Crashed the stock market

>Crashed the stock market
>Cratered oil
>Put 26 million on unemployment and wrecked the economy.
>Starved millions of Yemenis
>Tried to start a war with Iran by killing their general
>Destabilized Syria
>Trying to start a war with China
>Mishandled the coronavirus outbreak probably leading to 100-200K dead Americans
>Still no wall
>Swamp hasn't been drained

Still tired of winning MAGAtards?

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there is no reasoning with MIGa tards

There's no point in trying to reason with MAGA faggots. Just like Democrat cultists, they live in their own delusion. It's up to them to step out of it. If they want to be cuckolds for their corporate Zionist overlords then fuck em.

His wall street jew buddies got trillions man, gotta look on the bright side

>Starved millions of Yemenis
ok, you lost me. no one gives a shit about yemenis.

How much cum have you swallowed today fuckwit


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Somebody didn't get trumpbux, lel, fucking loser.

trust the plan

>no UBI
>no rent freeze
>no canceled student debt
We're waiting, its not happening

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That's why I'm voting for Biden this year

>starved millions of Yemenis
>ok, you lost me. don't care

why the FUCK do you think all those refugees ended up in Europe and USA you stupid faggot? It's complacency and blind support for your Zionist military that created the refugee crisis. Once those Yemenis end up in your neighborhood you'll care but it's too late at that point


Lel, don't care, secured the bag.

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Agreed, former trump supporter here.
Zion don has failed to deliver any of his promises.
I think he has done over 30 angry tweets today. He is seething with rage.The entire world can read those tweets. These tweets are embarrassing. They are beneath the office of the Presidency. None of the tweets are about how to fix the damn problem. It's all about his 'victim-hood'. The most powerful person in the world is claiming to be a victim of media bias or some other bs. No GOP Senator has the courage to pick up the phone and call the Chief of Staff to take his phone away or change the password on his twitter account. It's time vote out this narcissistic buffoon out of office

Still on the Trump Train.
Anybody hopping off because of hard times is a faggot. We were projecting total global destruction with Hillary. Now we've got a mild cough, and a few pissed off countries.
Neck yourselves.

How's the weather in Tehran?
Or are you in Biejing or Canada?

>Mishandled the coronavirus outbreak probably leading to 100-200K dead Americans
Soon it will be 6 million. Trust the plan ;)

Nah fuck you. Trump 2020 faggot

Based commie

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It’s possible to be right wing without supporting that fat fucking retard. Anyone that’s still a Trump loyalist deserves the rope.

>killing off the retarded population
>killing off darkies
>1200 smackaroos
You're a fucking retard for not supporting him at this point.

Its your own money anyway. Congress passes trillions for big corps but nothing for people. Austerity is based though, right?

#MAGAwithDACA motherfucker

Hispanics created and built America (see black legend threads) and you are a kike :^3

vote left of bernie

>Focused on Making Israel Great Again
>Manufacturing has not returned to America
>Wall still not built

But why would anyone want that?

Ah yes, the patrician's meme forced by retards who can't understand English unless it's read off a teleprompter.

DONT PUT THE USA like latin america. Do you realize we don't want to be compared to the amerimutt? are you fucking insane?

>1200 of your own money they took and gave back to you while giving trillions in welfare to corporations

fucking retard lol

This fake virus bullshit has given the (((elite))) just what they've always wanted.

They've made everyone else a nigger.

>congress passes trillions for big corps but nothing for people
And you think voting democrat is going to help you?

Congress is a puppet of the (((corporations))).

I would prefer a man who's track record was marred by a global pandemic over a guy who doesn't know what year it is. Or more likely his running mate who will be some sheboon that will destroy the country a million times faster than Detroit.

God fucking damn you are truly a fucking retard. Why do Americans do this to themselves?

>Republicans bad so Democrats must be good
>Democrats bad so Republicans must be good

they're all in it together you worthless cunt. They're all degenerate, war mongering, corporate, child raping monsters who want you dead and convince you to vote for them based on whatever demographic they're going after.

Will still win in November

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Let me guess.
>but Bernie is not like the others

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Crashing the economy because the (((deep state))) asked him to makes him a rebel because he's actually saving children from underground dungeons.

No, I lost respect for Bernie the second he dropped out and endorsed Clinton in 2016. Spineless coward

It's time for armed revolution, to burn down this diseased oligarchy.

And communism is the answer I'm sure lmao fucking retard


fuck off nobody wants your trotsky shit. go book a one way helicopter ride

Yeah and the worst offenders of all hold up shitty red banners similar to your memeflag.

He didn't mishandle corona. Leftoids did by having gaping wide holes in their borders, similar to their mom. I hope more leftoids and niggers in Democrat cities die, it's based.


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Thank you captain obvious, I totally wasn't aware of this.God shut the fuck up.