China's new digital currency is going to kill the dollar

>The big battle for global financial supremacy could be between the digital yuan and Facebook’s libra dollar
>China will pull out all the stops to convince international trading partners to switch from the dollar to their new currency. If they manage to lure enough users, the U.S. dollar could be in deep trouble.
>Donald Trump’s first term as U.S. president may have been marked by his trade war with China; but if he wins a second he could go down in history as the president that that saw the U.S. dollar fall from grace.

The death of the dollar is here, and it's murderer is Digital Yuan. Trump will forever be remembered for the president that allowed the US to be dethroned by China.

To think this all happened because of a flu.

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Oh no, not the heckin' Dollarino!

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Lmao, they’re going to cripple their economy. No one outside of China will accept this

Post on the digital RMB taken from a Chinese forum and machine translated. For those that care

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Let's talk about this first.

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I have no idea why Trump really thought he could stop China's rise just by implementing some stupid tariffs. Digital Yuan is the future. It's over.

>Trump will forever be remembered for the president that allowed the US to be dethroned by China.
war were declared long before that happens.

We already have digital currency though and it is still garbage. Kek for a big nothing burger.

so America creates a rival digital dollar, and we can actually FORCE people to use it. Who uses chink coin North Korea, Pakistan, and Cuba?

>No one outside of China will accept this
This. And if any country ever does decide to defect and back China's fake money, America will force all other countries to stop doing business with the defector country

>looks at flag
>oh its a flaggot
so you think the rest of the world, en masse, is going to suddenly trust the chinks and their digital chinkbux holistically? I doubt it. There's 13 trillion dollars of dollar-denominated debt in the world right now. Its not gonna happen easily. china is a corrupt shithole

let's roll out one world government

imagine thinking the USA wasn't twenty years ahead with a backup plan.

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this, and they're already talking about it with the IMF. Nobody is gonna cede currency control to faggot china


Why are you delusional?

It's the media. Mutt thinks they are seen in a positive light by other country.

Top kek.

>The big battle for global financial supremacy could be between the digital yuan and Facebook’s libra dollar
Last time I checked the US still dominated the world militarily, and China's newest aircraft carrier was on fire last month and Russia just said fuck it with force projection.
Go ahead and buy up all your double-kike currency. I look forward to your posts in a year bitching about being broke.

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As long as china supports decentralised cryptocurrencies the there in no issue.

Trump killed the dollar, fucking RIP

I spend a lot of time in this space they have loads of developers working on blockchain.
As long as China supports a free market on the technology and doesn't force developers to use centralised crypto technologies I see them as a global leader of the future.

going to be based on crypto of course. Look at the informal definition of's "a person having a secret allegiance to a political creed, especially communism."

The chink economy is not transparent and is export dependent. Additionally, cooking the books and lying is a national pastime in China. The Yuan is a terrible choice for being the world reserve currency. They can’t shoulder the burden.

Military might is inferior to soft power. And China has all the soft power right now because Trump threw his country's soft power down the drain. Chinese influence is growing larger and the virus is only helping to accelerate that.

Yeah, not gonna have my money tracked by China. Nobody else wants that either.

Let's be honest. An auditable currency anywhere is more bad for the elites than the plebs.


Why would anyone want to accept the Yuan. We are heading towards a multipolar era.

That stopped being the case when they shipped out defective test kits and masks. Talk about a self-sabotage

yeah okay good

Lmao wait wait wait let me get this straight.
Everyone is going to use some digital chink bux controlled by the CCP instead of using dollars in the country where everyone says we worship rich billionaires???
Hmmm yes let me invest in the currency controlled by chink authoritarian commies instead of the one where everyone says rich people run the country, yeah sure bucko.

One world digital currency soon!

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Anyone got that webm of China's new surveillance system having people's faces and names?

China exports are greater than the US. That’s a defecto demand for Yuan you idiot.

Once oil is traded in yuan the dollar is dead.

Sounds good. Cant wait to convert my life savings into commie chink software.

>Schizo tier picture with no source or context.

Fuck off Jew.

They won't need the digital Yuan to wreck the dollar. Samsonvirus popped the bubble and wrecked the overpriced service-based economy. People will have to learn useful skills in the US now, and that will take time.
Starvation inbound.

It really is. No joke. U.S. Hegemony is family hard right now.

This pandemic won't matter anymore in about a year though. And considering it used to be a balance of power between American and Chinese soft power, but now it's just China, still gives them an advantage.

>inb4 China bans paper money and burns all theirs and then loses all their crypto causing another chink genocide

Didn't something really similar happen on Mr Robot?

Companies and corps will. Oh wait a second, the world is ruled by companies and corps. Yes everyone will be accepting this.