What has been your favorite Dementia Man moment so far?

for me?
>Um, you know there's a, uh, during World War II, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing, that uh, you know, was totally different, than a, than the, he called it the, you know, the World War II, he had the War Production Board

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the one where he grabbed that bitches tits.

>"our european culture is not imported from some third-world, african nation"

i like how he molesters everyone within arms reach and fingers his coworkers

wow literally as retarded as trump. incredible. the us really outdid itself again.

The one where he suggested curing COVID-19 with bleach and sunlight.

hes being sarcastic

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you're a lying dog-faced pony soldier

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that time he told people during a crisis to inject disinfectant

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>poor children are just as smart as white kids

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for me it was when that old guy thought you could inject disinfectant

This one.

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Niggers be like blub blub woo hoo hee hee aaaa pee pee poo poo lalalala haaaaaa pee pee in mouth hahahahahah hahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa woooooo wooooo woooo wooo tee hee hee poo poo more poo poo hehehehe poo poo more poo poo in me hahahahahaha aaaaaaaaaaaaa weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

user pls

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I always wanted to hear more tales of Corn Pop. He sounded like one bad dude.

He knew.

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What did he mean by this?

he actually tweeted this

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looks like he just got done railing a big bag of coke

unironically kys

Honestly if this fuckwit does somehow manage to become president I'll just fucking emigrate to a country which isn't totally lost, but the liberals who remain here would totally fucking deserve him.

>sells your resources to china and russia
>probably a satanist
>will start a new war in the mideast most likely
>will certainly fuck everything up

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challenge is

if your dumb enough to do it when he never said anything like that.
> you deserve to die. imokaywiththis.jpg

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>falling for shariablue shills

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