50,000+ Dead

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Op is a faggot.

Shouldn't you be hugging chinese to combat racisim lol?

If it was 2 million dead, Trump would win New York in November.

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55k now. Drumpf is really fucking this up big time.

I reckon if hilldawg had the White House Corona wouldn't have reached the USA. Their economy would be booming and would continue being the world's super power.

Looks like the low IQ mutts are still standing with the orange man though.

What’s worse is that according to his “model” only 50-60k were supposed to die, which will be way off. Biden will win the election, the virus absolutely ruined Trump.

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US death rate is far lower than the EU.
also pic rel.

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>50k out of 300m in a month is a big deal
ok faggot

This virus is literally the weapon China was planning to deploy into Africa to stem their projected population over the next 50 years, but they dropped it on their shoe on the way to lunch

Just as things should be

Looks like he is doing fantastic so far.

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>I reckon if hilldawg had the White House Corona wouldn't have reached the USA.
Why specifically?

>Niggers ignore social distancing and lock downs.
>Mostly niggers dead
you don't fucking say?

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China would have no reason to release it because the economy would already be in this shitter.

This. The pandemic was supposed to be "biblical". The only thing fucking up our lives is the shutdown.

beat me to it

The big man orange has invented 3 unquestionable cures for the chinese flu, namely eating an UV lamp, injecting disinfectant and a malaria drug with zinc. Why do the number of deaths still raise??

50 isn't that bad, the US is 4 times bigger than the UK yet we had 20,000.

you don't say

This shit literally happens every few decades. Whether it's pop control, or otherwise. It's not as bad as it can be. As it very often is. Even with modern transportation. Instant travel. Etc. This disease is not as bad, as these other diseases. Calm your tits. It's only on track, at worst projections. To be really bad.

most of the deaths in ct (outside of nursing homes) are ER doctors being told to put corona on death certificates. even when the person was never testsed

He didn't suggest injecting disenfectant you Maga Tard
He literally said to drink bleach

>0.015% of the population dead
>the elderly and sickly constitute the majority of that percent
You don't have to be a pragmatist to see how little of a concern the Chinese virus is.

ny officials have explicitly stated this is the case there too

well, for the UK at least, you no longer require an autopsy or a doctor present, we`re also relaxing criminal background checks for NHS staff due to the crisis as we need these people to care for our old and vulnerable

>get it in the lungs

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Now I feel like the corona virus is a deepstate thing to have trump associated with a terrible time in history for all eternity.

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If people had cared about my late grandmother a year ago then we wouldn't have imported dirty unwashed somali nurses 20 years ago that spread filth all over hospitals and kill old people with summer flu in the first place. I don't give a shit about the grandmas of retarded liberals, because they are ruining my economy and killed my grandparents first.

What do you think will happen if you end the shut down?

No one remembers H1N1 and the economy was """great""" in 2010. I can guarantee that muh nazi drumpft's disease will be in the history books 10 years from now as primary school reading. Democracy is a woman's system, the way to end globalism is for strong men to march into the capital in minecraft and show them who the real power is.

Trump brought it on himself by betting on the stock market over American lives and not being proactive in testing to artificially deflate the total numbers.

>50K reported deaths

>I reckon if hilldawg had the White House she would have mandated all school children be required to go down to their local Chinatown on field trips to see the Chinese New Year parades to prevent racism and xenophobia.

something wonderful