Has multiculturalism worked in your country?
Has multiculturalism worked in your country?
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country is an obsolete concept
Ermm... yes?
i fucking hate all you smooth brained tweens.
Not in our country.
multiculturalism is a euphemism for " less white people"
from the POV of those who promoted multiculturalism, yes, it worked
Basically this.
brain washed statist
>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources: chuckmaultsby.net
Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country
Understand what jews have done to the West. See these threads for more:
>The truth about the world wars and the ‘holocaust’:
>The truth about jews and slavery:
Jewish (((educational))) propaganda aimed at children sponsored by tax payers
Yes it has, pretty well too. But it's easier when you don't have a culture well established in the country to begin with. Honestly the Americas should be the only multicultural societies on Earth. People who want European/African/Asian dominance should go to their respective continents and work on making their "homelands" the best version it can be.
Why don't you two like diversity?
All these immigrants are giving us so much diversity in food.
Like that truck driving curry.
Those cops had never tasted truck before so he got them a free sample.
>not white
you have to go back
This, a stupid imaginary line that's probably drew by someone piss is something you should fight and die for, fucking keks.
Yeah, but just two cultures, not 20, and both cultures are primarily Christian.
Fucking hell no! Niggers, amerindians and arabs are a freaking pain in the nuts!
No whites calls blacks niggers the black cuck them by stealing their girls the whites call Mexicans spics the Mexicans keep jumping over the wall invading their country it’s a fucking big mess.
Mexico is more diverse than America...
What do you think?!
define "multiculturalism"
Didn't even want it here.
It kinda worked since 1569 and died arround 1918.
No, not for me.
I feel like a stranger in my own home and want to leave.
I think I might try another country to see if I can assimilate better since my country is too busy virtue signalling to care.
Last year Australian government voted no to the question
Is it ok to be white.
This man likes black men, he is using his position to have gay sex with poor Africans.
We all have to collectively support his sexual fetishes with our taxes.
Why do we do this?
Letting in muslims was a mistake
The rest are working out OK
Must keep CCP out now
That is my old high school lmao. Merrylands High Public School. As for your question fuck no. The school was divided up into Aussies/Lebbos/Islanders/Turks/Asians/random group not large enough to form a proper ethnic group.
Worked well with certain groups of migrants, less so with others
This. All races can collab and be friends except muzzoids and insectoids (no offense to other Asians. Refering to chinks here)
>Oh no my country is being invaded by asian qties help please
If you had to deal with Moroccans you would beg to have asians back
Even bi-culturalism has failed in NZ, true lefty communists want a double down, lets bring all of Pacific nations, Indians and Chinese as well, whats the worse that could happen? At least the crys of the failed Maori co-state are beginning to fade out among the chaos. Leftist silver linings, baka.
Of course not. Multiculturalism destroys philia and makes for weaker nations with significantly eroded social cohesion. The irony is that these holier than-thou pro-multiculturalism/immigration types are instrumental in creating a quasi-caste system/slave class that is taken advantage of by the resistant people they are trying to push this multi-cultural agenda on, completely destroying the standard of living for all in the process.
stay at home user, there's a virus user
Bro you been to the East Coast lately? Every 2nd Maori I know is totally chill with meth and often consumes it. Its the victim bandwagon of black american rap that has caused this, its the common denominator. Maori listens to US rap, thinks hes oppressed like a black Murican, starts using meth to cope, ruins life even more. So sad. Crap music, with crap messages, victim bandwagon can drive off a cliff imo.
No. Our cities are balkanizing over it.
My area has 1 city that is Chinese. 1 that is East Indian, 1 that is Persian, 1 that is Korean etc.
It is quite difficult to even rent in these cities if you are White, Black or Native.
Most posts simply say "chinese only" "punjabi only" etc.
Or you'll waste your time going there and they will tell you they let someone else take it.
We were countryless for 123 years partially because of that
If we had kept immigration to Sihks/Hindus and Europeans then it would ahve been a glorious success. Sadly they let in the blacks, arabs and the pakis and it is a seismic failure
no i want all of the chinks, poos and whatever other non-white subhumans to literally be put into shipping containers and launched into the sea. I have no more feelings for anyone non-white because of multiculturalism my heart is filled with hatred.
It was never introduced in the first place. My country is so poor that it's better for refugees to stay in their home country instead of coming here.
No, people who come to Canada do so entirely in their own self interest, live in ghettos of their own people to resist assimilation and have an insecure hatred of whites.
gee are you an indian by any chance? you are not british and never will be poo and you need to GTFO too
But they do. And they are salty about wages, too, lol. Just read about niggers in Odessa.
did all those chinks come from all those countries?
No i'm english. Why are you so angry with my opinion on pakis?