Get fined $1,000 for not wearing mask

>get fined $1,000 for not wearing mask
>sold out till mid July
Wat do?

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just die from the virus it’s your only option

Open cloth

>don’t buy mask it’s literally useless
>masks price go up 140%

I fucking hate normies

tie a cloth on your face retarded faggot
wont affect anything but atleady you wont get bombarded by npc's at every store

Handkerchief and string, user. Make do best you can.

where do you get fined $1000 for not wearing a mask?
can't you use any face covering?
like a towel?

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Your sisters panties will work perfectly.Not only will you have protection, you get to embrace the odor of braps and juicy pussy.

Wear some panties on your face faggot

>where do you get fined $1000 for not wearing a mask?
Lots of places in based Texas. Laredo, Harris county, Houston, etc.


Absolute bullshit.

Faggots are simply making thi shit up as they go along. Can they prove, for example, that crashing the economy has saved one single life? Can they even make a plausible argument for it that's a little more substantive than "REEEEEEEEE?"

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Hey Harris county, Lena can fuck off back to Columbia.

Okay its $5 and its 5%. %5 is just fucking annoying as hell.

And to answer your question, just drive to Montgomery county or ft bend county or Galveston county to buy your stuff depending on your suburb.

No cop will cite you for that. Cops in Houston threatened to simply ignore Judge Reeeee's decree so the compromise is that if they catch you, they will simply hand you a mask. So far as I know, no denied applications for injunctions against such insane orders have made it to federal courts yet, but every single one of them will get tossed the minute they land on the desk of a non-Obama appointee.

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Based the fuck out

They won't let in the supermarket. They literally have a cop at the door.

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Drive to another county, they'll let you in without a mask. I drove to a Lowes in Montgomery County today and it was as crowded as I've ever seen it.

>eat the bugs
>bake the cake
>live in a drain pipe
>wear the mask
>take the mark
What else did I miss?

>The other day I had to put on a mask, I had already pre-payed, but the employee wouldn’t give me my stuff until I put on my mask. I went back to my car and put on the mask. No sense in arguing, I’m not gonna win that one. I put on my mask and got my items. It made me think that this is how the mark of the beast will be. Comply or die. It’s and simple. Almost everyone will comply. Sad. Many such cases. Respond or your mother might die in her sleep.
True story though

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supermarkets can mandate themselves.
It would be trespassing.
Texas has cops everywhere.

You aren't going to win against any small person with a tiny bit of power. Be it TSA, CBP, a grocery clerk with a mask policy, the police. You know the drill...

>a cop won’t do what their jew handlers tell them to do

They’ll bark and jump if Mayor Goldstein or Chief Shaniqua say so

Dish towels; cut 2 layers about the size of a surgical mask, and use cordage tied on either end as your straps.

railcar fine goods makes masks that are machine washable for $20 a pop. they're in stock on their website.

The point is that our retarded county judge is an AOC clone and is making masks mandatory. I'd probably wear one anyway, but not because I'm told I have to. Way out of bounds for what she is legally allowed to impose on us.

That, and I had worked with the guy before, so I’m not gonna sperg out and make a scene over something I can’t win.

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It's almost like china instructed 3m and WHO to do this so they both profitted or something.

Good choice user.

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Shoulda been a prepper.

source on those numbers

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Sometimes, good ideas can be just good ideas.

Tell the cops to go fuck themselves.

even preppers have limited supplies and don't know how long it's going to take.

It's a 27 year old socialist who was raised in Columbia. Even the Democrats endorsed the Republican running for County Judge in 2018. The only reason she won was because there was a software change in the voting machines and a bunch of Califags moved here.

Preppers have more supplies than non-preppers.

Wear a mask with a yellow Star of David on it to to trigger the normies

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Don't wear any mask at all and watch the normies scatter. It's kind of nice making everyone else distance from you.

a bandana or face covering will suffice.