Hand over the water, lake cucks:

Remember, sharing is caring. We're one nation, Americans united under a common flag, and we're in this together:

>States surrounding the Great Lakes have a recurring nightmare about proposals to siphon off water for parched areas in U.S. or other countries. So they might be staggered by suggestions from NASA scientist Jay Famiglietti, who said a water pipeline from the lakes to cities like Phoenix was "part of our future.”

>Famiglietti, a hydrologist and senior water scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, was in Cleveland recently for a lecture. In the interview with Ideas, he said that "from a quantity perspective you might imagine that there’s a giant bullseye that can be seen from space that’s sitting above the Great Lakes. Meaning: It’s a target area in a sense for the rest of the country.

>"Because there’s so much fresh water, you can imagine that 50 years from now ... there might actually be a pipeline that brings water from the Great Lakes to Phoenix. I think that’s part of our future.” Famiglietti said such initiatives are needed to address a global water shortage.

>States surrounding the Great Lakes have jealously guarded the vast water resource. After all, the lakes hold 20 percent of the world's fresh water, and those states (and the government of Canada) realize the value in a world that is increasingly faced with shortages.


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Come and take it.

i mean all the really smart people have been saying for a decade now that water wars are gonna be what pushes civilization to the brink

My grandpaps was saying that for years

You can come and take it out of our cold dead hands.
Minnesota may not have much coastline but I'll fight tooth and nail to protect it
Yeah because Africans and Poos can't stop pumping out more babies than the shit pumping out of OP's mouth

It's not a matter of 'taking' anything; it's a matter of implementing a sensible water management plan for national prosperity. And you guys have the PRIVILEGE of having a key role in this process.

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My land, my home, my water.
Good luck.

>implementing a sensible water management plan
like live where the water is?

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lake michigan us up 3 feet in a year come and take it.

>It's not a matter of 'taking' anything
Tell that to Foxconn.

I'll dump as much garbage as I can into any pipeline I see. I'm talking batteries, feces, oil, paint thinner, cleaning agents, estrogen, embalming fluid, formaldehyde; you better come get this water Mad Max style if you want it.

>California drains their aquifers to empty
>land subsides tens of feet
>aquifer requires 10,000 years to refill
California: Hey those are some really nice lakes you got there...

Daily reminder that the State of Michigan is the 8th largest standing army on the planet.

Your idiotic desert dwelling ways are not the lakes problem. Try not being retarded 1st. Imagine moving to a desert, and then being shocked by the lack of water. Imagine being that thick headed.

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nah, don't live in a desert and waste your water on fucking golf courses you fucking pigs.

You’re almost as scary as the Corona Virus

>We're one nation
Yeah right

No Southern subhumans are taking my water. I will fight alongside Michigan and Upstate NY bros. Chicago will not be joining us.

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I still cant believe faggy leafs sell milk in bags

Like what the fuck is up with that?

bagged milk is superior to cartons and jugs

It really isnt

It uses less packaging and if used properly (don't let air into the bad) it takes longer to spoil.

kek. fpbp

Fuck off moron you clowns arent ruining our lakes, you would turn our great lakes into the Aral sea or should I say Aral desert as it's called now

NYC takes more than enough of it already and they can fuck off, anyone who wants the water can fuck off.
As a side note, that scientist and anyone else who thinks a water pipeline traveling from the Great Lakes to distant states is feasible, has no idea how expensive a pipeline that size would be.

Upstate New Yorker here
Thank you based Canuck we will have to stand side by side to defend our rightful sips from desert dwelling southron scum

yes it is, give it a try
i honestly believe Trudeau may sell our side of the great lakes to fix the financial mess hes caused

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As a Minnesotan, Fuck off cuck

Based. Fuck off, OP

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based and great lake pilled

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based and ehpilled

stop building in a fucking desert you dumb niggers.

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Fuck off. Mismanage the Lakes and they’ll be gone. And the Lakes are Canada’s too (although that’s not saying much).

filtration plant operator here.. it isnt possible to run an efficient pipeline through all those states first of all. also the manpower required to monitor pressure throughout that pipeline and the cost of fixing it would be ridiculous. also, what treatment facilities are going to be remodeled to treat and redistribute all that water? arizona doesnt just have one plant for the whole state.... fuck this guy. literal retard

You'll fight for your water the same way you fought the muslim invasion into your state?

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They sell it in cartons and jugs here too, but bagged milk is clearly superior. Get on Canadas level eh?

>drawing the line into Mexico
Got a legitimate chuckle out of me, thanks

>NYC takes more than enough of it
[citation needed]
Water from the Great Lakes Watershed may only be used within the watershed with the sole exception of Cook County (Chicago), Illinois and for the manufacturing of beverages.
>You can’t even just bottle the water for sale. Toledo (Mayor Carlton Finkbeiner, of just move the deaf people out by the airport fame) tried to get permission to bottle its tap water for interstate sale. Nope.

Tucson here
There's no reason why we shouldn't be able to tap into Great Lakes water with a giant pipeline. We need to bring more green to southern AZ. The Colorado is becoming an unreliable source. Give us our rightful water rights, now.

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