Most popular socialist magazine revealed to be funded by Zionist groups
>Jews are openly leftist
How is this news?
Who is this fatty?
>Jewish communal fund
Zionists or just jews? They could be an "indifferent to Israel" Jewish group
Zionists != Globohomo kikes
Get your shit straight
>Jason unruhe
Credible source you’ve got there.
Canadian political analyst, he's often seen on the Iranian version of BBC
jews jews jews jews jews. Can you fuckers even talk about anything else? Get a life losers
He has sources linked in the video description.
Does it make a difference?
Not giving you ad revenue Jason.
This "Zionism" (I mean real Zionism) thing is a big deal for a lot of radical lefties
He can be quite entertaining sometimes come on
Who fucking cares?
It's extremely important.
People surrounding this magazine and its readers (American hard left)
People who don't like the readers of this magazine (idk, half of this board?)
i Swear, they Promote this shit to Gentiles on purpose to knowingly Weaken Them.
This. It's a way to dupe the left into supporting Israel.
Bernie Sander and Noam Chomsky worked on a kibbutz. So? Water is wet, the sky is blue
Both Bernie and Chomsky are Zionists.
Jason “Unruhe” is a known antisemite, misogynist, and homophobe who has repeatedly made anti-indigenous and Euro-chauvinist videos. He’s also a paid shill of the Iranian government.
Bolsheviks = Jews
they're the only good things about him t b h
This exposes the lie of the Yas Forums theory about right-wing Jews being best ally. "Right-wing" means they are violent towards non-Jews. "Left-wing" means they prefer to scam with non-violent methods.
Jesus Christ, it's not to convince YOU that Jacobin=bad or something, it's not for you, you can use this info to attack THEM.
Pro-Israel position is like a red cloth for a bull for a lot of lefties (readers of the Jacobin). This could be a huge scandal. Do you want lefties to eat each other or not?
Expelled 1,030 times. Full list with sources:
Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country
>The truth about the jews, the holocaust and the world wars:
>The truth about jews and slavery:
I wonder how many normies are walking around brainwashed into thinking that Germany was the only country that has tried to free their country of jews?
They're the vanguard and rear guard of the exact same thing
Communism = Sabbatean Frankist kabbalism
No such thing as a non-Jewish communist.
makes sense.