Food shortages soon. Freezer Chads Vindicated

Where's your freezer bro? Triple Freezer Master Race here. The second wave will be devastating. Flu+Covid-19= End of the world, 4 months lock-down. While then Covidiots celebrate that it's all over, you have a couple of months to prepare.

I hope that you are making the best of this time while the retards go back to "normal life". See you all in 3 months when society collapses.

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We won! The virus is DEAD! Let's all go to the beach! FUCK TRUMP!

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INSIDER TODAY: What happens if we reopen too early? Let's look at 1918.

In other words, in 1918 it wasn't health or the economy. It was health and the economy.

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Philadelphia didn't cancel a parade during a 1918 pandemic. The results were devastating

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So, no herd immunity confirmed. Idiots want to go to the park. They will "re-open" the economy. Rejoice. You now have a window of two month to stock up. The next wave will be devastating. Millions of dead people. Now is the time to buy meat and ammos, a lot of it.

Final warning Yas Forums. While everyone else celebrates the "re-opening of society" is your very last chance to stock up. The next lock down, will last 5 months.

Don't you fucking come back in 1 months and cry that we haven't warned you.

Good luck!

Meat supply chain issues right around the corner. Don't let your normalcy bias fool you.

I have a freeze, and hunting land in farm country where wildlife thrives due to the giant buffets grown by hunters. I'm not worried one bit.

Meat processing plants across the US are closing due to the pandemic. Will consumers feel the impact?

Answer: YES

'The food supply chain is breaking,' Tyson says as plants close

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Don't sleepwalk

US stores and supermarkets might see shortages for the next year and a half, supply chain experts say

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Back when men weren't afraid of no fucking flu.

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In 3 months, you will pay 3 times the price for meat. If not more.

What no food Learn2hunt.

I'm sure that Cityfags will be pleased by your answer.

As they rushed to maintain U.S. meat supply, big processors saw plants become covid-19 hot spots, worker illnesses spike

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If Restaurants Go Away, Everything Will Collapse

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Expect famines of Biblical proportion.

Coronavirus pandemic will cause global famines of 'biblical proportions,' UN warns

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It's coming. Are you ready Yas Forums?

I'm ready. 3 freezers, ready to go, fully stocked.

Meat, vegetables, and pizza. Lots of pizza.

Just remember this thread in 2 months. Funny how life works.


I don't think we'll have actual shortages, the chickens they're killing off now are excess that aren't in demand.

Some types of meat will become more expensive. But it will be generally available. Other stuff could get cheaper.

based and enlightened thread, have a bump op you glorious madman

I have local farms to buy meat from but my freezer has been on back order for a god damned month with no word from the manufacturer. I’m getting pissed.