I am the next Hitler AMA

Also known as 'the nobody' on /x/

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>why new Hitler is on Yas Forums
>why new Hitler would make this post
>why new Hitler isn’t doing anything

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did you learn from your mistakes or will you pick on slavs again

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Two larpers at once.

No I am.

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You're welcome to retire in my country.

Bullshit, The Nobody doesn't know he's The Nobody.

>why new Hitler is on Yas Forums
Yas Forums is the best place to sift through for new information. although it used to have much
>why new Hitler would make this post
to answer your questions of course
>why new Hitler isn’t doing anything
I'm fucking quarantined bro, what do you expect?
Nu-Hitler is American so there isn't much animosity towards Slavs

bulgaria asking the important questions

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Whats your credit card number?

well, then, get to work asshole
why are you lolly gagging

are you 30? have you started your new career as hitler?

you're retarded and will accomplish nothing in life, i'm willing to bet my left nut on it.

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Real americans hate slavs. You're not hitler like new hitler.

not as of last year. the GLP prophecy is true
I have an Amex
30 in 2021. Adolf said wait till 30 so I will take his advice.
I didn't say I didn't hate them but I don't have pent up rage towards them from living in Vienna

much more information per post/thread*


>1 year passes ''hey guise remember me the next hitler"
>2 years go by ''i'm making so much progress posting a russian basket weaving forum''

after 8 more years of accomplishing nothing.

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Do we at least get to end the spic problem once and for all? A lasting or final solution if you will?

I dunno, OP. I tend to think of the nobody as a collective subconscious we all have access too. Rather than just some faggot posting on a 'Made for BBC' shitty incel forum

yes absolutely. you see, my Vienna was Los Angeles and pushing back the spics beyond the wall is one of the top priorities.

How is your powerful black lover?

When are you going to do something other than shitpost ?

Good. I look forward to hearing more about your struggle.

the Nobody will eventually have to manifest himself IRL
there are certain types of shitposting that unironically help with refining ones' Weltanschauung
I'll send you a signed copy

>Racemixed Hitler "Sanchez Hamburger von Levenstein"
lol okay.

How many innocent whites do you plan on killing? Think you can beat Hitlers record of 45 million?

I'm dead serious. Hitler came to me in a vision on 4/20 last year when Yas Forums and /x/ did sigil magic
7/8ths anglo
1/8 italian
whiter than you
how ever many necessary to achieve a Galactic Reich

The only innocents in ww2 were germans.

Does your first name start with a B?

Fuck off subhuman

>I'm the next Goyim
flag checks out