,495) ► Died: 207,021 (+106) ► Day: 109 (-18:57:40)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,590 strains have been sequenced —


Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Hispanics and blacks account for most deaths in California

8 patients in Hong Kong test positive after "recovery"

New mutation threatens possibility of developing a vaccine

Virus can live in the air for several hours

20% become critically ill with hypoxia or respiratory failure

Evidence of ADE has surfaced, according to Nature article

More Somalis are dying in Sweden than any other group

Ecuador president admits official death toll undercounting

Reports of undercounted "atypical pneumonia deaths" in Mexico

China tells local authorities to stop reporting cases

▶ 23 new cases and 1 new death in Israel
▶ 25 new cases in El Salvador
▶ 10 new cases in Georgia
▶ 63 new cases in Kazakhstan
▶ 392 new cases and 11 new deaths in Ukraine
▶ 18 new cases in Uzbekistan
▶ 17 new cases in the DR Congo
▶ 48 new cases in Bulgaria
▶ 9 new cases and 1 new death in Thailand


Attached: CVG.png (1448x909, 552.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 209,762
lol, still only 209,762.
How many days has it been stuck at 209,762? Four days? Five days?

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Digits confirm 100% infection in israel

>Detected: 2,995,757
>4 months

I didnt say which digits

100% death rate in Israel

So should I do a line of speed or go to sleep lads

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>I didnt say which digits
Checked for savage doubles.

Go to sleep and then do a line of speed when you wake up

PC died a week ago, had to phonebrowse but I ain't making an account just to post so fuck that.

I've been out of the loop since. I heard that infections are rapidly decreasing? As in it's ending? Oh, please, say it isn't so!

NHK is reporting large swarms of rats and mice in the streets now that there is less people and also food shortages

its happening

Reopen everything as soon as possible please, /ourgirl/ wants to go out and stretch her legs a bit

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digits can kim jong un is dead.

I unironically hope all the white trash boomers and others who protested on the streets die out from this.

Sauce on this?

I don't recognize the people who post here anymore. It's like we've been flooded with the conservative version of bugmen. Mostly-normal engineers or finance fags that come here for the funny Natsoc memes, but have no interest in making sense of what is happening with this virus and lockdown shit. Only boxing and complaining about much stonks. It's one thing to call corona a hoax but when you try to talk about the consequences for the economy and the kinds of creepy shit likely being planned I see people responding like a broken record and calling those things hoaxes as well. It feels like we got a lot turbo normies recently who actually believe in normalcy itself.

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It'll fuck up my sleeping schedule even more, it's 10 AM here and I haven't slept yet.
Gotta write my thesis somehow, I'll do just a little bit I guess.

>that keyring
oh god


What do I do if I get the 'rona? I don't trust doctors and I refuse to be confined in a medical camp.

Why are lockdowns already ending?

Not my pic though, but I thought about doing this, got a couple of old Sandy Bridge Intel CPUs lying around.

#1 United States 987,322 (55,415) #2 Spain 226,629 (23,190) #3 Italy 197,675 (26,644) #4 France 162,100 (22,856) #5 Germany 157,770 (5,976) #6 United Kingdom 152,840 (20,732) #7 Turkey 110,130 (2,805) #8 Iran 90,481 (5,710) #9 China 82,830 (4,633) #10 Russia 80,949 (747) #11 Brazil 63,100 (4,286) #12 Canada 46,895 (2,560) #13 Belgium 46,134 (7,094) #14 Netherlands 37,845 (4,475) #15 Switzerland 29,061 (1,610) #16 India 27,977 (884) #17 Peru 27,517 (728) #18 Portugal 23,864 (903) #19 Ecuador 22,719 (576) #20 Ireland 19,262 (1,087) #21 Sweden 18,640 (2,194) #22 Saudi Arabia 17,522 (139) #23 Israel 15,466 (202) #24 Austria 15,225 (542) #25 Mexico 14,677 (1,351) #26 Singapore 13,624 (12) #27 Japan 13,441 (372) #28 Chile 13,331 (189) #29 Pakistan 13,328 (281) #30 Poland 11,617 (535) #31 Romania 11,036 (619) #32 South Korea 10,738 (243) #33 Belarus 10,463 (72) #34 United Arab Emirates 10,349 (76) #35 Qatar 10,287 (10)…

#1 Mexico +835 (+46) #2 Ukraine +392 (+11) #3 Brazil +241 (+15) #4 Panama +241 (+6) #5 United States +162 (+2) #6 India +87 (+3) #7 Bolivia +84 (+4) #8 Hungary +83 (+8) #9 Honduras +34 (+2) #10 Guatemala +27 (+2) #11 Israel +23 (+1) #12 South Korea +10 (+1) #13 Uruguay +10 (+1) #14 Thailand +9 (+1) #15 China +3 (+1) #16 New Zealand (+1) #17 Bermuda (+1) #18 Kazakhstan +63 #19 Bulgaria +48 #20 Jamaica +45 #21 El Salvador +25 #22 Uzbekistan +18 #23 Congo-Kinshasa +17 #24 Kyrgyzstan +13 #25 Lithuania +11 #26 Georgia +10 #27 Australia +3 #28 Trinidad & Tobago +1…

Attached: CVG.png (2000x1027, 354.54K)

Smoke cigarettes. Not even kidding, it helps.

These threads have slowed down A LOT, even compared to just a couple of weeks ago. I don't know guys...

Euros just woke up, give it time.

Every single one of you nothingburger fags deserve death. To spout your bullshit you must either be retarded, in which case you should be euthanized for the betterment of humanity, or you must be shilling for an evil agenda, in which case you should be executed for your crimes. If I am ever fortunate enough to be in the position to get away with killing one of you, I will gladly do it. I will murder you and sleep like a baby.

We reached 100k in 1 day for the first time last week

Considering the potential of zoonotic transmission, this may be the begining of a huge shitstorm.

>#1 Mexico for various threads in a row

vaya . . . con dios

According to data from the best-studied countries such as South Korea, Iceland, Germany and Denmark, the overall lethality of Covid19 is between 0.1% and 0.4% and thus up to twenty times lower than initially assumed by the WHO. A study in Nature Medicine comes to a similar conclusion even for the Chinese city of Wuhan. The initially significantly higher values for Wuhan were obtained because many people with only mild or no symptoms were not recorded.

50% to 80% of test-positive individuals remain symptom-free. Even among the 70 to 79 year old persons about 60% remain symptom-free, many more show only mild symptoms. The median age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy) is over 80 years and only about 1% of the deceased had no serious previous illnesses. The age and risk profile of deaths thus essentially corresponds to normal mortality. Up to 60% of all Covid19-related deaths have occurred in particularly vulnerable nursing homes.

Many media reports of young and healthy people dying from Covid19 have proven to be false upon closer inspection. Many of these people either did not die from Covid19 or they in fact had serious preconditions (such as undiagnosed leukemia). Strongly increased death rates, as in northern Italy, can be influenced by additional risk factors such as very high air pollution and microbial contamination as well as a collapse in the care of the elderly and sick due to mass panic and lockdown measures.

In countries such as Italy and Spain, and to some extent Great Britain and the US, a serious overload of hospitals, notably by the flu, is not unusual. In addition, up to 15% of doctors and nurses currently have to self-quarantine, even if they develop no symptoms.

Numerous internationally renowned experts from the fields of virology, immunology and epidemiology consider the measures taken to be counterproductive and recommend a rapid natural immunization of the general population while protecting risk groups.

My wagecuck fast food job closed for 2 weeks and went back up last week. When will the country shut back down? I liked my vacation

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With all the restrictions in place she is still giveing us numbers. Once they let her run free she will become even more apocaliptic

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tl;dr you are retarded

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Wow, a sentient American. Hi there.

3 million cases soon

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▶ 799 new cases in Singapore

Attached: CVG.png (720x480, 221.23K)

Nice argumentative skills, retard.
This general really went to shit with all the shizos.

shes so hot

years ago I didnt get it and looked down on guys that were into this kind of stuff

and now . . .

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Disgusting. Delet this.

Real talk, me and my wife had the virus she was out for two weeks, im a heavy smoker and i was sick for a day and a half

Do I really need to argue with a retard who can't read graphs? No thanks.


>Real talk

No you just can't argue, you're monumentally retarded haha.

NYC rats are having tribal wars right now

There’s a higher chance of you getting killed by your cousin than actually happening that, Brayan.

That’s all the fucking shills getting tired of spamming their nothingburger faggotry

I’m so sick of hearing about this stupid virus nonstop and putting up with the ridiculous lockdown.

A new stimulus bill has been proposed and it's called the "Emergency Money for the People Act." H.R. 6496

If passed, the bill will pay Americans $2,000 a month for up to 6 months. archive.is/W9iwK

Here is a link to a petition. Please sign/share the petition. chng.it/9fnz5LgHrj

We also need to let our politicians know about our support for this bill. Here is a link to contact your representative. usa.gov/elected-officials

Same boat. But the fact that she has an influance on real world, being represenration of a real diseas, puts her above all the ones that are just 2D drawings. This way I can still feel superior to all the weebs and waifufags, while basicly being one at this point

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>shes so hot

>years ago I didnt get it and looked down on guys that were into this kind of stuff

>and now . . .

Attached: SHIEEEET CHING CHANG CHONG.png (638x682, 359.41K)

Stupid president here in Mexico keeps saying that nothing serious is happening, that the government is gonna spend a shitload of money on gimmedats for "25 million families", and babbling about being "spiritually good".
Sauce (in spanish)

Hell is on lockdown now, Satan?

► Detected: 2,995,757 (+2,495) ► Died: 207,021 (+106) ► Day: 109 (-18:57:40)


Now serving Nothing Burger #3476. Now serving Nothing Burger #3476. Can the individual who has thread 3476 please come to the btfo.

Dead Thread
>Dead Thread
Dead Thread
>Dead Thread
Dead Thread
>Dead Thread
Dead Thread
>Dead Thread

/CVG/ BTFO, and like Corona Hoax they will never recover

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the virus is 5g


▶ 6 new cases and 1 new death in Latvia

Attached: CVG.png (720x480, 221.23K)

>tl;dr post that was the same le preconditional and le old people shit we've seen numerous times
>expect rigorous debate
kek these people

go outside then, stupid

What about weed?

Hello, Chumel. How is everything going?

They should just let them go out already I want them to start dying off again.