The Zionists hate them but love their money and voting block.
How can we make them aware of this?
The Zionists hate them but love their money and voting block.
How can we make them aware of this?
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Show them videos like this
>Christian Zionists
That's a contradiction.
I know right,, I had one of them tell me that Jesus was an orthodox rabbi,, I asked him if a lot of rabbis are born of virgins and conceived by the holy spriit...
Fuck off hippe, Israel is a bastion of freedom. They share our values and deserve protection. So shut your whiny little mouth because I'm sick of your horseshit.
Based and redpilled fellow migapede
Keep running your demonic mouth you little pissant and I'll rip your impish tongue out of your worthless empty fucking skull by its bloody roots.
That bastion of freedom got the biggest aid package in American history while running a massive budget surplus.
That basition of freedom has been selling American military technology to China since the 1990's and is now the second largest supplier of military technology to Communist China.
Yeah,, and he didn't say that 9-11 was good for Israel either,, (except he did)
White Christians know Jews hate them, Yet White Christians are literally the only reason Israel even exists, let alone the gibs and UN vetoes. Really joggins the noggin.
or show them vid related. See what happens when you go to the state of Israel and preach the gospel (He gets spat on, harassed, assaulted, and is attempted to be set on fire.)
America, you suck at picking your greatest allies.
I've been asking myself this same question for many years and I still don't have a way to counter their black mind control magic.
Get the fuck out of here.
It's self-hatred stemming from the concept of Original Sin. That's the best I could come up with. It's guilt driven or propaganda driven.
Christcucks literally believe that a jewish rabbi is a god. They cannot be reasoned with, and therefore deserve everything that comes their way
g-guys, what does it mean when he has trips in his id...
God despises the Jews, they are the cursed people.
Christianity is a direct response to Jewery.
Jews are going down on their own.
Subservience to Jews is a core tenant of Christianity so it comes as no surprise
redpill me on the bin laden guy, ive seen him on tv before and he seems kinda based.
"Their going to remove your limbs while your alive to extract adrenochrome"
>Israel is a bastion of freedom
>They share our values and deserve protection
You lie motherfucking kike loving faggot
Israel did 911
how is it relevant ? their role is supporting us not thinking about stuff like this
He can redpill you himself. Here are collected writings and opinions on a variety of matters: