/Nazi Girls/

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is this an actual girl?

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All choke on black cock and this is a man. Enjoy

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If you can't tell the difference, does it really matter?

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well, that’s the thing. he could tell that the guy in that picture wasn’t actually a girl because he is visibly male.
it would have been a shock if that actually was a real girl

Sometimes I think I’m crazy. I’m crazy oh so crazy. Sometimes it feels like the Aryan world is on my shoulders. everyone is leaning on me. my baby girl keeps getting older. The disgusting she demon raises her. The black hair demon raises my daughter perfectly. I don’t ever see my baby. I got cucked by a fat Hispanic child. I would love my baby white daughter if I could but everyone tries to keep me away from her and I don’t care anymore death doesn’t scare me anymore niggers are here I HATE NIIIGGGERRS

God bless you, user.

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She’s hot I used to have her pics. I like crazy & hot

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sorry bro. are you still in your daughters life?

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She would get it

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I'll be honest, this is kinda simp tier shit. But hot chicks make it really easy to get normies to listen.

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nice stealth 'made for bbc' thread

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I don't know that feel, but my heart goes out to you. I would help you if I could. I love you, brother.

She would be an incredible fuck.

good strat, then show them a shit ton of redpills and they're good

Don't care if they're nazis or not but all of em are attention whoring... What'd you think Hitler would say to all of these women?

>Pierced nipples

>Jewish memeflag
Whew lad
How do you not see she is a man? Look at that jaw nigger


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QUEEN!! Fpbp

That's the real cringe.

That’s the number of a black man that she was dating at the time

different times different strategies
when 95% of your population is coombrained and doesn't care about politics, you have to appeal to the common denominator.

If Nazi Germany had shit aesthetics none of us would be here.

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OK kike

also nice get

Ironically majority of them are russian, so slavs, not some shitty 'whites'

okay chang

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Hi new fag here, what is this sign called?

real pic?

i guess it's the black sun

Black rising sun nords use it, friendly symbol.

The black sun, newfriend

Cute! Moar?

Sonnenrad or black sun.

The length of your penis and your dads penis tip to tip in millimetres.

It's a sun wheel.

Yeah it was from the Miss Hitler pageant.
Ok cringe as fuck and sounds like wignat shit.
My job is just to paint the picture that femanons are in the movement. Which they are. They just aren't active in public with it and are stay at home mom's like my friends' wives.

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Reminds me of some Isla Shewolf of the SS

The hammer and sickle

even during peak white culture, white women always fucked pets

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She´s not national socialist. National socialist are not degenerates.

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Built for soviet cock

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Is she still around?

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Good eye. Didn't catch that. Should I keep it or delete? 90% of people won't notice the shop anyway.

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Where do you find girls like this?