What the fuck lmfao
What the fuck lmfao
Nothing he says (tweets) surprises me anymore.
what an absolute based shitposter
What an absolute retard
I think he has done over 30 angry tweets today. He is seething with rage.The entire world can read those tweets. These tweets are embarrassing. They are beneath the office of the Presidency. None of the tweets are about how to fix the damn problem. It's all about his 'victim-hood'. The most powerful person in the world is claiming to be a victim of media bias or some other bs. No GOP Senator has the courage to pick up the phone and call the Chief of Staff to take his phone away or change the password on his twitter account. It's time vote out this narcissistic buffoon out of office
The tweet is beyond your feeble intellect and understanding.
he btfo out of you retard lol
It's over. Trump is finished
>It's time vote out this narcissistic buffoon out of office
memeflag, why do you even try?
is he being sarcastic
He doesn't give a shit anymore because he knows he's getting reelected in November.
I agree. As a former trump supporter, it's time we do the right thing and vote blue 2020
Trump needs to try to rewrite reality, as “reality” is just too difficult for him to comprehend.
Trump is simply too lazy and utterly spineless to deal with reality.
Rewriting reality by lazily casting himself the intellectual and hero - not the imbecilic criminal he actually is, is the only thing Trump can do to avoid facing the fact he’s an incompetent, pathetic, idiotic, self-centered scumbag.
As to his latest desperate (and oh-so-utterly pathetic) attempt to rewrite history and change the conversation - even a five year-old knows not to internalize disinfectants - oh, ..and can likely spell “hamburger”, too, ffs! ..And anybody whose daddy didn’t buy him a diploma would tell him that journalists are awarded Pulitzers, not “Nobles” ..”Nobles” is this muppet for real!?
No wonder Trump is always being denied a Nobel prize! Aside from the “Reality” of what he is - a self-serving, corrupt and sadistic fool, he’s even too lazy and dumb to spell That award properly!
He should just quit while he’s woefully behind
you forgot about how we cant let him get his hands on the NUCLEAR codes.
We can’t let him get the nuclear loads
But in all seriousness, we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.
press S to spit on drumpf
One day he'll post "I Support DACA while googling about the Dancing Israelis"
Cause Trumpfags are easy to piss off and overly suck Trump's dick. I'm a Trumpfag and I larp as a liberal all the time. Trumpfags start crying. The larper in this thread is actually a Trump supporter most likely.
Also, he can't be allowed access to the nuclear codes
CIA covertly gave him a chemical labotomy. It's the only thing they could do to stop him destroying Biden.
I completely agree. I can't lie, former Trump voter here but in all seriousness we can't give him access to the nuclear case.
Lol, They just keep jumping to their deaths on his bait posts.
> all 1 post by these ids
Pathetic samefag
>i-i was just pr-pretending!!!!1!1!!1!1!!1!!
imagine advocating an orange kike against your own interest, you dumb fucking mutt. kys
But seriously guys we can't let this faggot get his hands on a VPN
>thinks he is le edgy for using muh fancy "samefag" meme big boi word
shitty larp
falling back on sarcasm this past week is kinda cringe, but ultimately i don't care. i don't choose who to vote for based on how they relate to press and social media.
Nice try libtard. I’m fine with not voting but voting for someone more incompetent than trump is just retarded. At least trump doesn’t push faggotry and anti white rhetoric. I’d rather have a right wing retard than a globohomo kid fiddler mega retard.
Wtf does this even mean?
Former Trump supporter here.
We have to to stop him, think about what he would do if he got his hands on the nuclear code.
Not to mention what would happen if he lost, I'm sure he would scorn and upend the entire country to try to get what's rightfully his for 4 years.
Trump is funny and your a faggot
What a retard
Bleach injection time MIGApede
Fuck you
Hispanics created and built the US (see black legend threads)
I said he was funny nothing more...but this november i bet you get a suprise..
Why do Americans gloat about electing a president with Alzheimer?
There is a lot of jewish influence in this thread
Baiting the media to mock him makes him the victim and more appealing to his supporters.
He's in league with the media.
Let's face it, he has no competition.
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes!
This, he's in total meltdown.
I suspect Trump's rambling is a Zionist psyop to further increase fear and uncertainty.
>One of the most uncertain times in modern history
>Both potential leaders of the u.s. are rambling lunatics.
He is not a good speaker but he is smart...never vote demicrat in the usa...and if possible, kill politicians
Watch the lefties froth over this for the next 2 weeks while Trump sneaks off to do whatever it is he's really planning.
Pick your MIGAfag
>He's just intentionally slipping in mistakes to draw in more media attention!
>He's trolling and it's clearly working. 4 more years, libtards
>It was obviously sarcastic, brainlets
I know god forbid he gets a hold of the codes
This is worse than his “I was being sarcastic” comment