so this is... the power of 4th wave feminism
So this is... the power of 4th wave feminism
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Sure she is a retarded whore, but the biggest retards are the men who spend their money on this whore.
If tomorrow it was announced that she would be hung and the guys that gave her money would be castrated, I’d be okay with it.
>the men who spend their money on this whore
Seems like most of them don't though.
post more cunts letting their masks slip
i want to get angry
This is what men have been reduced to paypigs for ugly thots.
Burn it burn it all down. Society needs a cleansing of the weak and infantile.
Whoever gives this type of creatures money deserves the rope
I'm quite convinced that some men just have some sort of "provider instinct" where they get off from just supporting women, and Internet has broken them now that they can whiteknight globally for all the women in the world.
But it's only $10/month. What kind of poorfag cant afford 10 bux a month to get a glimpse of mladies thighs? She makes a cogent argument.
look at all the simp in the chat
Why does this make you angry? I just think it's hilarious.
I hope she gets killed by an orbiter
she's like a female Cartman
What is the appeal of this girl?
It's findom, a fetish for some people.
I think it's stupid, but if people get off to it and hurt no one let them have their little group. I couldn't care less.
Probably would take the same advantage if i could (male).
Had you had the discipline to keep your emotions in check, and had the discipline and ability to ignore her, none of us would know she exists, and as a result you would have denied her attention and expose to new clientele.
Learn to starve out the things you dont want, by depriving it of what it needs to exist my friend.
I would give her 10 bucks for blowing me and only because she is looking quite decent being 30yrs
She's 30 years old.
that whore lost 80k followers and she keeps losing more, so in this case the negative attention is costing her money
it probably depends on what type of simps they pander too
E-thots get most of their income from few whales they most likely also fuck.
Yeah I'm sure nothing bad will happen from random roasties parading around all high and mighty like lords despite doing nothing to earn it. Nope
they are faggot cucks and should be gassed as they have the ability to shift the need for a young women to find a husband.
onlyfans et al will over time change the dynamic between men and women as young women now have more outlets for attention whoring
I would let her give me $5 to blow me.
wrong, the whole live and let live attitude marks you as a boomer
So if i think you are an idiot for the bullshit you write i would only be doing right by wanting you executed then?
>ugly dark haired rat
maybe if she were blonde she'd get more money
She’s right tho.
I used to have a roommate who couldn't pay rent but would donate to twitch thots. Not a roommate anymore.
Imagine thinking it's more important to pay for someone else's living before securing your own.
I tend to turn things off that are cringe. So getting through this is quite difficult. Actually not going to bother.
They absolutely are. At any other time in history they would have been married, loyal husbands.
Now they are reduced to paying money to some whore online so they can get the dopamine hit of "thank you user for donating $10! ^__^"
Fuck dumb e-thots. Dont need them anymore. We got Projekt Melody now
well that would make you a nigger so i would dissuade you from such action however if you were to proceed make sure to start buying parts for a homemade gun and come get some faggot
I hope you all know she’s larping for attention and you’re falling for it.