Post by a Dept of Ed worker.
Friendly reminder that this is who rules your education system
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Homeschooling is the white man's education system.
change "goy" to "kike"
Really works for the board of education?
department, wtf is the board of education
In case anyone cares about the nitty-gritty- "goyim" does not literally mean cattle, but there are passages in the Talmud where they equate goyim to livestock, and the literal Hebrew word for "beast" is used synonymously in passages about gentiles.
Let no Marxist historians TRICK you into thinking that Reconquista was just a religious squabble. It was an evolutionary RACE WAR between the Celtic and Nord/Goth Christians of Spain and the Negroid/Moor Muslims who swamped the peninsula from Northern Africa with the help of the traitor Jews. All of the Christian strongholds of the North were Atlantid or filled with pockets of Continental Northern/Western Europeans.
A civilian in Visigoth Spain would look like an Irishman or a Scotsman. The historical accounts prove this. Genetics supports this. During the Reconquista a Christian warrior would have looked racially different to a Moor. And as we see everywhere on earth this visible difference is connected to tribalism and speciation in the human and animal world.
Skip to 23:30
Twilight of the Goths
The Myth of Andalusian Paradise
White Gold - Giles Milton
The Fall of Visigoth Spain was "The Great Replacement" and the "Kalergi plan" before it was cool.
The Reconquista was GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW before it was cool.
her social media is wide open and pretty cringe. she really loves talking about herself
Hm? Yes. We're used to calling it board though.
Yes, that's the problem. The typical Jew reply is that "goyim" means nations. The way it is used is always negative, divisive, disparaging. Kind of like nigger or negro just meant black person but it was historically and contextually used in a way that made it apparently bad enough to be illegal.
It's ok when Jews do it though.
Don't do anything that will make her close it. I haven't finished archiving it.
i ain't touching that shit, just working on my meme collection
she's a giving person
she has a good relationship with her dad
Everything is ok when Jews do it.
She's saying the ones who think it's a slur are the ones who know what it means, right?
yeah because I'm sure a lot of total strangers and
non-jews follow and see the updates from her twitter. Fucking virtue signaling.
No. This is a hill they're willing to die on.
Wouldn't that mean that it IS a slur and those who are using it are using it as a slur? If the first category are those who don't know what it means, then the other category are those that DO and they say it's a slur.
she enjoys home cooking
I was expecting it to be nurses. They control the war zones, tell us to stay home, stop traffic, block the ability to protest. Figured what our kids are taught is the logical thing for nurses to do.
she loves her family
Why would they fight against something they don't know about? Why should they fight against something that has nothing to do with them? The entitlement of the kike knows no bounds.
It might not be what she intended to say, but it is what it says. Freudian slip.
she loves her friends
>How dare you not know about this thing I care way too much about,
Go back to your shit thread nobody wants to post in
how dare you NOT oppress Jews
fucking gentile privilege
she enjoys her personal space
What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with her teeth
that face is proof that their evolutionary trajectory is unnatural.
then perhaps you should have done that before posting it here, retard
no wonder the kikes are winning
generations of inbreeding
I wish I could tell that parasite to shut the fuck up.
Hmm this appears to be blatant racism. Calling EVERY non jew a slave/cattle? Probably a violation of her hiring contract...
It's another "Yas Forums fails to perceive sarcasm" thread...
Obviously some sort of jew trick.
Gradually, I began to hate them...
Hvem er Kaj den kraftfulde
they aren't interchangeable you absolute retard.
You can literally see from the cropped map they have similar dna to southern french and italians
Epstein has those same exact teeth
What a pathetic lie.
she probably makes you sign a loan application and sign a power of attorney for the $20
He is the Frogman
but what did she mean by this?
The funniest thing is that they can't "slur gentiles" because Jews are an "oppressed minority".
Just wait a year. Youre gonna see a bunch of news stories how quarantine has made minorities dumber because they didn't get their schooling. While whiteys standardized test scores go up due to homeschooling and their "privilege"
Yeah "kike" makes the sentence sound way funnier, tranny.
Gentile comes from the latin word Gentilis.
gentilis (Latin)
Origin & history
(Classical) IPA: /ɡenˈtiː.lis/
Pronunciation example: Audio (Classical)
of or belonging to the same family or gēns
Goyim means nation. What is a nation (pic related)
she enjoys cinema