Yes, backtracking, everyone knows to never apologizes or backtrack makes you look stupid and weak.
Dominic Gutierrez
The child she had with tom Brady has turned out ok.
James Nguyen
Libshits are having a bad week. Joe-Pedo is going senile. He raped a woman and now we have corroborating evidence. Trump told the MSM kike shills to go fuck themselves. Country is about to re-open, permanently fucking the left's chances of winning the election. But hey, keep running with the bleach meme!
Worst of all, my state has educated people that closing public bathrooms and handwashing areas is the best way to avoid the spread of disease. Many businesses have followed suit and closed their handwashing facilities as well. Big brother knows best.
Jackson Richardson
>say something nice about FLOTUS She's hotter than the fucking sun! Happy birthday, Melania!
Jacob Morales
>Did he really make a mistake? The haters are a mistake
Christian Reed
She's doing exactly what a first lady should; supporting her family and having a small cause instead of crusading to ruin lives across the nation. Taking care of Baron is more important than anything else the media kikery would have a FLOTUS do
I have no more hope that Trump can win re-election. The last week has blackpilled me completely. Biden will get in office and open the floodgates on the borders and there will never be a conservative Republican elected ever again.
John Thomas
She's the best FLOTUS in living memory. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELANIA!
>Biden won't make it to november I hope so, but Trump in an untenable situation right now. If he opens things back up in the next week the media and Democrats will blame him for every death that follows. If he waits to long he causes an economic depression and is toast. Meanwhile you've got Biden hiding and the bought out media being hypercritical of every single thing Trump and his administration does.
>21 years ago office space was a comedy about gen xers being unhappy in the work place >all they had to do was work at some shit office filing papers and they'd get paid a decent middle class salary to do so, they don't even have to know how to code >32 years ago the Simpsons was about a fat middle aged boomer who was a "loser" >his salary adjusted for inflation would be about the same as a 4-person family on average now makes >just watched a commercial with boomers/xers working for dominos delivering pizzas to stay alive after their job was outsourced
It makes you think how shitty things have gotten. Comedy was "this job sucks" to "I wish I had a job Lol. Things really do get worse.
>The media don't already blame him for everything. It isn't a matter of IF they will blame him. It's a question of IF anyone other than hard-core tranny leftists will believe them.
Yeah, everyone is so poor now they own an iPhone and two flat-screens in their air-conditioned apartment where they buy pot to smoke all day, and they are so low on money that their fat asses are spreading out all over the countryside from the 3-peoples-worth of food they eat every day. FUCK MILLENNIALS!
Andrew King
total deaths on April 21: 1,564 count today: 1,550
FOUR MORE YEARS >for more tears FOUR MORE YEARS >for more tears FOUR MORE YEARS >for more tears FOUR MORE YEARS >for more tears FOUR MORE YEARS >for more tears FOUR MORE YEARS >for more tears
>Pretending a masters in gender studies is worth even wiping your ass with. Try checking the starting salary for a REAL master's degree, like in engineering or something.
Alexander Morales
literally who?
Cooper Cook
Her birthday is in March, retard. Pretty funny that Trump got to fuck her and SHE had to pay HIM.
Henry Kelly
>Try checking the starting salary for a REAL master's degree, like in engineering or something. I have one, you'd be amazed how shitty it really is
Lots of crops prefer poos in outright discrimination
I don't watch the electric jew, sounds slick though
Christopher Jackson
Stormy Daniels is the First Lady.
That can't be true. I heard it was the First Lady's birthday today.
Elijah Perry
>Virgin Galactic in your lifetime! is not the virgin group in trouble, that guy richard branson is trying to get a bailout from the UK government
Ryan Martin
never happened It was a Michael Cohen created hoax
Dylan Long
>When you call everyone a boomer because you have no idea what that is. Why would I need social security, retard? I have a high-paying job. That's because I didn't waste my youth smoking pot and bitching on social media about how unfair it was that some people made more money than I did.
Oliver Martin
>255236634 >Leftists donated money to Stormy who in turn had to pay Trump for lawsuit costs Leftists hate orange man so much they donate him money
Nicholas Wilson
A brutal cull might work.
Tyler Foster
You could fuck them all and then there will be none left.
David Baker
Where do you live
Oliver Howard
you can start by not using words the SPLC and ADL tell you to use
>I-I have a masters in engineering. >T-they pay us $15/hr. You really suck at this. JIDF should fire your ass.
Samuel Watson
You can pay Indian workers on visas next to nothing and then just discard them when you're done with them. Way easier and cheaper than hiring Americans. But look on the bright side- engineering majors get first pick on the barrista jobs.
Isaiah Smith
Well a lot of the hoax unemployed don't work remote and tech niggers do, so it's not overlap as much. Add to that the people who got axed prolly don't want those same jobs, and so don't give a shit about potential soi eaters who wasted too much money on student loans and now can't get those jobs. I doubt my fren who's a master mason is going to want to give up cutting stone after 20 years and learn to code.
>Jonathan Martin >Maggie Haberman I haven't seen cope like this since the day after Trump was elected How can Republicans be "stuck" with someone who is shattering primary records in every state?
Credit-based purchasing is the downfall of the west, too many people buying outside of their class for instant gratification's sake. There's no motivation to get out of the lower/middle class if you can afford to buy the things they do.
John Bailey
Yeah, all these prison cell pleasures are so wonderful that everyone needs to drug themselves every day
Landon Taylor
more of
Angel Robinson
this is the dumbest shill line or action I've seen in any trump gen thread, and I remember when some tard kept posting a green owl with a skateboard nonstop in /tg/ threads
Who wants to see a YouTube movie of my "Deadpool" party?
If you do or do not, I will upload it in a bit.
Suck my dick, fuck my fuck, fuck my wife.. Butts are cool, big butts are cooler... Rape my fuck.. I fucked shit. Shit my fuck!! Butts and butts and stuff!!
You left out the part where Pelosi tried to pass legislation that would BLOCK Trump from banning travel from China.
Jason Baker
wtf how'd you get my Facebook profile picture?
Levi Morales
I don't want to come off as being a dick here, but what's it like being constantly angry for 4 straight years? That has to take a lot out of you. I imagine your personal life has suffered a lot because of it. Your friends and family are probably concerned for your health. You really should take a good look around and realize the damage you're doing not just to yourself, but to the people you love.