can anyone name the guy on the toilet?
Pol humor thread
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They literally get possessed. Don't they?
Their eyes are black as coal.
Sadly kek
David Denman/Don Price
She has no soul or emotion
we can all see thats a female
here's a woman
If I wanted to fuck a ham I would buy one in Tesco without the negress attached
>I hear he's got money
>1st column
The niggers were kept separate from Whites in both the North and South for the next century.
>hehe, you must be SO mad we're destroying our culture to the point where everything will fall apart and enter an age of chaos
why are leftists so dumb?
I can still eat half the shit from that list, and i'm white
Dumb canadian
Just a reminder, if it exists in a place you've once subjugated, you can eat it.
I've been a fantasyfapper all my life, it is great
That pick. Those words. I’m smiling
Over 50 million times more oestrogen than actual chicken.
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
based every 20 min then place back in the oven uncovered for the last 20 min
>that nose
what did he mean by this?
i see nothing wrong with that ass
They have reappropriated the soiface and flaunting it at this point
Nice feet
of course its a fucking leaf
listen faggot i know you want to live in a world where nogs casually enter your home and rape you but the reality is that history is slow and so while it seems like your fantasy is coming true due to inaction on the right. the reality is that any major movement, any major change in history is always slow... the roman empire for example took centuries to collapse, then it became the Byzantium empire and lasted longer... the same goes for the US and the rest of the world, eventually this mass retardation will catch up with reality and things will fall apart. it wont happen soon.
Broccoli is just a cultivar of the cabbage family. If cultivars and other selective breeding techniques are a claim of ownership, then all of those food items except salt and pepper were created by white people.
Wrong side of history? It should be obvious that you're clearly on the wrong side of history using terms like 'poc'. Fucking idiot...
I wish for all jews to die
Half that list sounds like bull shit.
that is the single dumbest, most idiotic and retarded strawman i have ever seen
You already did this b8 in the last thread.
Do something new.
>the roman empire for example took centuries to collapse, then it became the Byzantium empire and lasted longer...
A) the Roman Empire never "became the Byzantium empire". The eastern portion of the Roman Empire never stopped calling themselves the Roman Empire.
B) They didn't "become" anything, the western empire ceased to exist and lost influence over Europe. The remaining Roman empire only controlled the Balkans.
It’s literally pod people
pls bring him back
kek, I regularly post / share this on kikebook like "this is what I see in my head whenever I argue with a woman"
The bottom one is true when you’re talking about gun control. Eventually, society will break down. And nogunz fags will be absolute obliterated. Either that or the cops then on these lards that gave up their guns like fucking morons.
I want half of all Jews and niggers in the world to die, and the other half to live.
underrated street shitter
Damn, India
Asians confirmed as satan
10/10 you actually made me check.
Shit has fallen over Night before my guy.
oh i get another one? Uh, idk some ice cream or something, bringing back hitler is all i ever truly wanted
How about the jews gas themselves? Then there's no "we" to define or be held responsible.
British flag LOL
But I really want to gas them.
Blame away.
Please tell me that’s a joke. Why are there so many degenerates in speed running community?
why are race realists always trash artists? low iq showing.
Back to the sweatshop, Chang